Hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent treatment Using vortex … · Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment: Using Vortex-based Cavitation Devices by Varaha Prasad Sarvothaman - [PDF Document] (2024)

Hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent treatment Using vortex …· Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment: Using Vortex-based Cavitation Devices by Varaha Prasad Sarvothaman - [PDF Document] (1)


Hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent treatmentUsing vortex-based cavitation devices

Sarvothaman, Varaha Prasad

Award date:2020

Awarding institution:Queen's University Belfast

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Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment:

Using Vortex-based Cavitation Devices

by Varaha Prasad Sarvothaman

Being a thesis submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

to the

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Of Queen’s University Belfast

Based on research conducted under the direction of

Professor Vivek V. Ranade


Professor Peter K.J. Robertson

February 2020

Hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent treatment Using vortex …· Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment: Using Vortex-based Cavitation Devices by Varaha Prasad Sarvothaman - [PDF Document] (3)

Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment i


I declare that

i. the thesis is not one for which a degree has been or will be conferred by any other university

or institution;

ii. the thesis is not one for which a degree has already been conferred by this University;

iii. the work for the thesis is my own work and that, where materials are submitted by me for

another degree or work undertaken by me as part of a research group has been incorporated

into the thesis, the extent of the work thus incorporated has been clearly indicated;

iv. the composition of the thesis is my own work.

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I wish to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Professor Vivek Ranade who

has been a constant support during the entire PhD study and made it a truly enjoyable one. I would

also like to thank my second supervisor - Professor Peter Robertson for his support and assistance. I

am extremely grateful to my supervisors for their help in shaping this work. This work would not have

been possible without the Special Research Scholarship provided by the University, the award of

Studentship by grant code: G1013CHM is gratefully acknowledged. A special thanks to my examiners

Professor Gary Leeke and Dr Haresh Manyar, and the chair: Professor Andrew Mills for agreeing to

conduct the viva examination over Skype.

I also wish to thank members of my review committee: Professor David Rooney and Dr Chirangano

Mangwandi for their constructive comments during review meetings, which were helpful in gauging

my progress and improve from thereon. I am also grateful to my colleague’s Dr Sanjay Nagarajan and

Dr Alister Simpson, who mentored me and provided me practical suggestions whenever I was stuck. I

would also like to thank my colleagues: Sebastien, Ajinkya, Manish, Peter, Yu and Chirag for their help

and support. Also, I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the staff at the School of Chemistry

and Chemical Engineering: Miss Karen Moore, Mr Kirin Hill, Miss Audrey Small, Mr Colin Darrah, Mr

Steve Heron and Miss Jacqueline O’Connor for their help and support to my research work.

This acknowledgement will remain incomplete without thanking mentors from my Masters and

Bachelors education. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor S.K. Gupta and Dr. P. R. Naren

for having a profound belief in my abilities, I remain gratefully indebted to them.

I am indebted to all my friends and family. I would like to start by thanking a very dear friend: Shekhar

R Kulkarni, a pillar of support and who has been instrumental in my growth. Next I would like to

express my sincere gratitude to my parents - Shanthi and Sarvothaman, my aunt Revathi, my

grandmother Ranganayaki, my brothers – Madhvaprasad and Guruprasad & all other family members.

I am indebted to my friends: Subash, Rajasekaran, Kiran, Anu, Ramgopal and Skandan for their

friendship and warmth.

Finally, I dedicate this thesis to the memory of my grandfather V. Ragothama Rao.

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Hydrodynamic cavitation is the formation, growth and collapse of vapour/gas-filled cavities. The

collapsing cavities result in intense shear and formation of hydroxyl radicals thereby leading to

physicochemical transformations. These physicochemical effects can be utilised for a variety of

industrially relevant applications. The promise of this technological platform arises from the absence

of additives, realisation of the phenomenon by fluidic devices often without moving parts and the

potential to retrofit and scale-up. In this thesis, application of hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent

treatment is investigated. Despite the promise, hydrodynamic cavitation based effluent treatment is

limited in industrial practice. This could be due to problems arising from the use of conventional -

linear flow devices, namely venturi tubes or orifice plates that are prone to erosion and clogging.

Recently a vortex-based cavitation device has been disclosed, this device employs rotational flow to

harness hydrodynamic cavitation. The device does not use restrictions and shields cavities from the

reactor wall – thereby lowering propensity to erosion and clogging, which are problems typically

encountered in conventional hydrodynamic cavitation devices.

There have been efforts to demonstrate typical applications of the vortex based hydrodynamic

cavitation device, however, systematic characterisation is lacking. The lacunae for systematic

characterisation were identified as, lack of i) clear guidelines to identify inception, ii) reaction

engineering models to design these devices for continuous effluent treatment, and iii) understanding

on the influence of scale on performance. An attempt to address the identified lacunae is made in this

work as discussed here.

Chapter 1 provides a background, applications, parameters influencing hydrodynamic cavitation

devices and the motivation for the thesis work. Chapter 2 discusses the use of cavitation noise for

identifying inception in cavitation devices. This was achieved by the use of smartphone recording of

cavitation noise and post-processing of recorded data using a MATLAB code. This can be used as an

unambiguous and non-invasive approach to identify cavitating conditions. Chapter 3 reviews existing

reaction engineering models and proposes a model suitable for cavitation devices for effluent

treatment. A per-pass modelling methodology was developed for effluent treatment, containing

simulated effluent with solvents. The developed model can be used to compare cavitation devices,

provides a basis for translating batch data to design continuous cavitation based wastewater

treatment and provides a way towards linking sophisticated models of cavitation.

Chapter 4 proposes a multi-layer model by coupling computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and cavity

dynamics models to the per-pass modelling methodology, which was used to simulate the

performance of vortex-based hydrodynamic cavitation devices and in general any hydrodynamic

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cavitation device. The multi-layer modelling approach provides a sound basis for further work on

optimisation of cavitation reactors. Chapter 5 discusses the evaluation of performance of four

different scales (flow capacities – 1.3, 5, 19.5 and 248 LPM at ΔP = 280 kPa) of vortex-based cavitation

device using an aromatic pollutant. Correlations to explain obtained data based on per-pass

degradation coefficient is proposed and discussion regarding the scale-up of vortex-based devices is


This thesis carries out a systematic characterisation of a novel vortex-based cavitation device for

effluent treatment. The important aspects of the performed work are: i) it is the first to systematically

propose a per-pass model for degradation of simple pollutants such as acetone/isopropyl

alcohol/ethyl acetate and complex pollutants – dichloroaniline in water and ii) to investigate the

influence of scale of cavitation device (device was scaled-up 200 times). The models developed and

results obtained in this work will be useful for expanding applications of hydrodynamic cavitation and

vortex based devices for effluent treatment.

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Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Historical development and review of applications ........................................................... 1

1.2 Brief review of previous studies on hydrodynamic cavitation ........................................... 3

1.2.1 Hydrodynamic cavitation devices ................................................................................... 3

1.2.2 Operating parameters ..................................................................................................... 5

1.2.3 Modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation device/processes ............................................ 13

1.3 Scope of thesis ................................................................................................................. 16

Chapter 2: Identifying inception of cavitation ...................................................................................... 19

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 19

2.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................... 22

2.2.1 Experimental setup and procedure .............................................................................. 22

2.2.2 Data processing for identification of cavitation inception ........................................... 26

2.2.3 Criteria for identifying inception ................................................................................... 26

2.3 Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 29

2.3.1 Influence of temperature .............................................................................................. 32

2.3.2 Influence of pressure drop ............................................................................................ 34

2.4 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 40

Chapter 3: Influence of Operating Parameters on Vortex-Based Cavitation: Influence of Operating

Pressure Drop, Temperature, Aeration and Reactor Scale ................................................................... 42

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 42

3.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................... 45

3.3 Mathematical model ........................................................................................................ 48

3.4 Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 52

3.4.1 Influence of temperature .............................................................................................. 52

3.4.2 Influence of liquid volume ............................................................................................ 55

3.4.3 Influence of flow Rate through/ pressure drop across cavitation device ..................... 56

3.4.4 Influence of aeration ..................................................................................................... 60

3.4.5 Influence of nature of pollutant .................................................................................... 62

3.4.6 Influence of pollutant concentration ............................................................................ 63

3.4.7 Influence of scale .......................................................................................................... 64

3.5 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 66

Chapter 4: Modelling of Vortex-Based Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactors ......................................... 68

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 68

4.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................... 72

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4.3 Modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation devices ............................................................... 73

4.3.1 CFD model of vortex-based cavitation devices ............................................................. 76

4.3.2 Cavity dynamics models to estimate generation of hydroxyl radicals ......................... 77

4.4 Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 78

4.4.1 Degradation performance of vortex-based cavitation reactor ..................................... 78

4.4.2 Estimation of ф .............................................................................................................. 78

4.4.3 Application of the developed model for optimisation.................................................. 86

4.5 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................ 88

Chapter 5: Influence of scale on vortex-based cavitation .................................................................... 90

5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 90

5.2 Experimental .................................................................................................................... 91

5.3 Mathematical model ........................................................................................................ 92

5.4 Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 94

5.4.1 Pressure drop correlation for vortex-based devices ..................................................... 94

5.4.2 Influence of liquid volume and initial concentration .................................................... 95

5.4.3 DCA degradation – influence of scale ........................................................................... 96

5.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 101

Chapter 6: Summary, conclusions and suggestions for further work ................................................ 102

6.1 Summary and conclusions ............................................................................................. 102

6.2 Suggestions for further work ......................................................................................... 104

References .......................................................................................................................................... 106

Appendix A: Photograph of experimental setups using vortex-based cavitation devices ................. 119

Appendix B: MATLAB program for interpreting cavitation noise ....................................................... 120

Appendix C: Calibration curve for acetone analysis ........................................................................... 124

Appendix D: Images of transparent orifice cavitation device ............................................................. 125

............................................................................................................................................................ 126

Appendix E: Equations for cavity dynamics models ........................................................................... 127

Appendix F: Full text of papers published .......................................................................................... 129

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List of figures

Figure 1.1 Number of articles reporting the use of hydrodynamic cavitation (ScienceDirect Search).

Figure 1.2 (a) Cavitation devices based on linear flow (Carpenter et al. 2017), (b) cavitation device based on rotational flow (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) and (c) hybrid cavitation device based on swirling-linear flow (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

Figure 1.3 Pressure profile in (a) venturi-based cavitation device [Simpson and Ranade, 2019a] and (b) vortex based cavitation device [Nagarajan and Ranade, 2019].

Figure 1.4 Hydrazine degradation profile by acoustic cavitation (Nakui et al. 2007).

Figure 1.5 Effect of operating pressure drop on degradation of Orange-G dye (Saharan et al. 2013).

Figure 1.6 Typical results from cavity dynamics model (Pawar et al. 2017).

Figure 1.7 Geometrical details of vortex based cavitation device (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

Figure 2.1 Photograph of venturi at different operating pressure drop (Soyama and Hoshino, 2016).

Figure 2.2 (a) Schematic of experimental setup for vortex based cavitation devices, to operate devices D1, D2 and D3, and (b) position of microphone on the vortex based cavitation device D2.

Figure 2.3 Amplitude profile for device D2 at T = 3 oC.

Figure 2.4 Typical FFT spectra (postprocessing of data with MATLAB program – Appendix B) for device D2 at T = 3 oC.

Figure 2.5 FFT profiles for an orifice based cavitation device at different pressure drop and T = 18 oC (device geometry reported on Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

Figure 2.6 (a) Value of intensity at 2.543 kHz in the FFT spectra and (b) maximum value of intensity in the FFT spectra, for orifice based device.

Figure 2.7 Influence of temperature on intensity value at 1.056 kHz for vortex based cavitation device – D2 at ΔP = 250 kPa.

Figure 2.8 Influence of pressure drop on number peaks beyond threshold value = 0.01 dB for vortex based cavitation device – D2 at T = 3 oC.

Figure 2.9 Influence of pressure drop on FFT spectra for vortex based cavitation device – D2 at T = 3 oC.

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Figure 2.10 Influence of pressure drop on intensity values in FFT spectra for vortex based cavitation device – D2 at T = 3 oC at (a) 2.004 kHz, (b) 4.009 kHz, (c) 7.091 kHz and (d) 9.009 kHz.

Figure 2.11 Influence of pressure drop on number of peaks beyond threshold = 0.01 dB for device – D1 at T = 3 oC.

Figure 2.12 Influence of pressure drop on number of peaks beyond threshold = 0.01 dB for device – D3 at T = 3 oC.

Figure 3.1 Representation of a typical cavitation set-up used in industry.

Figure 3.2 Experimental set – up and vortex-based cavitation device.

Figure 3.3 Typical concentration and temperature profiles.

Figure 3.4 Influence of temperature on per-pass degradation factor, φ.

Figure 3.5 Influence of vessel volume on degradation performance.

Figure 3.6 Pressure drop and throat velocity relationships for vortex based cavitation devices.

Figure 3.7 Influence of pressure drop on degradation performance.

Figure 3.8 Influence of pressure drop on per – pass degradation factor.

Figure 3.9 Influence of pressure drop on effective cavitation yield (φ/∆P).

Figure 3.10 Effect of aeration on degradation performance.

Figure 3.11 Influence of chemical nature of pollutant on degradation performance.

Figure 3.12 Influence of initial pollutant concentration.

Figure 3.13 Influence of scale on degradation performance.

Figure 4.1 Schematic of experimental set-up.

Figure 4.2 Approach for modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors.

Figure 4.3 Influence of throat velocity on performance of cavitation device – D2.

Figure 4.4 A sample of simulated results using the CFD model (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) cavitation device – D2, throat velocity = 3 m/s.

Figure 4.5 Regions of gas core (�� > 0.5) and cavity collapse (0.5 > �� > 0.1) cavitation device – D2, throat velocity = 3 m/s (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b).

Figure 4.6 Simulated average gas volume fraction ϵ�� in the cavity collapsing region.

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Figure 4.7 Simulated contours of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent frequency in the region of interest [cavitation device – D2, throat velocity = 3 m/s], (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b).

Figure 4.8 Simulated average turbulent kinetic energy, kR in the cavity collapsing region.

Figure 4.9 Sensitivity towards normalised bulk pressure.

Figure 4.10 Influence of initial cavity size on estimated per – pass degradation factor cavitation device – D2, 3.5 m/s throat velocity.

Figure 4.11 Influence of downstream pressure on degradation for cavitation device – D2, acetone contaminated water, initial concentration: ~ 1000 ppm.

Figure 4.12 Influence of downstream pressure on per – pass degradation factor for cavitation device – D2, upstream pressure= 300 kPa.

Figure 5.1 (a) UV-Visible spectrum for DCA and (b) calibration curve created for DCA.

Figure 5.2 Pressure drop and flow relationships for vortex based cavitation devices.

Figure 5.3 Influence of liquid volume on degradation performance, device – D3, starting concentration (C0).

Figure 5.4 Influence of initial concentration on degradation performance, device – D2, (VL) = 3 L.

Figure 5.5 Degradation profile at 280-kPa for devices (a) D1, (b) D2, (c) D3 and (d) D4.

Figure 5.6 Influence of per-pass degradation with device scale.

Figure 5.7 Degradation profile at 280-kPa for devices D1, D2, D3 and D4.

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List of tables

Table 1.1 Studies reporting the effect of temperature on hydrodynamic cavitation performance.

Table 1.2 Studies reporting the effect of pH on hydrodynamic cavitation performance.

Table 1.3 Studies using cavitation noise to identify cavitation inception.

Table 1.4 Flow rate and dimensions of cavitation devices used in this study.

Table 2.1 Details about experiments and the setup used in this study.

Table 2.2 Number of peaks beyond threshold value counted by MATLAB program (Appendix B) for the orifice based device.

Table 3.1 Details of experimental set-ups used for solvent degradation experiments.

Table 3.2 Estimated values of φ0 with ΔE/R = 3950 K.

Table 4.1 Details of experimental set-ups used for acetone degradation experiments.

Table 5.1 Details of operating liquid volume in the holding tank for different diode setups.

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b Non-isothermal correction factor for piece-wise linear temperature profile (-)

cl Speed of sound in liquid medium (m/s)

cv Speed of sound in gas medium (m/s)

cmlf Speed of sound in multiphase flow (m/s)

Ca Cavitation number (-)

C Outlet concentration for industrial cavitation setup (µmol/m3)

C0 Starting concentration of pollutants in experiments (ppm)

CC Critical concentration of pollutant (µmol/m3)

Cin Inlet concentration for industrial cavitation setup (µmol/m3)

COH Concentration of hydroxyl radical at collapse (kmol/m3)

CS Concentration of scavengers (kmol/m3)

C1 constant coefficient 1

C2 constant coefficient 2

dt Throat diameter of cavitation device (mm)

D1 Vortex-based cavitation device, with dt = 3-mm

D2 Vortex-based cavitation device, with dt = 6-mm

D3 Vortex-based cavitation device, with dt = 12-mm

D4 Vortex-based cavitation device, with dt = 38-mm

fv Vapour mass fraction (-)

fg Non-condensable gas mass fraction (-)

G Generation rate of hydroxyl radicals (kmol/ s)

k turbulence kinetic energy (m2/s2)

k0 Second order rate constant of reaction between hydroxyl radicals and other reactants

than pollutant of interest (M-1 s-1)

k2 Second order rate constant (M-1 s-1)

kb Apparent first order rate constant (s-1)

L Large cavitating device with a nominal capacity of 1.2 m3/hr

mOH Hydroxyl radicals generated per collapse (kmol/s)

Mwp Molecular weight of pollutant (kg/kg-mole)

n Number of collapsing cavities per second (s-1)

nc Number density of cavitation events (number/m3 s)

np Number of passes through cavitation device (-)

p pressure (absolute) (Pa)

pv saturated vapour pressure (Pa)

P1 Upstream pressure in cavitation device (kPa)

P2 Upstream pressure in cavitation device (kPa)

ΔP Pressure drop across cavitation device (kPa)

q Net flow in typical industrial cavitation setup (m3/s)

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Q Recirculating flow through cavitation device (m3/s)

R Universal gas constant (J/mol K)

Re evaporation mass transfer rate source term

Rc condensation mass transfer rate source term

T Bulk temperature, (K)

V Volume of holding tank (m3)

Vin Volume of cavity at inception (m3)

v Throat velocity in cavitation device (m/s)

vt Throat velocity (m/s)

Y Cavitational yield (µg/J)

yR Number of hydroxyl radical generated per collapsing cavity (kmol/ cavity)

ΔE Activation energy for pollutant (J/mol)

ΔP Pressure drop across cavitation device (kPa)

ΔT Change in temperature between consecutive number of passes, (K)

zR Stoichiometric coefficient

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Nomenclature – Greek symbols

α Proportionality constant (-)

β Ratio of flow rate through cavitation device (Q) and holding tank volume (V) (s-1)

γ Parameter indicating positive or negative deviation for changing per-pass constant (-)

δ Fraction of generated radicals utilised for pollutant degradation (-)

ϵGR Gas volume fraction (-)

ρ Density of liquid (kg/m3)

ρv Vapour density (kg/m3)

φ Per-pass degradation factor (-)

φ' Confidence interval value for per-pass degradation factor

φ0 Per-pass degradation factor, analogous to Arrhenius factor (-)

φ0,avg Per-pass degradation factor evaluated for non-isothermal condition (-)

φC Critical per-pass degradation factor for pollutant (-)

σ Surface tension (Ns/m2)

τ Residence time of liquid in holding tank (s)

τR Life time of hydroxyl radicals (s)


AOP Advanced oxidation processes

CFD Computational fluid dynamics

DCA 2,4 Dichloroaniline

EA Ethyl acetate

IPA Isopropyl alcohol

HC Hydrodynamic cavitation

WWT Wastewater treatment

UV Ultraviolet

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1. Sarvothaman, V.P., Simpson, A.T. and Ranade, V.V., 2019. Modelling of vortex based

hydrodynamic cavitation reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 377, 119639.

2. Sarvothaman, V.P., Nagarajan, S. and Ranade, V.V., 2018. Treatment of Solvent-

Contaminated Water Using Vortex-Based Cavitation: Influence of Operating Pressure Drop,

Temperature, Aeration, and Reactor Scale. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,

57(28), 9292-9304.

To be submitted

1. Sarvothaman, V.P., Simpson, A.T., Nagarajan, S., and Ranade, V.V., ‘Scale-up of vortex-based

cavitation devices’ to be submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (Research) journal.

2. Ranade, V.V. and Sarvothaman, V.P, ‘Realising potential of hydrodynamic cavitation: key

challenges, state of the art and path forward’ to Reaction Chemistry & Engineering journal.

3. Sarvothaman, V.P., Shah, R.K., Nagarajan, S., Simpson, A.T., and Ranade, V.V., ‘Identification

of inception in cavitation devices using cavitation noise’ to Ultrasonics and Sonochemistry


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1. V. Sarvothaman and V.V. Ranade, industry pitch - VoDCa for water treatment, North East of

England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) 2019, Middlesbrough, 14 February 2019.

2. V. Sarvothaman, A. Simpson, V.V. Ranade, Vortex based Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactors:

Design & Optimisation, 25th edition of the International Symposium on Chemical Reaction

Engineering (ISCRE25), Florence, Italy, 20-23 May 2018*.

3. V.V. Ranade, A. Simpson, V. Sarvothaman, Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactors for Water

Treatment: Multi-layer Modelling, 8th edition of Asian-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering

(APCRE 2017), East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 12-15

November 2017*.

* V. Sarvothaman was a contributing author to Prof Ranade’s key-note presentation.

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Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment 1

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hydrodynamic cavitation is a process of generation, growth and subsequent collapse of gas/vapour

filled cavities leading to intense shear and hydroxyl radicals, which can be harnessed to intensify

chemical and physical transformations. Cavitation phenomena are notoriously complex and difficult

to predict (Sarc et al. 2017), despite intense research on identifying and developing new applications.

There is a lack of quantitative understanding of processes occurring in cavitation reactors and

therefore an ability to design and scale-up cavitation processes is severely limited. This is mainly

because of the large span of spatio–temporal scales involved in the underlying processes: ranging from

a formation of a single cavity (less than 10 µm, ~ 10-4 s) – cluster of cavities (mm scale, ~ 10-3 s) –

cavitation reactor scale (~100 cm, ~ 10-1 s). Primary issues such as erosion and clogging due to

limitations in device design severely restrict the industrial applicability of hydrodynamic cavitation.

Apart from minimising limitations of device type, significant modelling efforts are needed for these

devices. The efforts needed are: models for continuous cavitation based water treatment, models for

simulating performance of these devices and understanding (and then modelling) the influence of

scale of cavitation device. The work presented in this thesis attempts to take steps towards bridging

these gaps. A brief review of historical developments and published studies in recent years is included

in the following section. The scope and organisation of the thesis are outlined after the review.

1.1 Historical development and review of applications

Cavitation, in general was viewed as undesirable phenomenon due to its deleterious effects (Hammitt

and Rogers, 1970) and the studies prior to the 1990’s were primarily to evaluate material damage

mechanisms (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a). It was not until the mid-1990’s that the localised hotspots

– high temperature and pressure, leading to shear and radical production resulting from

hydrodynamic cavitation were harnessed for applications. A few of the earliest articles demonstrating

the applications for hydrodynamic cavitation were reported by Pandit and Joshi (1993) and Save et al.

1994 for the hydrolysis of fatty oils and water disinfection respectively. These studies used a crude

form to harness hydrodynamic cavitation, i.e. by throttling of valves downstream of a pump to induce

cavitating conditions. In the following five-year periods, between 1995 to 2016, there has been a sharp

increase in the number of articles reporting the use of hydrodynamic cavitation based applications

(Figure 1.1). These have mostly used orifice/venturi based hydrodynamic cavitation reactors. In the

recent years, the number of articles has steadily climbed and is nearly 900 (annually) in the last couple

of years (2018 and 2019). This can be attributed to an extensive interest in using cavitation for

exploring different applications.

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Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment 2

Some of the reported key applications of hydrodynamic cavitation are: i) treatment of wastewater

containing: solvent (Suryawanshi et al. 2018), dyes (Gore et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2018),

pharmaceuticals (Thanekar et al. 2018) and microbes (Burzio et al. 2019; Jain et al. 2019), ii)

intensifying liquid-liquid reactions (Farvardin et al. 2019; Wu et al. 2017) and iii) pre-treatment of

biomass (Nagarajan and Ranade, 2019; Nakashima et al. 2016). Several companies are attempting to

commercialise the applications of hydrodynamic cavitation (for example: Biobang, 2019; Cavimax,

2019; Cavitation Technologies, 2019; Dynaflow, 2019; Vivira Process Technologies, 2019). Most of the

reviews in hydrodynamic cavitation primarily focus on applications (Holkar et al. 2019; Waghmare et

al. 2019; Dular et al. 2016; Ozonek, 2012). The discussion about key issues such as design of

hydrodynamic cavitation devices; role of operating parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved

gases; and scale-up is not adequate. Some of the reviews imply that the scale-up of hydrodynamic

cavitation is ‘’relatively easy’’ (for example: Holkar et al. 2019; Carpenter et al. 2017) without

discussing any specific evidence. In the following section (Section 1.2), previously published studies

are reviewed with reference to devices, operating parameters (specific to effluent treatment) and

scale–up. Previous attempts of developing mathematical models for quantitative simulations of

hydrodynamic cavitation processes are also briefly reviewed.

Figure 1.1: Number of articles reporting the use of hydrodynamic cavitation

(ScienceDirect Search).

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1.2 Brief review of previous studies on hydrodynamic cavitation

Although there have been significant efforts (Figure 1.1) and multiple companies for commercialising

hydrodynamic cavitation, the use of this technology in practice is still not widely adopted. There are

several factors for holding back from realising the true potential of hydrodynamic cavitation. These

factors can be grouped into two, namely: inadequate designs of cavitation reactor to overcome

processing difficulties and inadequate understanding of underlying phenomena. Although the

underlying phenomenon of cavitation is an important factor to consider, due to the scope of this thesis

being the device design aspects, the review is focussed on understanding state of the art with respect

to cavitation devices (Section 1.2.1), operating parameters (Section 1.2.2) and modelling of cavitation

devices/ processes (Section 1.2.3).

1.2.1 Hydrodynamic cavitation devices

A hydrodynamic cavitation device is designed to realise low pressure regions in a flowing liquid where

the local pressure may decrease to the vapour pressure of the liquid to generate cavitation. This can

be achieved either using devices with or without moving parts. Hydrodynamic cavitation devices with

moving parts, such as the rotor-stator assembly are unconventional but still reported in literature.

Higher operating and maintenance costs, however, does not make it a feasible first choice (Gogate

and Pandit, 2001). Hydrodynamic cavitation devices without moving parts are usually preferred over

rotor-stator assemblies and hence largely reported. Hydrodynamic cavitation devices without moving

parts can be divided into subgroups: devices which realise cavitation by i) linear flow ii) rotational flow

and (iii) their combination (Figure 1.2). This is achieved by either the use of a constriction in the case

of linear flow devices or by utilising rotational flow as in the case of a vortex based cavitation device.

For example, when a liquid is passed through a constriction (Figure 1.3a) or is accelerated by means

of a tangential flow (Figure 1.3b), the liquid velocity increases at the expense of local pressure.

Whenever local pressure falls below vapour pressure of the flowing liquid, gas/vapour filled cavities

are generated which oscillate and collapse downstream after experiencing higher pressures. These

collapsing cavities give rise to intense shear and local hot spots with very high pressures [1000 atm]

and temperatures [5000 K] (Capocelli et al. 2014b; Suslick et al. 1999). These hot spots lead to

formation of highly reactive radicals such as the hydroxyl radicals. The generated shear, local hot spots

and hydroxyl radicals lead to various physicochemical transformations and applications thereof.

Linear flow device variants such as venturi and orifice have been widely used for different applications

(Kumar et al. 2018; Badmus et al. 2018; Thanekar et al. 2018; Gore et al. 2014; Braeutigam et al. 2012).

The orifice and venturi are cavitation devices which employ restrictions or sudden contractions to

effect hydrodynamic cavitation. However, the collapse of cavities in these devices are not shielded

from the walls downstream of the device and hence these devices are susceptible to erosion and

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clogging issues (Albanese et al. 2017). Apart from these processing difficulties, there has been no

uniform methodologies or guidelines for device design for the orifice/venturi based designs (Simpson

and Ranade, 2019b). The demonstration of applications by the use of these devices have been ad-hoc

thereby making the results from one study incomparable to another. Additionally, arriving at an

understanding to propose guidelines for device design would not be possible.

Devices based on rotational flows are relatively recent and do not use constrictions to realise

cavitation (see for example, a vortex based cavitation device disclosed by Ranade et al. 2017). This

device differs from conventional linear flow based designs by setting up a vortex to generate cavitation

so that the collapsing cavities are shielded from the reactor walls inherently by device design (Simpson

and Ranade, 2019a).

Figure 1.2: (a) Cavitation devices based on linear flow (Carpenter et al. 2017), (b) cavitation device based on rotational flow (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) and (c) hybrid cavitation device based on

swirling-linear flow (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

It is possible to combine rotational and linear flows to generate cavitation. Simpson and Ranade

(2019a) reported the use of swirling flow to shield cavities in orifice/venturi based designs. Though

these hybrid devices show promise, these still use small constrictions and therefore are susceptible to

clogging. In this thesis, the focus therefore is on investigating performance of vortex based cavitation

devices without using small constrictions namely the vortex diode.

Studies for the flow and design of vortex diode have been performed by Kulkarni et al. (Kulkarni et al.

2008; Kulkarni et al. 2009), in which different geometries of the device were investigated.

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Recommendations were made for better geometrical design based on pressure drop characteristics.

Pandare and Ranade (2015) presented the single phase flow results for the vortex diode and

complexities in the flow involved. Recently, Simpson and Ranade (2019b) have studied the flow

characteristics at different scales of operation. However, there is still a lack of systematic experimental

characterisation of vortex diode as a cavitation device, which is explored in this thesis. The design of

the vortex diode used in this work is based on the configuration disclosed by Ranade et al. (2017). The

next section (Section 1.2.2) will review the effect of operating parameters on hydrodynamic cavitation.

Figure 1.3: Pressure profile in (a) venturi-based cavitation device [Simpson and Ranade, 2019a] and

(b) vortex based cavitation device [Nagarajan and Ranade, 2019].

1.2.2 Operating parameters

The performance of hydrodynamic cavitation device is a function of operating temperature, pH,

pressure drop across the device, type of dissolved gas and concentration of reactant (Holkar et al.

2019; Carpenter et al. 2017; Tao et al. 2016). A brief review of published studies discussing influence

of these operating parameters on the effluent treatment application is included in the following

subsections. Operating temperature

Operating temperature will change the vapour pressure of liquid streams (wastewater). It is therefore

expected to have significant influence on the extent and effect of hydrodynamic cavitation.

(a) (b)

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Degradation of a variety of pollutants such as dyes and phenolics, and the influence of hydrodynamic

cavitation at different bulk liquid temperatures is shown in Table 1.1. These reports compiled in Table

1.1 predominantly used isothermal conditions, however, there are no studies which report pollutant

degradation for non-isothermal operation.

Table 1.1: Studies reporting the effect of temperature on hydrodynamic cavitation performance.

Temperature range (oC)

Pollutant Cavitation

device type Observations

Optimal temperature

(oC) Reference

30 – 40 2,4

Dinitrophenol Orifice

Cavitation performance

is best at 35 oC 35

Bagal and Gogate (2013)

20 – 40


wastewater: Orange Acid – II

and Brilliant Green


Rate constant decreased by 0.23 times for Orange Acid – II and by 0.78

times for Brilliant

Green, for increase in T

from 20 to 40 oC

20 Gogate and

Bhosale (2013)

25 and > 25 Carbamazepine Orifice

Temperature > 25 oC reduced degradation performance

25 Braeutigam et al. (2012)

30 and 40

Rhodamine B

Orifice and Venturi

Degradation profile is

different over 120-minute

run, however, the final

degradation was within 5%

Invariant Mishra and

Gogate (2010)

20 and 30

Industrial wastewater


50% more degradation at 30, than at 20


20 Chakinala et

al. (2009)

30 – 60

Alachlor Swirling jet

induced cavitation

Cavitation performance

is best at 40 oC 40

Wang and Zhang (2008)

A study with ultrasonic cavitation systems reported the effect of temperature on cavitation intensity

of a number of liquids. A cavitation intensity meter was used for this purpose (Niemczewski, 1980).

Niemczewski reported that cavitation intensity was highest with water (amongst the 38 liquids used)

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at T = 35 oC. The results suggest that highest degradation performance would also be under similar

operating temperature in water. However, not all the studies (in Table 1.1) report T = 35 oC as the

temperature for highest degradation. In a study reporting degradation of two dyes; ‘Brilliant Green’

and ‘Orange Acid II’ (Gogate and Bhosale, 2013), for an increase in operating temperature from 20 to

40 oC, the degradation performance decreased drastically for ‘Brilliant Green’ dye. In the case of

‘Orange Acid II’ dye, the influence of temperature was not so drastic. Another study reported the

degradation of alachlor between operating temperatures of 30 and 60 oC (Wang and Zhang, 2008).

The results indicated that when T > 40 oC, the degradation performance decreased, which may be

because of excessive vapour formation leading to reduction in cavitation intensity.

The optimal temperature reported by the studies vary from 20 to 40 oC based on the pollutant

degradation performance. Increasing temperature is expected to increase the formation of vapours,

which might lead to higher compressibility and thereby reducing performance. From the literature, it

can be observed that a higher temperature (> 40 oC) would be detrimental to the performance.

Therefore, an optimal temperature for operation may exist between 20 and 40 oC, and this will be

dependent on the type of pollutant used. Operating pH

The effect of pH on cavitation performance is typically manifested by its influence on the prevailing

state of the pollutant in water: molecular or ionic form (Carpenter et al. 2017; Capocelli et al. 2014a).

In other words, the pKa of the compound and pH of the operation together will influence the

degradation. When the pH of the system < pKa of the pollutant, the pollutant will exist in its molecular

form. The existence of the pollutant in its molecular form will allow the migration of the pollutant

towards the hydrophobic bubble interface. This migration enhances the interaction/accessibility of

the pollutant to OH radicals produced by cavitation, as compared to the pollutant remaining in the

bulk of the solution (Goel et al. 2004). When the pH of the system > pKa of the pollutant, the pollutant

will exist in its ionic form. The ionic form being polar, will tend to accumulate in the bulk of the liquid.

The radicals formed in cavitation are short-lived and tend to recombine before interacting with the

pollutant in the bulk (Goel et al. 2004). The main oxidising effect in cavitation is because of the OH

radical and it has a half-life of 1 x 10-9 second (Sies, 1993). The experimental studies from

hydrodynamic cavitation for phenolics/dyes at different pH are summarised in Table 1.2.

From Table 1.2, it can be seen that pKa plays a predominant role in the case of degradation of p-

Nitrophenol. For example, Capocelli et al. (2014b) reported that when pH of solution is 8, i.e. higher

than that of pKa value of the compound, the degradation is ~ 10%. While lowering the pH of solution

to values 3 and 5.5 (pH < pKa), increased the degradation by nearly three times. In the case of

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degradation of Acid Red 88 dye: Saharan et al. (2011) reported that the degradation rose sharply (i.e.

by ten times) when was pH was lowered from 4.25 to 2. While the pKa of this dye (Acid Red 88 dye) is

10.7, it is expected that the degradation should improve at pH = 8 or 9. However, this is not the case,

the degradation improves only when the pH is ~ 3.

Table 1.2: Studies reporting the effect of pH on hydrodynamic cavitation performance.

pH range Pollutant pKa of pollutant (if

reported) Observations Reference

3.5, 5.5 and 8

p-Nitrophenol 7.15

Degradation of ~ 30% for pH 3.5 and 5.5, ~ 10 % for pH 8

Capocelli et al.


2 – 10

Rhodamine B 3.5

Degradation i) <

20% for pH value < pKa; ii) ~ 40% for pH = 3.5 and iii) > 70%

for pH = 3

Parsa et al. (2013)

3 and 5.7 Dichlorvos Not reported

Marginal increase

by lowering pH from 5.7 to 3 (13.5

to 16.7%)

Joshi and Gogate


2.2 – 8.2 Methyl

parathion Not reported

pH Degradation (%)

2.2 38.3

3 44.4

4 41.4

5.2 20.8

8.2 18.7

Patil and Gogate


2 - 10

Acid Red 88 Dye


The rate constant x 103 was negligible for pH >= 5.8, ~ 3 for pH = 4.25, ~ 8

for pH = 3 and 32.5 for pH = 2

Saharan et al. (2011)

For the data of Methyl parathion degradation, Patil and Gogate (2012) report that the optimal value

of pH for degradation is 3 (~ 44%). Lowering the pH value from 3 to 2, decreases the degradation to ~

38%. Parsa et al. (2013) reported a similar observation of decrease in performance for the case of

Rhodamine B degradation. This is because at a very low value of pH, i.e. in acidic media, the

recombination of OH radical might proceed at a faster rate (Parsa et al. 2013). In general, it can be

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expected that the existence of the pollutant in its molecular form allows interaction with the OH

radical generated by cavitation (Goel et al. 2004). However, too low a pH might lead to the

recombination of OH radicals, thus, preventing the interaction of OH radicals and the pollutant.

It should be noted that the studies in hydrodynamic cavitation discussed above, deal only with one

functional group and present a somewhat straightforward trend. Though general trend is that for

operation with pH <= pKa should improve degradation, a couple of studies from acoustic cavitation

displayed a different trend. In the degradation of hydrazine reported by Nakui et al. (2007), the

degradation was higher when pH < 2 and pH > 7, when compared to pH = 4 (Figure 1.4). This trend can

still be explained by dissociation. Wang et al. (2008) reported a similar saddle trend for the

degradation of Reactive brilliant red, which contains multiple functional groups.

Thus, the trend in degradation is expected to be straightforward only when the pollutant contains one

functional group. In that case lowering the pH of operation < pKa of compound is expected to improve

degradation, when compared to pH >= pKa (as discussed in the case of p-Nitrophenol or Acid Red 88

Dye). However, in the cases of hydrazine or Reactive brilliant red dye, trends reported are not intuitive.

In such cases, it might be difficult to predict the performance of cavitation with respect to pH without

prior knowledge of existence of dissociated and molecular states of the compound. Dissolved gas

Dissolved gases are expected to influence cavitation in two ways: the first is modifying the inception

and the second is modifying the intensity of cavity collapse. Low pressure region generated in

cavitation devices cause desorption of dissolved gases which may act as a nucleation for further

cavitation, i.e. growth by evaporation of liquid components into gaseous cavity. Extent of dissolved

gases will therefore influence inception of cavitation. Secondly, the dissolved gases will influence

composition as well as transport properties (e.g. heat capacity, compressibility) at the cavity collapse

which has significant impact on generated high temperature, pressure and hydroxyl radicals.

There are very few studies which have focused on the role of dissolved gas on degradation

performance, for hydrodynamic cavitation devices (Wu et al. 2015; Suslick et al. 1997). The study by

Suslick (Suslick et al. 1997) used different ratios of argon and helium gas. The effect of the use of these

gases was quantified by the oxidation reaction of potassium iodide (the so-called Weissler reaction).

The study showed nearly five-fold increase in rate of oxidation of potassium iodide when argon was

used, when compared to equal proportion of argon/helium. In the case of phenol degradation studied

by Wu (Wu et al. 2015), nitrogen, air and oxygen media were studied. The best degradation was

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obtained in the case of introduction of oxygen > air (normal conditions) > nitrogen. The investigation

on the influence of aeration on degradation, for ultrasonic systems, has been reviewed by Gogate

(Gogate, 2002). The review points to boost in degradation of aeration in the case p-Nitrophenol and

p-Chlorophenol (Weavers et al. 1998) and a suppression in the degradation of penta-Chlorophenol

(Petrier et al. 1992). Aeration thus is a promising means to improve performance of hydrodynamic

cavitation. The investigation of influence of aeration on hydrodynamic cavitation is scarce, one of the

studies reports the effect of aeration on degradation performance (Suryawanshi et al. 2018).

Suryawanshi et al. (2018) reported a 10% increase in performance for solvent based degradation with


Figure 1.4: Hydrazine degradation profile by acoustic cavitation (Nakui et al. 2007).

A review of studies using different dissolved gases for ultrasonic cavitation (Rooze et al. 2013) point

out trends in degradation for pollutants with respect to air medium. From this, it can be understood

that sparging of oxygen or air allows the participation of oxygen species in the production of oxidising

radicals and provides more hydroxyl radicals (Rooze et al. 2013). The introduction of nitrogen is

expected to scavenge the radicals and reduce availability for target molecule/pollutant. The

introduction of noble gases (argon or helium) increase the intensity of collapse, but do not directly

participate in the radical production. More studies are required to understand the role of different

dissolved gas (argon or oxygen or aeration) in hydrodynamic cavitation. It is also important to quantify

dissolved oxygen to understand the role of dissolved oxygen on degradation. Operating pressure drop

Hydrodynamic cavitation occurs when the low pressure generated in the cavitation device is able to

generate gas/vapour filled cavities, which grow and collapse in regions of higher pressure. At very low

flow rates through the device, the low pressure generated is not sufficient to generate cavities. At a

sufficiently high flow rate through the device, flow is adequate to generate cavitation and this

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condition of transition between non-cavitating and cavitating condition is termed as the inception of


The cavitational activity is expected to commence at this condition and identification of this condition

becomes crucial for characterisation of the device. A list of recent studies which have studied the

inception condition in literature is presented in Table 1.3. The literature indicates that the

inception/onset of cavitation is accompanied by high frequency noise, characteristic to cavitation as

recommended by numerous studies (Li et al. 2019; Podbevsek et al. 2019; Dezhkunov et al. 2018;

Sakamoto and Kamiirisa 2018; Sarno et al. 2017; Martin et al. 1981). The results from these studies

show that spectral analysis can be applied to data gathered from sophisticated instrumentation such

as hydrophones (Dezhkunov et al. 2018; Sakamoto and Kamiirisa 2018; Ceccio and Mäkiharju, 2017).

Considering the general applicability and an anticipated widespread use of cavitation devices in the

coming years, there is a need for a simple methodology/instrumentation to identify inception.

Many of the studies reporting the use of hydrodynamic cavitation do not report the inception

condition (Sarc et al. 2017). Beyond the inception condition, the cavitational activity is expected to

generate OH radicals and breakdown pollutants. The trend in degradation for a cavitation device is

not monotonic: many studies show the existence of an optimum pressure drop condition for

degradation (Rajoriya et al. 2017; Carpenter et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2014; Joshi and Gogate, 2012).

Saharan et al. (2013) report the use of three cavitation devices for the degradation of orange-G dye

The Figure 1.5 shows an optimal pressure drop for these three devices were as 3 (slit-venturi), 5

(circular venturi) and 5-bar (orifice plate). To understand these conditions, it becomes important to

understand the vapour fraction/presence of cavities in the devices from inception to the optimal

region. At inception conditions, the vapour fraction of cavities is least, and this continually increases

with increase in pressure drop. However, beyond the optimal pressure drop condition, the increase in

number of cavities does not beneficially contribute to degradation performance (Carpenter et al.

2017; Saharan et al. 2014 and references cited therein).

While experimental studies report the existence of optimal pressure drop for degradation, there are

no experimental guidelines for identifying the inception condition. The determination of inception will

help understand the choice of initial condition for pressure drop in these cavitation devices and these

will help in immediate identification rather than rigorous experimentation and analysis. Thus, it can

be said that the inception condition has not been properly characterised by way of simple tools and it

is important to identify the optimal condition for cavitation devices. Moreover, the studies which

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compare different cavitation devices (Rajoriya et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2013; Braeutigam et al. 2012)

use cavitation devices which are geometrically dissimilar. Hence it is very difficult to understand the

influence of scale from the studies.

Table 1.3: Studies using cavitation noise to identify cavitation inception.

Experimental setup

Instrumentation used for

noise monitoring

How noise was used

Key results Reference

Hydrodynamic cavitation setup with different

venturi geometries

Microphone and oscilloscope

Method from previous

literature (Martin et al. 1981) was used: comparing

the spectral densities of operating conditions

Geometric optimisation of venturi devices was proposed

Li et al. 2019


microchannel geometries

Microphone and data acquisition

system Spectral analysis

Comparison of microchannel geometries,

quantification of OH radicals by luminol optical illuminations/

photon counting

Podbevsek et al. 2019

Pulsed ultrasound

Hydrophone and spectrum analyzer

Spectral/harmonic analysis

Stages of

cavitation in a pulsed

ultrasound is identified and


Dezhkunov et al. 2018

Four different ship propellers

Hydrophone Spectral/harmonic


Relation of broadband noise

from actual operation is compared to

developed computational


Sakamoto and Kamiirisa, 2018

The relevant parameters for hydrodynamic cavitation were identified as temperature, pressure drop,

dissolved gas, pH and concentration of reactant. The effect of different pH was not investigated in this

work, as the trends are somewhat clear for the pollutants which were proposed in previous studies.

The effect of temperature, pressure drop, aeration (dissolved gas) and concentration of reactant are

investigated in this work.

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Figure 1.5: Effect of operating pressure drop on degradation of Orange-G dye (Saharan et al. 2013).

1.2.3 Modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation device/processes

The process of hydrodynamic cavitation is the formation, growth and collapse of gas/vapour filled

cavities. As discussed previously, the modelling of this process spans across large spatio-temporal

scales. The modelling approach for cavitation processes can be divided into three, these are:

i) reaction engineering models: which typically assume pseudo first order kinetics follow a

lumped approach to quantify degradation of the overall process (Holkar et al. 2019; Saharan

et al. 2014 and references cited therein;

ii) flow models: which predict the pressure history (turbulence parameters) of cavities, and

vapour fraction at different inlet conditions of a cavitation device (Simpson and Ranade,

2019a; Simpson and Ranade, 2019b); and

iii) cavity dynamics models: which predict the hydroxyl (OH) generation upon cavity collapse

(Gireesan and Pandit, 2017; Krishnan et al. 2006). The cavity dynamics model solves a

Rayleigh-Plesset type of equation coupled with mass and energy balance equations to predict

the radius, temperature and pressure profiles inside a single cavity (Gireesan and Pandit,

2017; Pawar et al. 2017). The typical results of this model are shown in Figure 1.6. In this

thesis, the focus is restricted to the development of reaction engineering models and the use

of cavity dynamics models. The flow models discussed in the thesis were obtained by way of

collaboration within the research group at QUB, these results were included in the thesis for

the sake of completeness of the thesis work.

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The relation between these three models (reaction engineering, flow and cavity dynamics) and the

current state of the art is discussed below:

Majority of the studies in literature carry out a batch operation using cavitation devices, there is no

discussion regarding the use of cavitation devices in a continuous processing. The experimental data

is interpreted using pseudo first order kinetics and the rate constant are reported with units of s-1

(Rajoriya et al. 2017; Capocelli et al. 2014b; Saharan et al. 2014). The studies have shown that the rate

constant (or the degradation) exhibits a maxima with respect to pressure drop across cavitation device

(Rajoriya et al. 2017; Carpenter et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2014; Joshi and Gogate, 2012), as discussed

in Section 1.2.2. In order to understand this behaviour of cavitation device, the rate constant (which

in reality is function of cavitation device configuration, operating conditions, number of passes

through cavitation device) is correlated with results obtained from cavity dynamics models. Extensive

work on cavity dynamics models have been performed by Pandit – Gogate – Moholkar and their co-

workers (Gireesan and Pandit, 2017; Pawar et al. 2017; Krishnan et al. 2006). The prediction of OH

generation from the results of cavity dynamics models is carried out using FactSage (Krishnan et al.

2006). The cavity dynamics models involve several sub-models. There are several uncertainties

associated with the estimation of transport properties, interface boundary conditions and definition

of collapse. The estimation of OH radicals are carried out using Gibbs Free Energy minimisation, with

conditions observed at the first compression of the bubble. Sharma et al. (2008) have attempted to

relate the results obtained cavity dynamics models to the observed behaviour in orifice device. The

work attempts to develop a correlation for temperature, pressure and radical generation at collapse

as function of geometrical parameters of device and initial radius of cavity. Unfortunately, the

applicability of such correlations is limited due to lack of non-standard procedure for design of

hydrodynamic cavitation devices.

In order to relate the models with the device design and operating parameters, it is essential to

connect cavity dynamics models with the fluid dynamics realised in the cavitation device. Several

attempts have been made towards simulating flow in cavitation devices. The flow modelling studies

consist broadly of two groups: the first group focuses on detailed flow characteristics using

sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. The results from the group of Chahine have

shown to successfully reproduce cavity formation (Ma et al. 2017; Hsiao et al. 2017), however, these

studies are disconnected from the performance of cavitation devices. The second group which focuses

on simulating performance of cavitation devices using rather simplified CFD models. The work of

Capocelli et al (Capocelli et al. 2014b) used a simplified one-dimensional CFD model for flow in

cavitating venturi for qualitatively capturing the trend in performance of cavitation device.

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Figure 1.6: Typical results from cavity dynamics model (Pawar et al. 2017).

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Pawar et al. (Pawar et al. 2017) have used single phase flow simulations at a single operating condition

for four hydrodynamic cavitation devices. While the approach of Capocelli and Pawar (Capocelli et al.

2014b; Pawar et al. 2017) are useful to know that the coupling of CFD and cavity models are useful to

simulate performance of cavitation devices. The CFD models used in the work of Capocelli and Pawar

(Capocelli et al. 2014b; Pawar et al. 2017) are too simplistic. It is essential to strike a balance between

these two groups in order to make progress in relating the design and operation of cavitation devices

to degradation performance. Thus, a multi-layer modelling approach, which couples CFD and cavity

dynamics models to describe the performance of cavitation devices are required.

1.3 Scope of thesis

Based on the performed review of literature, the scope of the thesis was decided to focus on:

• methods to identify inception in vortex based cavitation devices

• models to simulate performance of these devices

• investigation of the influence of scale for these devices for pollutant degradation

This thesis uses four geometrically similar vortex based cavitation devices. These devices are

characterised by their throat diameter – dt. The geometry for the vortex based cavitation device is

shown in Figure 1.7. The device with dt = 6-mm has been used in majority of the experimental work in

this thesis. The Table 1.4 contains the flow rate and characteristic dimension (dt) of the four vortex

based cavitation devices used in this study. The device D4 used in the study has a dramatically higher

flow-rate than the devices D1/D2/D3, the flow capacity is representative of an industrial capacity

processing and has been studied to understand how lab scale devices compare with that of industrial


Figure 1.7: Geometrical details of vortex based cavitation device (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

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Table 1.4: Flow rate and dimensions of cavitation devices used in this study.

Diode name Characteristic dimension of

vortex based cavitation device – dt (mm)

Flow at ΔP = 280-kPa (LPM)

D1 3 1.3

D2 6 5.0

D3 12 19.5

D4 38 247.6

The organisation of thesis is as follows:

In Chapter 2, the possibility of using cavitation noise to identify inception of cavitation was attempted.

Vortex based cavitation device on three scales (D1- D3) were used on an identical cavitation set-up to

record noise downstream of the device with the aid of microphones. A method was developed to

identify inception of cavitation based on the acquired data of cavitation noise.

In Chapter 3, the development of a reaction engineering model based on a per-pass degradation factor

and number of passes through the cavitation device is considered. The basis for the model and its

applicability for direct comparison between cavitation devices and its use in design of continuous

cavitation based treatment processes is explained. Solvent based contaminants are often found in

industrial practice. There is an increasing use of advanced oxidation processes to treat these streams.

Thus, the use of vortex based cavitation is evaluated and the effect of operating parameters such as

operating flow, temperature, initial concentration, type of functional group, aeration and reactor scale

(D2 and D3) were investigated. The reaction engineering model based on per-pass approach was

developed and the effect of parameters with this per-pass constant was quantified.

The development of a multi-layer model to simulate the performance of cavitation devices is

described in Chapter 4. Here 2-D axis symmetric CFD models (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) and cavity

dynamics models were coupled to simulate the performance of cavitation devices. Additionally, the

degradation performance for increased downstream pressure was evaluated. The multi-layer model

was used to interpret the effect of pressure drop and downstream pressure across cavitation device.

In Chapter 5, hydrodynamic cavitation was used to degrade relatively complex pollutant (containing

multiple functional groups). A phenolic pollutant – 2,4 dichloroaniline (DCA) was considered. Chloro-

organics are a class of compounds which pose environmental concern and hydrodynamic cavitation

might be a suitable method for the treatment of waters containing these compounds. Per-pass

degradation model discussed in Chapter 3 was extended to handle complex pollutants like DCA.

Influence of device scale on degradation performance was investigated. The experimental data was

obtained across four scales of cavitation devices. The extended per-pass degradation model was used

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to quantify influence of scale on per pass degradation factor. A suitable correlation to capture

influence of device scale on the degradation performance was developed.

The proposed work will facilitate:

i) identification of inception in vortex based cavitation devices using acoustic noise,

ii) new way to interpreting pollutant degradation data using the per-pass model,

iii) use of multi-layer models to simulate the performance of these devices, and

iv) quantification of influence of scale on cavitation performance.

The experimental results and model presented in this work will be helpful to design vortex based

cavitation devices and develop their applications in wastewater treatment.

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Chapter 2: Identifying inception of cavitation

2.1 Introduction

Hydrodynamic cavitation occurs when the low pressure generated in a cavitation device approaches

vapour pressure of liquid. At very low flow rates through a cavitation device (that is at low pressure

drops across cavitation device), the lowest pressure generated may not be sufficiently low to generate

cavities. As the flow rate increases, at a certain point, the lowest pressure generated within the system

may approach vapour pressure leading to an inception of a cavitation. The flow rate or corresponding

pressure drop at which cavitation starts is typically termed as the inception condition. It is important

to identify this condition to understand possible benefits of hydrodynamic cavitation.

At the inception of cavitation, cavities emerge from single phase flow and turn it into a multiphase

flow. The generated cavities collapse when they travel to high pressure regions and experience

turbulent pressure fluctuations. The collapse of cavities leads to significant noise (Brennen, 2014;

Wang and Brennen, 1995; Pearsall, 1974), shear (Nagarajan and Ranade, 2019; Sawant et al. 2008)

and local hot spots (Pinjari and Pandit, 2010; Suslick et al. 1997). As the operating pressure drop, is

increased more cavities will be formed and this is represented by photographs in Figure 2.1, for a

cavitating venturi from 400 kPa to 600 kPa. There is a continuous increase in the number of visible

cavities, due to a higher driving force for cavitation. It is common to represent this driving force for

cavitation devices using a dimensionless number, the cavitation number (Ca) represented by the

equation below:

�� = �� � �� � ��� …………………………….. (2.1)

Figure 2.1: Photograph of venturi at different operating pressure drop (Soyama and Hoshino, 2016).

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The value of cavitation number depends on the geometry of a cavitation device and velocity. At Ca=1,

the lowest pressure approaches vapour pressure and therefore inception of cavitation is expected.

Thus Ca <= 1 indicates the presence of cavitation (Rajoriya et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2014). However,

there are reports that suggest cavitation occurs even for values of Ca > 1 (Pradhan and Gogate, 2010).

This may be because of many possible reasons including the presence of dissolved gases (which

promote early nucleation) and turbulent pressure fluctuations. The value of Ca therefore is not a

reliable indicator for the cavitation inception (Šarc et al. 2017). Furthermore, the conventional

definition of Ca is relevant for the cavitation devices like orifice and venturi. However newer cavitation

devices like the vortex diode (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a) which rely on swirling flow to generate low

pressure, the definition of the Cavitation number is not straight forward. The highest velocity (or

lowest pressure) in such devices may not occur at or near ‘throat’ (see Figure 1.3). Several alternative

experimental methods have been proposed for identifying inception of cavitation (Ceccio and

Mäkiharju, 2017; Rood, 1991; Acosta and Parkin, 1975; Arndt, 1974). Some of these published

methods are briefly discussed in the following.

The simplest (and reliable) method to detect cavitation is a visual method provided that the cavitation

devices and associated piping are transparent. Some studies with linear cavitation devices have

provided photographs of the cavitating section (Pawar et al. 2017; Soyama and Hoshino, 2016;

Saharan et al. 2011). In the operation of venturi based device, ΔP = 100-kPa was noted as the inception

with these photographs and the evolution of cavity clouds was shown at higher operating pressure

drop (Saharan et al. 2011). Implying the possibility of determining inception with visual means for

transparent cavitation devices is possible. More sophisticated visual means have been studied such as

high-speed imaging (Thoroddsen et al. 2008), light scattering methods (Goldstein 2017; Durst, 1982)

and particle imaging velocimetry (Adrian and Westerweel, 2011) which typically involve additional

experimental assembly in addition to the cavitation device assembly. These techniques would involve

the detection of phase transition from a single phase to multiphase flow at relevant regions in

cavitation devices.

More sophisticated methods for detecting inception of cavitation rely on quantifying the effects of

cavitation. Collapsing cavities generate localised hot spots which may lead to very high temperatures

(5000 K) and pressures (1000 atm) [Didenko et al. 1999; Suslick et al. 1997]. These localised hot spots

lead to formation of hydroxyl and other radicals. Various chemical methods (usually termed as

dosimetry methods) use radical scavengers to quantify generated radicals and therefore can be used

for detecting cavitation. Several dosimetry methods have been proposed for identifying inception and

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extent of cavitation. The commonly used scavengers for cavitation are salicylic acid (Arrojo et al. 2007;

Iida et al. 2005), terephthalic acid (Sutkar and Gogate, 2009) and potassium iodide (Pawar et al. 2017).

Although different scavengers are proposed, the principle of these dosimetry techniques remain the

same, i.e. to quantify products of reaction between selected scavenger and OH radicals for detection

of cavitation.

It is also possible to detect the cavitation inception by acoustic means. The identification of inception

by acoustic means predates the recently growing interest in hydrodynamic cavitation devices (Rood,

1991; Arakeri, 1979; Acosta and Parkin, 1975). It was evident from reviews in literature (Rood, 1991

and references cited therein) that identification of inception was an important subject of study in

unconfined geometries. These studies regarding acoustic detection are still of interest in maritime

industries (Sakamoto and Kamiirisa, 2018). Such methods to monitor inception have been used for

hydrodynamic cavitation devices as well (Mancuso, 2018; Quan et al. 2011). These acoustic methods

rely on the increased sound levels generated by the collapsing cavities. Several studies have described

the observations of cavitation noise: for example, i) in a study with tip vortex cavitation, the cavitation

noise was reported as a ‘singing vortex’ (Peng et al. 2017), ii) in a study with orifice based cavitation

device, the cavitation noise was described to be similar to that of pebbles being rolled through the

device (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

Visual methods (either manual or with cameras) are not applicable for opaque cavitation devices.

Though dosimetry based methods are useful to identifying inception and extent of cavitation, these

require expensive analytical equipment and are difficult to implement for on-line identification. In this

work, an attempt is made in developing a simple method which can provide online identification of

cavitation inception. Therefore acoustic methods of identifying cavitation were opted. Since the

presence of cavitation is accompanied by the emission of sound from collapsing cavities, a hydrophone

type of instrument is commonly used for the acquisition of noise from the source (Ceccio and

Mäkiharju, 2017; Choi and Ceccio, 2007; Rood, 1991; Acosta and Parkin, 1975; Arndt, 1974).

Hydrophones are especially useful for underwater acquisition given the requirement of acquisition in

propellers and turbines (Sakamoto and Kamiirisa, 2018). Different data processing techniques on the

time and frequency spectra are used to analyse the effect of cavitation, typically the counting of

number of peaks for the cavitation noise data (Gaikwad, 2016; He and Liu, 2011; De and Hammitt,

1982) and Fast Fourier Transform spectra (Li et al. 2019; Dezhkunov et al. 2018; Sakamoto and

Kamiirisa, 2018; Mancuso, 2018; Aktas et al. 2016; Brennen, 2014; De Giorgi et al., 2013; Avvaru and

Pandit, 2009; Quan et al. 2011; Chudina, 2003) are used to identify the inception condition.

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Instead of using sophisticated sensors for acquiring acoustic signals, in this work a possibility of using

microphones used in ordinary mobile phone for acquiring acoustic signals and using simple data

processing techniques for identification of cavitation inception was explored. The developed methods

were first verified by comparing results with the visual method for cavitation in orifice and then used

to identify cavitation inception in three vortex based cavitation devices. The details of experimental

procedure, data processing and obtained results are discussed in the following.

2.2 Experimental

The experimental procedure here was comprised of three parts: i) to construct a typical cavitation

loop to operate three vortex based cavitation devices, ii) to acquire data of cavitation noise from the

cavitation devices and iii) to analyse cavitation noise for identification of cavitation inception. The

details of these are detailed below:

2.2.1 Experimental setup and procedure

The experimental setup designed for this work was similar to hydrodynamic cavitation device setups

used in the literature (Rajoriya et al. 2018; Soyama and Hoshino, 2016; Saharan et al. 2014). The

experimental setup was designed to ensure that cavitation occurred only in the device but not the

pump or valves, for this a frequency controlled pump (Pedrollo 4 CR 80-n) was used in this setup. By

the use of a frequency controller, flow was admitted to only the cavitation device without the

throttling of valves (see Figure 2.2 (a)). The photograph of the actual experimental setup and the

devices are shown on Figures – A.1 (a) and (b). Precalibrated analogue pressure gauges procured from

Thermosense Direct (P1, downstream of the pump; P2, upstream of the cavitation device and P3,

downstream of the cavitation device) in the ranges of 0 – 700; 0 – 400 kPa and 0 – 100 kPa respectively

were used to monitor the pressure. The vortex based cavitation devices were manufactured in

stainless steel were procured from Vivira Process Technologies (www.vivira.in). The dimensions of the

vortex based devices used in the study are mentioned in Table 1.4. The valves used were mini ball

valves of half inch size and were procured from a local plumbing supplier. The diameter of the tubing

in the setup was half inch. Temperature was monitored at four different locations, the corners of the

tank and the centre of the tank (see Figure 2.2 (a)), the temperature was observed to uniform at all

the locations, indicating good mixing in the tank.

Initially cavitation noise (for a case with pressure drop across the cavitation device of 250-kPa) was

tracked by the means of a stethoscope (Acoustica Deluxe Lightweight Dual Head Stethoscope, made

by MDF instruments). Stethoscope was used to identify a suitable location on a vortex device (location

with ‘maximum intensity’) for monitoring cavitation noise. The microphone of an Android phone

(Redmi Note 4) was then used to acquire the cavitation noise data. This microphone was secured at

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the identified location using a laboratory film to ensure that the position remained constant during

noise acquisition experiments. The position of microphone for the device D2 is shown on Figure 2.2


Before applying the acoustic based technique of identifying cavitation inception for opaque devices,

the method was validated by applying it for a transparent orifice device by comparing the results

obtained with acoustic method with the visual observations. This orifice device was a single hole

orifice with throat diameter (dt = 4-mm). The device was designed and used by a different study in our

research group (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a). The experimental used for operating this device is

similar to the schematic in Figure 2.2 (a) but contained a bypass line. Since this setup contains a bypass

line, at 0-kPa condition for the cavitation device, there would be flow through the bypass line and the

pump would contribute as a background noise in this case. The orifice device was operated by

gradually increasing the flow rate so as the pressure drop across the device increases from 0 to 200-

kPa. Visually, the cavitation inception was observed when the pressure drop across the orifice was in

the region of 80 – 100 kPa. This was in agreement with the reported value for this device (Simpson

and Ranade, 2019a). The cavitation noise acquisition (procedure detailed later in this section) was

carried out at 0 (no-flow), 40 (non-cavitating), 100 (cavitating) and 200-kPa (cavitating) conditions.

The results obtained with the acoustic method were then compared with the visual method (as

discussed in Section 2.3).

The verified acoustic method was then used for vortex based devices. Before the experimental plan

was evolved, it was important to examine potential influence of operating temperature on quality of

acquired acoustic signals. The temperature of liquid influences the formation of vaporous cavities.

Increase in temperature beyond a certain critical value leads to excessive vaporisation, which may

lead to excessive compressibility of the flow. Due to higher compressibility the speed of sound in the

medium is expected to drop sharply (Wilson and Roy, 2008). The cavitation noise originating from

bubble collapse would need a medium to travel. At higher temperatures, due to presence of more

vapour content, would cushion the speed of sound. Due to this cushioning effect, the cavitation noise

is expected to be lower at higher temperatures. The role of temperature on cavitation noise is scarcely

reported. A study by De Giorgi (De Giorgi et al. 2013) reports the effect of temperature on cavitation

noise, in an orifice device reported that colder temperatures (20 oC) gave more intense noise than

warmer temperatures (57 oC). Thus, to examine the role of temperature for the newer vortex based

devices, the effect of temperature was investigated for the device D2. The control of temperature was

achieved by adding either using ice or hot water to the holding tank to attain required temperature

for the liquid. Although the recirculation of water through the cavitation loop is expected to heat the

liquid, temperature was maintained within ± 1 oC for the brief recording of cavitation noise, which was

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typically 20 seconds (detailed in upcoming paragraphs). Initial experiments for the effect of

temperature were conducted in the range of 3 – 45 oC on the device D2, in order to understand the

role of temperature on cavitation noise intensity. These initial experiments comprised acquisition of

data and the tracking of cavitation noise with a stethoscope.

Figure 2.2: (a) Schematic of experimental setup for vortex based cavitation devices, to operate

devices D1, D2 and D3, and (b) position of microphone on the vortex based cavitation device D2.

The tracking of cavitation noise indicated that the noise was most intense at coldest temperature (3

oC). The aim of the work here was to identify an inception range (within 20-kPa) rather than to

precisely point the inception, as there would be uncertainties due to dissolved gases and other

complications. With this in mind, the range of inception condition was tracked with the stethoscope

at different temperatures. It was observed that temperature did not play a role on the range of

inception. Hence the results gathered at T = 3 oC for all three devices and method of identifying

inception range will be useful for other liquid temperatures. Based on these factors, the experiments



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for identifying range of inception with other devices – D1 and D3 were carried out T = 3 oC, where

cavitation noise intensity was highest. The experiments performed in this study are listed in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Details about experiments and the setup used in this study.

Device ΔP (kPa) T (oC) Bypass line Schematic

Orifice 0, 40, 100 and 200 18 Yes Simpson and

Ranade, 2019a

D2 250 3, 20, 30 and 45 No Figure 2.1

D2 0 – 390 3 No ‘’

D1 0 – 390 3 No ‘’

D3 0 – 350 3 No ‘’

The most important criteria for data acquisition are the choices of acquisition frequency and the

duration of recording. The relevant frequencies for observing cavitational activity have been reported

between 1 – 20 kHz (Gaikwad, 2016; Brennen, 2014). Theoretically, the maximum frequency that can

be represented on an FFT spectra (analysis tool, detailed in Section 2.2.2) is half the acquisition rate

(by the Nyquist theorem), where a real sine wave will yield in spectrum ending halfway and then

reappear as a mirror image. Two sample frequencies were considered: the 44.1 kHz (acquisition time

= 10 seconds) and 22.05 kHz (acquisition time = 20 seconds) for monitoring the relevant frequencies.

The acquisition by 22.05 kHz was found to be adequate (see discussion in Section 2.2.2). Different free

phone apps such as ‘Smart Recorder’, ‘RecForge II Audio Recorder’, ‘Hi-Q MP3 Voice Recorder’ and

‘Voice Recorder’ available on the Android PlayStore were considered, almost all the accessed apps

provided these commonly used acquisition frequencies and therefore the choice of specific app is not

critical. The ‘Voice Recorder’ app was used for acquisition in the rest of this work, as it provides the

required frequency range required and the other apps provided are equally capable of said

functionality. The noise acquisition was carried out by operating the cavitation device at desired

operating condition after allowing flow to stabilise at that condition for two minutes (after verifying

that this was adequate). The ’Voice Recorder’ app was used to acquire the data for more than 20

seconds. This acquired data was trimmed to exactly 20 seconds with the help of an online tool,

available on www.mp3cut.net. The trimming of audio files is a common functionality available online,

hence the choice of platform did not matter. The trimmed data would contain 441,000 data points of

amplitude and time, which served as the raw data for post processing. Generally low and high pass

filters are used to condition the acquired data for improving the signal-to-noise ratio (De and Hammitt,

1982). The obtained FFT spectra for the device D2 indicated that the most relevant range of

frequencies is between 1 and 8 kHz, which was in agreement with previous studies with orifice based

cavitation devices (Brennen, 2014).

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2.2.2 Data processing for identification of cavitation inception

The data trimmed to 20 seconds was used for analysis. Preliminary data processing trials indicated

that the acquired signal has an excellent signal to noise ratio and application of low and high pass

filters is not necessary. No such filters were therefore used for subsequent analysis. Two analysis

methods are developed, these two are based on existing methods to identify inception – counting of

number of peaks (Gaikwad, 2016; He and Liu, 2011; De and Hammitt, 1982) and FFT spectra (Li et al.

2019; Dezhkunov et al. 2018; Sakamoto and Kamiirisa, 2018; Mancuso, 2018; Aktas et al. 2016). A brief

discussion of how these methods are used to identify inception is made in Section 2.2.3.

Typical amplitude profiles (raw signal) for two pressure drop conditions are presented in Figure 2.3.

The two profiles are that of 20 (lowest pressure drop condition for acquisition) and 250-kPa (operating

condition, well past inception range by manual tracking of cavitation noise with stethoscope) over a

short time interval. The amplitude profile indicates the intensity or ‘loudness’ of the data acquired. It

can be seen that the intensity values of the 20-kPa (orange curve) are somewhat ‘dwarf-like’ compared

to that of the 250-kPa (black curve). It can be seen in Figure 2.3, that there are three horizonal lines,

which are three threshold values (1, 3 and 5 x 10-2 dB). Here the objective was to quantify the intensity

values crossing a certain threshold. In order to quantify the intensity values crossing a certain

threshold, a functionality in MATLAB, the ‘for-loop’ was used. With the help of the loop, the elements

in the raw data were accessed and the number of instances on which the elements in the raw data

cross a certain threshold was counted (MATLAB program presented in Appendix B).

For the amplitude profiles of 20 and 250-kPa (presented in Figure 2.3), the corresponding FFT spectra

were obtained by the use of a MATLAB functionality - ‘fft’. This transforms the input data (raw signal)

into a frequency domain, allowing analysis of intensities against frequency components. The typical

FFT spectra for 20 and 250-kPa are presented in Figure 2.4. It can be seen that at 250-kPa condition,

the intensity values are significantly different through the frequency range.

2.2.3 Criteria for identifying inception

The extensive work on detecting and quantification of acoustic signals with pumps (Chudina, 2003),

valves (Martin et al. 1981), ultrasonic systems (Dezhkunov et al. 2018), cavitation devices (Li et al.

2019; Mancuso, 2018; Quan et al. 2011) depend on the chaotic nature of the cavitating conditions.

One of the simplest forms of identification of cavitation inception is the increased sound levels in the

acquired noise profile (Gaikwad, 2016; He and Liu, 2011; De and Hammitt, 1982). The work of Gaikwad

(Gaikwad, 2016) used multiple cavitation systems – valves, variants of orifices and a vortex based

cavitation device (identical to the device D3 used in this work). In the work it was mentioned that the

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amplitude-time profiles are covered with more intense signals after onset of cavitation (similar to

presented Figure 2.3), however, the quantification of the amplitude profile was not part of the work

(Gaikwad, 2016). In the work of De and Hammitt (De and Hammitt, 1982), the authors report the use

of a venturi and tried to relate erosion rates with the number of peaks in the amplitude signal. The

next commonly and very widely used metric for identifying inception is the use of FFT spectra for

cavitation noise (Li et al. 2019; Dezhkunov et al. 2018; Sakamoto and Kamiirisa, 2018; Mancuso, 2018;

Aktas et al. 2016; Brennen, 2014; De Giorgi et al., 2013; Avvaru and Pandit, 2009; Quan et al. 2011;

Chudina, 2003).

Figure 2.3: Amplitude profile for device D2 at T = 3 oC.

The FFT spectra finds a very wide use because the presence of cavitation is accompanied by the

emission of noise in the 1 – 20 kHz region of the spectra, where the intensity values get elevated in

the presence of cavitation alone. From these studies, it can be inferred that the identification of

inception can also be performed by plotting intensity values at specific frequency values of different

operating conditions, which might show higher values at cavitating conditions. Kang et al. (Kang et al.

2018) have used wavelet transforms, a form of chaotic analysis to compare the use of three

acceleration sensors for the detection of cavitation. Wavelet transform and Hilbert transform have

been applied for tip vortex cavitation, hydro turbines and tip leakage cavitation (Hsiao et al. 2000;

Escaler et al. 2006; Gopalan et al. 2000). Although the interpretation of these methods has been used

for inception detection, these still depend on the Fourier analysis. Although it is possible to consider

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these various tools for identifying inception, in this work an attempt to identify cavitation inception

based on i) number of peaks beyond pre-selected threshold values and ii) FFT spectra, and iii) variation

of observed intensity at pre-selected frequencies. The mathematical tools for these analysis methods

to analyse cavitation noise was achieved with the help of a MATLAB program (presented in Appendix

B). The methods for these three different analysis methods tested are briefly explained:

i) Number of peaks: different (ten ranging from 1 x 10-6 dB to 5 x 10-1 dB) threshold values

were chosen, the recorded amplitude-time data of 441000 elements were read

individually with the help of a for-loop. To count the number of peaks beyond a certain

threshold, say 5 x 10-1 dB, a variable was assigned to zero at the start of the for-loop. Each

element out of the 441000 elements were scanned, if the data element was greater than

the threshold, the variable to count number of peaks was incremented. This way at each

operating condition, the number of peaks were counted.

ii) FFT spectra: The data acquired at 44.1 and 22.05 kHz on device D2 at 250 kPa, T = 3 oC.

The noise data gathered at these two acquisition frequencies was postprocessed using a

MATLAB functionality – ‘fft’. This provides the frequency spectra of acquired data. It was

observed that in the gathered data, there were no peaks in the intensity beyond the 8 kHz

region, hence it was decided that 22.05 kHz was sufficient for further acquisition. The FFT

function allows the identification of magnitude and phase of frequency components for

an input signal (acquired noise data in this case). This was done by a one-line function –

the ‘fft’ function, which transform the acquired noise data into the frequency domain. The

comparison of profiles of FFT spectra across different flow conditions is expected to allow

identification of cavitation.

iii) Intensity values at certain frequencies: As the FFT spectra is expected to allow

distinguishing of cavitating and non-cavitating conditions. It was imperative to conclude

that intensity values at specific frequency values in the region of typical frequency (2 – 9

kHz) for cavitating conditions should be higher. Hence these intensity values in the 2 – 9

kHz were plotted in addition to examination of FFT spectra.

The interpretation of these analysis methods for orifice and vortex based cavitation devices (except

for the influence of temperature) will be discussed in Section 2.3, in order to verify:

• validity of the developed analysis methods for transparent orifice device,

• identify inception for vortex based cavitation device.

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Figure 2.4: Typical FFT spectra (postprocessing of data with MATLAB program – Appendix B)

for device D2 at T = 3 oC.

2.3 Results and discussion

Orifice devices are commonly used cavitation devices (Carpenter et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2014) for

reporting the applications of cavitation. In the operation of the orifice device in this study, it was

observed that as the flow rate across the device is increased, at a certain flow rate, there is the

possibility to hear a rattling sound which is distinct. A similar observation of this rattling sound has

been reported by the operation of an identical device in literature (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a), who

reported this to be similar to pebbles being forced through the device. Not only is it possible to hear

the rattling sound, it was also possible to observe the formation of cavitation through the transparent

material of construction.

The analysis of number of peaks is presented in Table 2.2, here out of the ten tested values of

threshold, four values of threshold and their corresponding number of peaks are tabulated. Since the

onset of cavitation is expected to elevate the noise level, the number of peaks beyond highest

threshold (5 x 10-1 dB) is considered. Here it is possible to observe that the 0-kPa condition and 40-

kPa condition do not have any peaks beyond the threshold value. At 0-kPa condition, the pump was

running, and flow was present through the bypass line, despite this there were no peaks reaching that

threshold. This implies that the background noise did not reach that threshold. The 100 and 200-kPa

have the number of peaks as 160 and 1306, which indicate there is cavitation present at these

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conditions. The inception condition for an identical orifice was reported as 85-kPa condition by

Simpson and Ranade (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

Table 2.2: Number of peaks beyond threshold value counted by MATLAB program (Appendix B) for the orifice based device.

Operating condition (ΔP) 0-kPa 40-kPa 100-kPa 200-kPa

Threshold set for raw data (dB)

No of peaks

beyond threshold

No of peaks

beyond threshold

No of peaks

beyond threshold

No of peaks beyond threshold

0.01 166104 154338 226296 207106

0.03 80763 60135 205648 183381

0.05 36551 20909 183553 161066

0.5 0 0 160 1306

Also, the visual appearance of bubbles was monitored during these noise acquisition experiments,

which indicated that 80 - 85 kPa condition was the inception region. While in the case of highest

threshold (5 x 10-1 dB), the task of identification of cavitation is somewhat easy. The trends for lower

threshold values such as 3 x 10-2 and 5 x 10-2 dB, indicate that 0 and 40-kPa conditions have finite

number of peaks as well. At these two threshold values (3 x 10-2 and 5 x 10-2 dB), there is a relative

increase of nearly 2.3 and 4.5 times respectively between the 0-kPa and the two cavitating conditions

(100 and 200-kPa). Thus, it can be said that the counting the number of peaks beyond the threshold

of 1 x 10-2 dB allows us to distinguish cavitating and non-cavitating conditions. The choice of higher

threshold value such as 5 x 10-2 dB yield a blank value for the visually non-cavitating conditions and

make it easier to interpret presence of cavitation. The FFT spectra for the orifice based device is

presented in Figure 2.5.

The intensities in the FFT spectra for the 0/40-kPa were relatively flat when compared to the 100/200-

kPa conditions. The downstream section of the transparent orifice device at 0, 40, 100 and 200 kPa

conditions are presented in Appendix C. It can be seen that at the operating condition of 40 kPa, there

is no visual appearance of cavitation and at the operating condition of 100 kPa, there is an appearance

of a multiphase flow, suggestive of cavitation. This observation in line with previous literature

(Simpson and Ranade, 2019a). Similar to previous studies (Li et al. 2019; De Giorgi et al. 2013; Martin

et al. 1981), it was possible to observe a difference between cavitating conditions (blue shaded curves

in Figure 2.5) and non-cavitating conditions (red shaded curves in Figure 2.5). Figure 2.6 contains the

intensity values at a certain value of frequency (2.543 kHz) and the maximum value obtained in the

whole spectra.

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Figure 2.5: FFT profiles for an orifice based cavitation device at different pressure drop and T = 18 oC

(device geometry reported on Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

In Figure 2.6 (a), the intensity values at chosen frequency value are relatively flat at 0 and 40-kPa (as

represented by horizontal lines closer to these symbols). The intensity values at chosen frequency

value for 100 and 200-kPa are significantly different (represented by the horizontal lines closer these

symbols). The higher (almost three times) intensity values indicate cavitating flow at 100 and 200-kPa.

In Figure 2.6 (b) the trends of maximum intensity across the whole FFT spectra represent a similar

trend demarcating non-cavitating (0 and 40-kPa) and cavitating conditions (100 and 200-kPa).

The maximum intensity values for the cavitating and non-cavitating conditions show a marked

difference, while the intensity values do not cross the 10 dB limit without cavitation. It can be seen

that the presence of cavitation allowed a maximum of 60 dB in the presence of cavitation. The FFT

spectra for cavitation noise in pumps reported was nearly 90 dB (Chudina, 2003) and the noise for

propellers has been reported up to 120 dB (Aktas et al. 2016). The obtained maximum intensity is less

than those from literature. Thus, it was possible to use acoustic methods to identify cavitation

inception over a range of pressure drops.

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2.3.1 Influence of temperature

The influence of temperature was investigated at temperature values of 3, 20, 30 and 45 oC. The

audible noise from the device was most intense at the coldest temperature. The FFT spectra for these

temperatures were examined and its intensity values at the peak values obtained for these data. It

was observed that the peaks were present at 1.056, 2.112, 3.168 and 4.224 kHz in all these

temperature profiles. Such an observation of the presence of peaks at a low frequency and the

existence of peaks in subsequent integral multiples have been made by many studies (Mancuso, 2018;

Quan et al. 2011; Chudina, 2003). The lowest frequency (1.056 kHz) is typically termed as the

fundamental frequency and is representative of a periodic waveform, which is caused by the non-

linear oscillations of the bubble. Quan et al. (2011) suggest that there are possibilities to relate these

fundamental frequencies to cavity size distributions. No such attempt is made here. The intensity

value at this fundamental frequency (1.056 kHz) at different temperatures is plotted in Figure 2.7. It

was noted that the fundamental frequency was unaffected by temperature in the current study.



Cavitating conditions

Actual inception (Simpson

and Ranade, 2019a)


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Figure 2.6: (a) Value of intensity at 2.543 kHz in the FFT spectra and (b) maximum value of intensity

in the FFT spectra, for orifice based device.

In Figure 2.7, the intensity of values at this fundamental frequency were examined against operating

temperature, the intensity values drop to nearly 30% for temperature increase from 3 to 45 oC. The

role of temperature on degradation performance was discussed in Chapter 1, which noted that its role

in degradation depends on the pollutant chosen, which typically lies in the range of 20 – 40 oC. The

obtained results for the effect of temperature on cavitation noise reveal that the intensity of noise is

highest at colder temperatures. A study used a cavitating orifice at temperatures of 20 and 57 oC at

identical pressure drop conditions (De Giorgi et al. 2013), reported a higher volume of vapour fraction

and suppression of cavitation at higher temperature. In the current study, although the temperature

ranges used are different than the study by De Giorgi et al. (2013), lower intensities of noise were

monitored at higher temperature, which is consistent with their study. Higher intensities of cavitation

noise will allow a clearer distinction between non-cavitating and cavitating conditions, as these would

result in higher intensity values at the characteristic values of frequency, this way cavitating conditions

can be clearly distinguished. Since the objective was to identify a range at which inception occurred

and that temperature did not play a role on the range at which inception occurs (see Section 2.2). The

experiments for determining inception range were performed at T = 3 oC.



Cavitating conditions

Actual inception (Simpson

and Ranade, 2019a)


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Figure 2.7: Influence of temperature on intensity value at 1.056 kHz for vortex based cavitation

device – D2 at ΔP = 250 kPa.

2.3.2 Influence of pressure drop

In the case of vortex based cavitation devices, all the experiments to identify inception were

performed at T = 3 oC. The pressure drop condition was incremented by 10-kPa values and flow was

allowed to stabilise for two minutes.

In the case of the orifice device, the number of peaks beyond four threshold values were presented

out of the ten calculated ones from the MATLAB program. The highest threshold was ideal to

demarcate cavitating conditions, as it contained no peaks for the 0 and 40-kPa data. In the case of the

device D2 as well, the second highest threshold from MATLAB program (5 x 10-2 dB) was ideal, as it

contained no peaks before the 80-kPa condition. The trends for threshold values of (5 x 10-2 dB, 3 x

10-2 dB and 1 x 10-2 dB) were compared, they pointed towards the same trend: cavitating conditions

at 80-kPa. The number of peaks criterion is plotted on Figure 2.8. It can be observed that the y-axis

value increases by two orders of magnitude (represented by black solid horizontal lines) when a flow

is set through the device as against the no-flow condition. The no-flow condition was basically the

background noise from surroundings in the laboratory. After the 50-kPa condition, when flow is

increased to 80-kPa, the number of peaks increases sharply by at least another of magnitude

(represented by black hatched horizontal lines). While the intensity values at 20 and 50-kPa conditions

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lie flat, the intensity at 80-kPa shoots up relatively, this increase in intensity value in the data indicates

that the inception occurred between 50 and 80-kPa for the device D2.

The trend observed in Figure 2.8: increase in intensity value at 80-kPa against 50-kPa for device D2

was compared with the FFT spectra. The FFT spectra (Figure 2.9) between 0 and 50-kPa conditions

show a similar profile, i.e. no significant changes of intensity values within 1 and 8 kHz. However, at

the 80-kPa condition, the intensity values (represented by dark green curve) clearly increases in the 2

– 7 kHz region. This region lies within the ‘region of interest’ for frequency of cavitation bubble

collapse (Li et al. 2019; Mancuso, 2018; Chahine, 2004; Brennen, 1993; Martin et al. 1981). In order to

quantify this increase in intensity values, the intensity values at four different frequency values (2.004,

4.009, 7.091 and 9.009 kHz) are plotted in Figure 2.10. All the four sub-plots plotted for the different

frequency values point towards the same trend that cavitation is present at the 80-kPa condition.

The data at pressure drop conditions: 100 to 390-kPa were analysed for the identification of previously

discussed fundamental frequencies. The values of fundamental frequencies observed in the FFT

spectra on MATLAB were observed to increase with pressure drop condition. It was observed that this

fundamental frequency increased with pressure drop (throat velocity) for the device D2. A similar

observation has been reported in a study on tip vortex cavitation (Peng et al. 2017).

Figure 2.8: Influence of pressure drop on number peaks beyond threshold value = 0.01 dB for vortex

based cavitation device – D2 at T = 3 oC.




Cavitating conditions

Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception


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Figure 2.9: Influence of pressure drop on FFT spectra for vortex based cavitation device – D2 at T = 3


In the case of device D2, the trends from the three analysis methods (number of peaks, FFT spectra

and intensity values at specific frequency) allowed us to demarcate cavitating and non-cavitating

conditions. This implies that the choice of analysis method was immaterial to identify cavitating

conditions among these three. The next task was to apply one of these analysis methods to devices

D1 and D3, in order to demarcate cavitating conditions in those devices as well. This would allow us

to know the effect of scale on inception condition. For this, the analysis with number of peaks was

chosen. The trends for number of peaks for device D1 is plotted on Figure 2.11. From Figure 2.11 it

can be inferred that the number of peaks at pressure drop condition between 0 and 80-kPa are similar.

However, at the 100-kPa condition, there is a sharp increase in the y-axis value, thus the inception

region for this device was between 80 and 100-kPa. The audible noise tracked by stethoscope during

experimentation was consistent with this observation. The trend for device D3 is plotted on Figure

2.12, here a similar observation of sudden increase in number of peaks is observed at the 80-kPa


The audible noise tracked by stethoscope, the currently developed method with mobile phone based

acquisition and results with a hydrophone led to consistent observations. Previous work with device

D3 has been reported by our research group for operating pressure drop between 80 and 100-kPa

(Gaikwad, 2016; Gaikwad and Ranade, 2016). The current study indicates that the inception occurs

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between operating pressure drop of 50 and 80-kPa for device D3. The overlapping condition between

the current and previous study is the pressure drop of 80-kPa, which might be the inception condition.

The region for inception for D1 (80 – 100 kPa), D2 and D3 (50 – 80 kPa) are not significantly different

with overlap at pressure drop of 80-kPa. However, data in smaller intervals of pressure drop are

needed to clarify this.

Although there is a sharp increase in the number of peaks (at threshold = 0.01 dB) at the first cavitating

conditions for all three devices, the values for relative increase in number of peaks at the first

cavitating conditions with respect to 20-kPa were different. These were D1 (~ 2.4), D2 (21.7) and D3

(3.1). This might be due to the nature of contact between the microphone and cavitation device

surface. It can be seen in Figure A.1 (b), that the surfaces available for contact were: D1/D3 (cylindrical)

and D2 (rectangular). The setup, operating temperature and acquisition procedure was identical for

all three devices. Hence the only variation which is possible is the position of contact. Nevertheless,

the demonstrated procedure suggests it is possible to use a mobile phone recording app to acquire

cavitation noise and determine region of inception. At this point, a precise determination of inception

condition was not attempted as part of this work. The objective was to understand the trend of

inception condition with scale and to verify if a mobile phone recording app is suitable for acquiring

cavitation noise. The precise determination of inception and chaotic signal analysis (Kolmogorov

Entropy, Wavelet Transforms) may form part of further work.


Non-cavitating conditions



Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception


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Non-cavitating conditions

Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception






Non-cavitating conditions



Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception


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Figure 2.10: Influence of pressure drop on intensity values in FFT spectra for vortex based cavitation

device – D2 at T = 3 oC at (a) 2.004 kHz, (b) 4.009 kHz, (c) 7.091 kHz and (d) 9.009 kHz.

Figure 2.11: Influence of pressure drop on number of peaks beyond threshold = 0.01 dB for device –

D1 at T = 3 oC.


Non-cavitating conditions

Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception







Cavitating conditions

Range (80 – 100 kPa)

at which inception


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Figure 2.12: Influence of pressure drop on number of peaks beyond threshold = 0.01 dB for device –

D3 at T = 3 oC.

2.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, an everyday mobile phone recording app was used to acquire cavitation noise from

three vortex based cavitation devices (D1/D2/D3). An acquisition procedure without the need for

sophisticated instrumentation was scoped in order to provide a simple means to identify inception in

cavitation devices. The cavitation noise data were analysed by two methods – peak counting and FFT

spectra. The analysis methods point towards similar trends and it was possible to differentiate

cavitating and non-cavitating conditions. The key conclusions from the study are as follows:

• The temperature had an influence on intensity of cavitation noise. The intensity quantified

with the number of peaks above certain threshold showed a 30% decrease when temperature

was increased from 3 oC to 45 oC

• Temperature did not significantly influence the range of pressure drop across cavitation

device at which inception was detected for the considered temperature range and cavitation


• The smallest device showed somewhat higher pressure drop values at inception (D1: 80 – 100

kPa) compared to the larger cavitation devices (D2 and D3: 50 – 80 kPa)



Cavitating conditions

Range (50 – 80 kPa) at

which inception


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Based on the inception conditions identified in this work, subsequent hydrodynamic cavitation

experiments (discussed in later chapters) were planned for pressure drop values of 100 kPa and above.

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Chapter 3: Influence of Operating Parameters on Vortex-Based Cavitation: Influence of Operating Pressure Drop, Temperature, Aeration and Reactor Scale

The work reported in this chapter has been published as: V.P. Sarvothaman, S. Nagarajan, V.V. Ranade, Treatment of solvent-contaminated water using vortex-

based cavitation: Influence of operating pressure drop, temperature, aeration and reactor scale, Ind.

Eng. Chem. Res. 57 (28) (2018) 9292 – 9304.

Contribution from the second author (Dr. Nagarajan) is acknowledged for construction of set-up for

diode D3 and contribution in developing experimental protocols/analytical techniques.

3.1 Introduction

Water used in industries for variety of purposes ends up as waste water contaminated by organics,

and thus requires treatment before discharge or reuse. There is an increasing interest in using

advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for effective wastewater treatment (WWT). A number of AOP’s

and their combinations have been reported in literature for WWT, which include - Fenton’s/photo-

Fenton’s reactions, ozonation, photocatalysis, UV/H2O2 treatment, ferrate treatment, electrochemical

treatment and cavitation (Suryawanshi et al. 2018; Gągol et al. 2018; Pulicharla et al. 2017; Zangeneh

et al. 2015; Capocelli et al. 2014a). Cavitation, especially realises in-situ generation of hydroxyl radicals

without requiring any external oxidants or chemicals and therefore offers an attractive process for

WWT (Ranade and Bhandari, 2014).

Cavitation is the phenomenon of formation, growth and collapse of cavities (microbubbles). Collapsing

cavities generate very high localised temperature and pressure which in turn generates strongly

oxidative hydroxyl radicals (Saharan et al. 2014). Cavitation can be realised either ultrasonically or

hydro-dynamically (Saharan et al. 2014; Ferrari, 2017; Pillai et al. 2011). Ultrasonic cavitation is energy

intensive and is difficult to scale up (Badve et al. 2013). Hydrodynamic cavitation devices, on the other

hand can be scaled up relatively easily and are energy efficient (Ranade and Bhandari, 2014; Saharan

et al. 2012). Therefore, there is an increasing interest in using hydrodynamic cavitation for treatment

of a range of effluents and industrial wastewaters (Suryawanshi et al. 2018; Gągol et al. 2018; Rajoriya

et al. 2018; Bockaj et al. 2018; Wu et al. 2018; Thanekar et al. 2018; Barik and Gogate, 2018; Rajoriya

et al. 2017). Orifice, venturi or rotor-stator assemblies are some of the commonly studied

hydrodynamic cavitation devices (Badve et al. 2013; Saharan et al. 2012; Rajoriya et al. 2018; Rajoriya

et al. 2017). In these devices, cavitation occurs along the walls which eventually leads to erosion and

therefore deterioration of performance of the device. These devices use either small constrictions or

expensive rotating equipment which are usually not suitable for WWT. Recently, Ranade et al. (Ranade

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et al. 2017; Ranade et al. 2016) have disclosed a novel vortex based cavitation device for effluent

treatment. This device uses swirling flow in a novel configuration to generate cavitation. This vortex

based cavitation device has shown to perform better than orifice based cavitation device for variety

of applications (Suryawanshi et al. 2018; Bhandari and Ranade, 2014; Suryawanshi et al. 2016). The

device offered 3 to 8 times better cavitational yield (mg pollutant degraded/Joules) compared to the

orifice plate. These early studies were focussed on demonstrating the advantages and overall

performance of the developed vortex based cavitation device. Though some results on influence of

flow rate or pressure drop on degradation performance are available, no systematic information on

influence of other important parameters like operating temperature, concentration of pollutant,

aeration and most importantly of scale of operation is available. The systematic information about

these parameters is not available even for the other commonly used cavitation devices like orifice or

venturi. In this chapter, experimental data on treatment of water contaminated with three commonly

used solvents namely acetone, ethyl acetate (EA) and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) using vortex based

cavitation devices is reported. The influence of flow rate or pressure drop across cavitation unit,

operating temperature, concentration of pollutant and scale of cavitation reactor is reported.

Increased operating temperature during cavitation has been reported to improve degradation

performance. Higher temperature increases vapour pressure and therefore enhances extent of

cavitation (generated number density of cavities, nc, number/m3s). Patil and Gogate (Patil and Gogate,

2012) studied degradation of methyl parathion using an orifice plate as the cavitation device (32 oC to

39 oC). They reported higher degradation rate at higher temperature. Wang and Zhang (Wang and

Zhang, 2009) performed alachlor degradation experiments in a swirling jet hydrodynamic cavitation

reactor and determined the effect of operating temperature (between 30 oC and 60 oC) on the

degradation rate. They found that degradation rate initially increased with temperature up to 40 oC,

beyond which it was found to plateau or decrease. Similar observation with increase in temperature

was made by Braeutigam et al. (Braeutigam et al. 2012) for the degradation of carbamazepine by

hydrodynamic-acoustic-cavitation. In this work the influence of temperature on degradation

performance up to temperature of 45 oC was analysed. The degradation data obtained under non-

isothermal conditions is reported and this data was used for developing an appropriate non-

isothermal modelling framework for cavitation. Aeration of wastewater is known to enhance the

concentration of dissolved air and will provide more nuclei for cavitation. Gogate (Gogate, 2002) has

reviewed studies reporting influence of aeration on performance of acoustic cavitation. However,

studies on influence of aeration on performance of hydrodynamic cavitation are scarce (Suryawanshi

et al. 2018; Rajoriya et al. 2017). Suryawanshi et al. (Suryawanshi et al. 2018) performed solvent

degradation experiments and reported about 10 % increase in degradation performance in presence

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of aeration compared to that without aeration. This marginal increase was attributed to the

availability of additional oxygen for the oxidation process and enhanced inception of cavitation due to

gas/vapour nuclei formed as a result of aeration. In this work the influence of aeration on degradation

of acetone is reported.

None of the previously published studies report influence of scale of cavitation device on WWT. Most

of the published studies use ad-hoc designs of cavitation devices. Saharan et al. (Saharan et al. 2013)

performed orange-G degradation experiments using two types of venturi tubes (circular and slit

venturi) and an orifice plate as the different hydrodynamic cavitation devices. They reported that the

slit venturi performed better in terms of decolourisation when compared to the other two devices for

similar initial conditions. Sivakumar and Pandit (Sivakumar and Pandit, 2002) performed experiments

on the degradation of rhodamine B dye using a number of multiple-hole orifice plates and reported

that the orifice plate with the higher number and smaller diameter of holes performed better.

However, because of non-uniform designs used in published studies, it is almost impossible to

understand influence of scale of cavitation device on degradation performance from the available

results. In this work, commercially available, standard vortex based cavitation devices were used and

reported for the first time, the influence of scale on degradation performance using two geometrically

similar cavitation devices (scale-up factor of 4), by using devices D2 and D3.

Most of the previously published studies on pollutant degradation using hydrodynamic cavitation have

reported the use of an effective rate constant estimated from batch experiments to characterize the

effect of operating conditions (like pressure drop across cavitation device) and nature of pollutants

(see for example: Thanekar et al. 2018; Barik and Gogate, 2018; Gogate, 2002). This approach has

been used in numerous reports using different cavitation devices. Unfortunately, this approach is not

very useful to connect the effectiveness of degradation to the flow characteristics of cavitation device.

The approach therefore is not useful to design industrially relevant large scale and continuous

wastewater treatment based on hydrodynamic cavitation. A typical cavitation based water treatment

set-up is shown in Figure 3.1. For most of the cases, multiple passes through cavitation device are

needed to achieve desired reduction in pollutant concentration. For a continuous system, this

translates into the decision of selecting appropriate flow rate through cavitation device (Q) for a given

net flow rate of waste water stream (q) for a desired reduction in the pollutant concentration (Cin to

C). It is therefore essential to develop a framework for modelling pollutant degradation using

hydrodynamic cavitation based on effective per-pass degradation occurring in the cavitation device.

The per-pass degradation can then be related to flow characteristics and operating parameters of the

cavitation device and appropriate scale-up models can then be developed. In this work, a framework

for describing wastewater treatment using hydrodynamic cavitation is developed.

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Figure 3.1: Representation of a typical cavitation set-up used in industry.

A systematic framework to determine per-pass degradation factor from the batch experiments is

reported here. The model is extended to account for non-isothermal effects commonly encountered

in batch experiments with hydrodynamic cavitation. The scope here is limited to lumped reaction

engineering like models. The framework however provides a convenient way to connect with more

sophisticated models of cavity dynamics and computational fluid dynamics to evolve a comprehensive

multi-scale design platform for hydrodynamic cavitation. The data of treatment of water

contaminated with three commonly used solvents at different operating conditions (pressure drop,

temperature, initial concentration and aeration) and at two different scales along with the systematic

modelling framework based on per-pass degradation factor presented here will be useful for design

and application of hydrodynamic cavitation based water treatment solutions.

3.2 Experimental

The experimental setup designed for this work was similar to hydrodynamic cavitation reactor setups

used in literature (Suryawanshi et al. 2018; Rajoriya et al. 2018; Thanekar et al. 2018; Rajoriya et al.

2017; Patil and Gogate, 2012; Saharan et al. 2013; Sivakumar and Pandit, 2002; Pradhan and Gogate,

2010). The experimental set-up was designed to ensure that under the desired operating conditions,

cavitation occurred only in the device but not the pump or the valves. The experimental setup (Figure

3.2a/A. 1(a)) consisted of a holding tank (total volume of 0.093 m3) from which the liquid was pumped

using a Grundfos CM 1-5 self-priming pump (2900 rpm, 50 Hz, single phase). The pump discharge

pressure was set to 300 kPa or 350 kPa to ensure that there was no pump cavitation. This discharge

line branched into a bypass line and the main feed line and both these lines were directed back to the

holding tank with necessary fittings. Multiple valves were placed in the flow line to ensure that there

is no cavitation across valves. Manual measurements using the stethoscope were used to ensure that

there is no other cavitation occurring in the flow circuit except that occurring in a cavitation device.

Pre-calibrated analogue pressure gauges procured from Thermosense Direct (P1 – downstream of the

pump and P2 – upstream of the diode) in the ranges of 0 – 700 kPa and 0 – 400 kPa respectively were

used to monitor the pressure. A pre-calibrated Gardena smart meter (Art 8188) was used downstream

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of the cavitating device to monitor the liquid flow rate. The vortex based cavitation devices

manufactured in stainless steel were procured from Vivira Process Technologies (www.vivira.in). The

valves used were mini ball valves of half inch size and were procured from a local plumbing supplier.

The diameter of the tubing in the setup was half inch. Temperature was monitored at five different

locations, the corners of the tank and the centre of the tank (see Figure 2.2 (a)), the temperature was

observed to uniform at all the locations, indicating good mixing in the tank.

Two similar experimental set-ups were constructed with two geometrically similar vortex based

cavitation devices. The geometrical details of vortex based cavitation devices can be found in Ranade

et al. (Ranade et al. 2017). The pictorial version of cavity generation in these types of cavitation devices

is shown in Figure 3.2b. The key characteristics of the two set-ups are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Details of experimental set-ups used for solvent degradation experiments.

Cavitation device

Throat diameter, mm

Nominal capacity, m3/hr

Working liquid volume, m3 (unless mentioned otherwise)

D2 6 0.3 0.0093

D3 12 1.2 0.015

In typical experiments, solvent contaminated water was circulated through the cavitation set-up

shown in Figure 3.2a. Three solvents: acetone (HPLC grade purchased from Sigma-Aldrich), EA (HPLC

grade purchased from VWR, UK) and IPA (ACS reagent purchased from VWR, UK) were used. The set-

up was initially filled with distilled water. Desired quantity of solvent (as per desired initial

concentration) was then added to the holding tank while distilled water was being recirculated. The

contents were circulated for 10 minutes (more than 3 residence times) to achieve complete mixing.

The initial temperature was recorded using a digital thermometer, and sample at time 0 minutes was

taken. Samples were then taken at regular intervals of 30 minutes for 4 hours with the corresponding

measurement of the bulk temperatures. These typical experiments were performed in triplicates to

determine the standard error between different experiments.

For carrying out experiments at different temperature conditions, indirect cooling with an ice filled

beaker was placed in the holding tank. For experiments with aeration, a measured flow of compressed

air was sparged into the holding tank via home-made sparger. Unless mentioned otherwise, results

are of the cavitation device, D2. UV spectrometry was used to measure the absorbance of the acetone

samples to indirectly monitor its concentration. 10000 ppm stock solution of acetone was prepared.

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From this stock solution, a range of concentrations from 0 – 1000 ppm (with 200 ppm increments), in

triplicates were prepared by diluting with the required amount of distilled water.

Figure 3.2: (a) Schematic of experimental set-up for vortex based cavitation and (b) pictorial representation of vortex based cavitation devices.

A volume of 1.5 ml from each concentration was taken in a quartz cuvette and the absorbance was

measured using a Cary 300 Scan, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 263 nm. Distilled

water was used as the blank for absorbance measurements. The absorbance spectra obtained for the

samples were subtracted with the blank’s absorbance spectra to determine the actual absorbance for

each concentration. A standard curve was then plotted as absorbance at 263 nm against acetone

concentration. The measurements were recorded in triplicates and the error bars were determined

(errors were less than 1%). The equation obtained from the standard curve was used to determine

the concentration of the unknown sample obtained from the cavitation experiments, the standard

curve for analysis of acetone is presented in Appendix C.

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The concentrations of IPA and EA were indirectly quantified by measuring chemical oxygen demand

(COD). The relative time required for the analysis and availability of analytical equipment played a role

in using different techniques for different pollutants. In this case, since separation and by-product

identification were not the primary goals, simple concentration determination techniques such as

spectrometry and COD analysis were opted. Since spectrometry was a quick and reliable method, with

acetone showing a maximum absorbance at 263 nm, it was used to monitor the concentration of

acetone. In the case of IPA or EA, since a wavelength with clear maximum absorbance was not

observed using spectrometry, an indirect method such as COD analysis was used. It was ensured that

the ratio of concentration to initial concentration is almost the same by using any of the techniques.

This was established by comparing measurements of acetone by UV and COD. COD was measured

using a Spectroquant Move 100 (Merck) spectrophotometer after digesting 2mL samples with the

commercially available COD reagent kits (TNT, 0 - 1500 mg/L O2, purchased either from Hach UK or

Merck UK) for 2 hours at 150 oC.

3.3 Mathematical model

In a hydrodynamic cavitation device, cavities are generated as a result of low pressure regions formed

in the flow path. These cavities oscillate because of turbulent pressure fluctuations and subsequently

collapse upon a rapid increase in bulk pressure. The implosion of these bubbles lead to high localised

pressure and temperatures. These extreme conditions give rise to the generation of reactive radical

species from water (Saharan et al. 2014). These radicals (R.) are reactive and rapidly react with

pollutant as well as other species in wastewater (including water itself). A recent review states

(Mandal, 2018) that reaction rate constants of OH radicals with a range of pollutants to be in the

range of 108 - 1010 M-1 s-1. There are several attempts to understand radical formation and their

subsequent reactions with pollutants (see for example reaction schemes proposed by Saharan et al.

(Saharan et al. 2014) and references cited therein). However, because of extreme reactivity of the

generated radicals, it is extremely difficult to quantify their concentration or different reaction

pathways. It is therefore customary to approximate pollutant degradation in a simplistic manner such


������ �������� → � .�"# ��ℎ�% %�#����� &'.( ...............................(3.1)

)* ' . + ����,��"� → ��� + �� ...............................(3.2)

where zR is a stoichiometric coefficient.

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Complete mineralisation of pollutant proceeds via a multi-step unstable organic radical formation. As

mentioned earlier, most of the previously published studies on pollutant degradation using

hydrodynamic cavitation have reported the use of an effective rate constant estimated from batch

experiments. Unlike this, a framework based on extent of degradation occurring in a single pass

through a cavitation device (using per-pass degradation factor) is developed. The overall behaviour of

a typical cavitation-based water treatment set-up shown in Figure 3.1 can be modelled as:

- ./.0 = 1&�23 − �( − 5∅� ...............................(3.1)

C is a concentration of pollutants, V is a holding tank volume, Q is a flow rate through the cavitation

device and φ is a per-pass degradation factor. If the value of φ is assumed to be constant over a range

of concentration and time, it can be obtained by running the cavitation set-up in a batch mode and

using experimental measurement of concentration of pollutant as a function of time and Equation

(3.1) with q=0 as:

� = �23��7∅0 ...............................(3.2)

Where β is a ratio of flow rate through the cavitation device and holding tank volume (Q/V, s-1). The

product of β and time indicates number of passes, np, through the cavitation device for a batch system:

" = 8� ...............................(3.3)

For a continuous mode of operation, at a steady state:

� = 99:;∅ �23 = /<=�: 7>∅ ...............................(3.4)

Where τ is a residence time of the holding tank based on net flow (V/q).

Flow rate through the cavitation device can be estimated from desired degradation and system

specific value of per pass degradation (for a given device – operating conditions) as:

8? = ;9 = �∅ @/<=/ − 1B ...............................(3.5)

For example, Cin is 1500 ppm and desired outlet concentration at steady state is 500 ppm, flow rate

through cavitation device should be (2/φ) times net flow rate. The cavitation yield, Y (micrograms/J)

can be expressed as:

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C = �DEF&/<=�/(GHI�∆K7> = 10�M @∅ /∆K B NOP QR �S ��T/QV ...............................(3.6)

Where ρ is density of liquid and Mwp is molecular weight of pollutant.

Per-pass degradation coefficient, φ, can be related to generation of hydroxyl radicals in the cavitation

device (G, kmol/s) and their subsequent reactions with the pollutant. Considering that radicals have

very small life time, τR, compared to the residence time in the cavitation device (and downstream

piping up to the holding tank), it may be safely assumed that all radicals are consumed within the

reactor. Radicals are highly reactive and therefore in addition to Reaction 3.2, radicals may react with

any other scavengers present in the liquid (including water itself). Therefore, only a fraction of

generated radicals (say, δ) will be used for degrading the pollutant. This fraction may be written as:

W = X�/& X�/:XY/Y( ...............................(3.7)

The per-pass degradation factor can then be related to the generation rate as:

5 � ∅ = � Z[\ ...............................(3.8)

The per-pass degradation coefficient can then be written as:

∅ = ] ^_ `Y a\b]cYc�: `̀Yb ...............................(3.9)

The per-pass degradation factor will depend on rate of generation of hydroxyl radicals (G), flow rate

through cavitation device (Q), chemical nature of pollutant (reactivity with hydroxyl radicals, k2 and

stoichiometric coefficient, zR and hydrophobicity of pollutant molecules), concentration of the

pollutant (C), concentration of scavengers (CS) and relative rate reactivity of pollutant and scavengers

(kS) with hydroxyl radicals. It can be seen that for low concentrations of pollutant (C << CS), the value

of per-pass degradation factor will be independent of pollutant concentration. It will essentially

depend on the effective generation rate of hydroxyl radicals, G and the ratio of kS to k2. As the

reactivity of pollutant decreases with respect to reactivity of other existing scavengers, the per-pass

degradation factor decreases. G depends on flow characteristics of the cavitation device which

controls number density of cavitation events and intensity of cavity collapse (which controls

generation of hydroxyl radicals per collapsing cavity). At higher concentrations of pollutant, Equation

3.9 indicates that the per-pass degradation factor may slightly decrease with increase in

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concentration. This is based on the assumption that increase in pollutant concentration is not

changing the rate of generation of hydroxyl radicals. However, this may not be realistic in all cases.

For pollutants which exhibit more volatility than water, increased concentration of pollutant will lead

to significant amount of pollutant in the generated cavity since vapour pressure of the pollutant will

not be negligible compared to the water vapour pressure. For example, in a case of 1% (by weight)

solution of acetone, the equilibrium vapour will contain ~3% acetone (assuming Raoult’s law). The

presence of pollutants in vapour cavities will influence generation of hydroxyl radicals as well as will

also result in vapour phase thermal degradation of pollutants. In such cases, more sophisticated

models will be necessary. For most of the WWT applications, the presented model will be useful. The

value of per-pass degradation factor, φ may be obtained by fitting the experimental data using

Equation (3.2). The model presented so far describes the process under isothermal conditions. For

non-isothermal operation, the model can be readily extended by relating per pass degradation factor

to activation energy as:

∅ = ∅D ��∆d/*e ...............................(3.10)

Equation (3.2) will then have to be re-written as:

� = �23��7∅f g hE∆i/\j.0 = �23��∅f g hE∆i/\j.3 ...............................(3.11)

The change in temperature may be obtained by writing an energy balance across the reactor if all the

thermal losses are known. In commonly used experimental set-ups, the energy used by the pump is

dissipated in the form of heat in the circulating liquid and therefore temperature of the liquid rises

with time. Heat exchange may be used to control the temperature of the system. Depending on the

scale of the experimental system (heat transfer area per unit volume of the system), heat transfer

because of natural circulation around the set-up may also lead to nearly constant temperature after

rising to a certain level. Experimental data (of concentration and temperature) at different constant

temperatures or non-isothermal conditions may be used to obtain values of φ0 and ∆E/R. If non-

isothermal experiment is carried out, a piece-wise linear approximation may be assumed for the

measured temperature profile. With this approximation, it is possible to integrate Equation (3.11)

analytically. However, the solution involves exponential integration, Ei. In this work, numerical

methods using MATLAB instead of using analytical approach were used. Using the measured values of

concentration and temperature, two parameter optimisation may be used to estimate values of ∆k '⁄

and φ0. Alternatively, concentration profiles measured at constant temperature may be used to

estimate value of ∆k '⁄ and the data sets may be used to estimate value of φ0 by error minimisation.

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In this work, the latter approach was used. Experiments were carried out systematically to evaluate

the presented model. The key results are discussed in the following section.

3.4 Results and discussion

Systematic experiments to understand the influence of temperature, operating flow or pressure drop

across the cavitation device, liquid volume, concentration of pollutant, extent of aeration and scale of

cavitation reactor on degradation performance were performed. Most of the experiments were

performed with acetone as a pollutant. Typical starting concentration of the experiments was in the

range of 800 to 900 ppm. After quantifying influence of various parameters on degradation of acetone,

additional experiments were carried out to understand influence of nature of pollutant on

degradation performance by carrying out experiments with ethyl acetate (EA) and isopropyl alcohol

(IPA) as pollutants.

The typical profiles of concentration and temperature for experiments with acetone contaminated

water are shown in Figure 3.3. It can be seen that concentration of acetone is reduced to half in about

100 passes through the cavitation device. Temperature rises by about 20 K during this period. No

attempt was made to control the temperature. The system however appears to attain a kind of

thermal steady state after nearly 80 passes. The temperature rise for the final two hours of the

experiment (for number of passes greater than 80) was quite small (~ 2 K) and can be approximated

as a nearly constant temperature data.

The reproducibility of experiments at the operating condition ΔP of 250 kPa was found to be within

5% of three experiments, an error similar to that exists for all other operating conditions. For the sake

of clarity, error bars are not always shown in the figures presented here. After establishing

reproducibility and required sampling intervals, influence of various operating parameters was

investigated. Key results are discussed in the following sub-sections.

3.4.1 Influence of temperature

As seen from temperature profile shown in Figure 3.3, all non-isothermal experiments exhibited more

or less constant temperature region beyond 80 passes through the cavitation device. The temperature

variation in that region was typically within ± 1 oC. The concentration versus number of passes data

obtained over this nearly constant temperature region was processed using Equation (3.2) and (3.3)

to estimate the per-pass degradation factor (φ). Different non-isothermal experiments were carried

out by changing initial temperature of effluent water and by introducing a beaker filled with ice as the

coolant in the holding tank. Experiments exhibiting constant temperature regions over 297 to 317 K

were used to estimate influence of operating temperature on per-pass degradation factor at two

different operating pressure drops across cavitation device. Equation (3.10) was used to estimate

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effective activation energy. The per-pass degradation factors obtained from these experiments are

shown in Figure 3.4.

It can be seen that increase in temperature by 20 K increases per-pass degradation factor by 100%. As

discussed in Section 3.1, increase in temperature may not always result in increased degradation

rates/ performance. Increase in temperature beyond a certain critical value may lead to excessive

vaporisation which may lead to increased compressibility of the vapour – liquid mixture and reduce

intensity of cavity collapse. In some cases, excessive vaporisation may lead to choking cavitation.

Degradation rate and therefore effective per-pass degradation factor may therefore reduce with

increase in temperature beyond a critical value. However, the experimental data collected in this work

(maximum temperature was below 320 K) exhibited monotonic increase in per-pass degradation

factor with increase in operating temperature. This is in agreement with earlier studies (Patil and

Gogate, 2012; Wang and Zhang, 2009; Braeutigam et al. 2012). A possibility of acetone loss because

of evaporation was evaluated. Though acetone is low boiling (vapour pressure at 313 K is 56245 Pa),

the acetone mole fraction is quite small (1000 ppm, mole fraction~ 0.0003). Therefore, even at 313 K,

the effective partial pressure of acetone is less than 20 Pa which is quite small to ensure that acetone

escaping due to evaporation is negligible.

Figure 3.3: Typical concentration and temperature profiles. Pollutant: acetone, Starting concentration, C0: 863 ppm, Total liquid volume: 0.0093 m3; Pressure

drop across cavitation device, ΔP: 250 kPa, Flow rate, Q: 8.08 × 10-5 m3/s. Solid line indicates predicted concentration profiles (ΔE/R=3950, φ0=1952);Dotted line indicates piece-wise linear

profile of temperature assumed for estimating concentrations.

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The data of concentration versus number of passes may be processed using Equation (3.11) and two

parameter optimisation for obtaining values of φ0 and ΔE/R. The number of experimental data points

were however not adequate to carry out systematic two parameter optimisation. In this work,

therefore, the activation energy was approximated using the limited data points for which one

parameter optimisation was used to calculate per – pass degradation coefficient, φ0. It can be seen

from Figure 3.4 that the data can be reasonably described by Equation (3.10) with ΔE/R = 3950 K. The

data fit for 250 kPa is not as good as that of 150 kPa. However, since the objective of this work was to

present a new way of modelling hydrodynamic cavitation and the presented one parameter

optimisation is reasonably successful in describing the experimental data, further efforts to improve

the fit was not made because of the limited experimental data sets available. The approach however

can be extended in a straight-forward manner for the two-parameter optimisation provided adequate

number of experimental data points are available.

Figure 3.4: Influence of temperature on per-pass degradation factor, φ. Pollutant: acetone, Total liquid volume: 0.0093 m3. Symbols: experimental data; solid and dotted

lines: φ calculated using Equation (3.11) with ΔE/R = 3950 K, φ0 = 2550 for 150 kPa and φ0 = 1950 for 250 kPa.

Therefore, the value of ΔE/R was set to 3950 K for all subsequent analysis. The value of φ0 appearing

in Equation (3.10) can then be obtained by fitting the non-isothermal model (Equation 3.11) by

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minimising errors in fitted and experimental values of pollutant concentration. Experimental

temperature profiles were approximated by a piece-wise linear profile for this purpose. The non-

isothermal model showed excellent fit with the experimental data (see comparison of predicted and

experimental data shown in Figure 3.3). The values of φ0 obtained by this method for a range of

operating conditions, pollutants and scale of cavitation reactors are listed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Estimated values of φ0 with ΔE/R = 3950 K.

Device Pollutant V × 103,

(m3) ΔP,

(kPa) Q×104, (m3/s)

C0, (ppm)

Aeration (vvm)

φ0, (-)

D1 Acetone 9.3 200 0.73 870 0 1770

D1 Acetone 13.9 250 0.81 841 0 1975

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 852 0 1952

D1 Acetone 9.3 300 0.88 880 0 1900

D1 Acetone 9.3 350 0.95 862 0 1425

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 1000 0.3 2160

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 893 1.01 5000

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 950 1.46 4200

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 8838 0 1950

D1 Acetone 9.3 250 0.81 22315 0 2350

D1 IPA 9.3 250 0.81 1105 0 820

D1 IPA 9.3 250 0.81 10000 0 650

D1 IPA 9.3 250 0.81 50000 0 700

D1 EA 9.3 250 0.81 725 0 3285

D2 Acetone 15 200 3.00 924 0 385

D2 Acetone 15 250 3.31 941 0 355

D2 Acetone 15 350 3.92 975 0 292

D2 Acetone 15 450 4.38 930 0 265

3.4.2 Influence of liquid volume

In order to demonstrate that the degradation of pollutant is a function of number of passes through

the cavitation device and not a function of time, experiments were carried out with two different

liquid volumes in the holding tank (0.0093 m3 and 0.0139 m3). The experimentally measured

concentration profiles are shown in Figure 3.5 as a function of number of passes. It can be seen that

though the reduction of concentration with respect to time was much slower for the case with larger

liquid volume, the concentration profiles as a function of number of passes do not show any influence

of liquid volume. The values of φ0 obtained for these different liquid volumes are within error bars

(1952 and 1975: see Table 3.2). This confirms that overall degradation behaviour of WWT using

hydrodynamic cavitation can be appropriately modelled using the per-pass degradation factor. The

per-pass degradation model was then used to interpret the experimental data obtained at different

pressure drop across cavitation device.

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3.4.3 Influence of flow Rate through/ pressure drop across cavitation device

It can be seen from Equation (3.5) that the cavitation yield is proportional to the ratio of per-pass

degradation factor and pressure drop across the cavitation reactor for a specific pollutant

concentration. It is therefore interesting to see how per pass degradation factor varies with pressure

drop. At very low pressure drop across the cavitation device, flow is not adequate to generate

cavitation. For conventional cavitation devices like orifice or venturi, cavitation number is used to

estimate inception of cavitation. The cavitation number, Ca is defined as (�� � �� � n��), where p2 is

downstream pressure, pv is vapour pressure and Ut is superficial liquid velocity at the throat (of orifice

or venturi).

Figure 3.5: Influence of vessel volume on degradation performance.

Pollutant: acetone, Starting concentration, C0: 840 ppm. Pressure drop across cavitation device, ∆P: 250 kPa, Flow rate, Q: 8.08 × 10-5 m3/s.

Cavitation inception may occur when Ca falls below unity. However, in reality, the cavitation inception

may occur at larger values of Ca when liquid contains some dissolved gases (Pradhan and Gogate,

2010). Typical pressure drop required to initiate cavitation is in the range of 300-800 kPa for orifice

(Saharan et al. 2013; Gogate and Patil, 2015; Barik and Gogate, 2016) and 200-500 kPa for venturi

(Rajoriya et al. 2017; Gore et al. 2014; Kumar et al. 2017). Unlike these conventional devices, the

vortex-based cavitation device used in the present work relies on rotational flows to generate low

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pressure and therefore cavitation. It has been reported that devices based on rotational flows

demonstrate early inception of cavitation (Gaikwad and Ranade, 2016).

In this work, a stethoscope was used to manually identify cavitation noise and inception by slowly

increasing flow through cavitation device. The data of pressure drop across the cavitation device and

throat velocity for the small (D2) and large (D3) cavitation devices (see Figure 3.6), while stethoscope

was used to monitor cavitation noise at different locations in the flow circuit. It can be seen that the

pressure drop data can be described by setting Euler number (ratio of pressure drop and velocity head

at the throat of the cavitation device) as 60, the Euler number is used to characterise energy losses in

a flow.

The inception was found to occur when pressure drop across the cavitation device is just below 100

kPa. This is in agreement with the results reported by Gaikwad and Ranade (Gaikwad and Ranade,

2016). Similar inception point was also observed for the case of a larger cavitation device. Attempts

are being made to quantitatively and objectively identify the inception point using the acquired

acoustic signals. For this work, a qualitative and manual identification of inception was considered to

be adequate since the focus was not on inception but on degradation performance of the cavitation


In order to avoid any ambiguity, the operating range of pressure drop across the cavitation device for

the present work was considered to be 150 kPa and above. In addition to flow rate through the main

line, for each operating condition, flow rate through the by-pass line was also measured. At 150 kPa,

there is still a significant flow through by-pass line and therefore through a valve. With reasonable

estimate of open area of the valve in the by-pass line at this operating condition indicated the

cavitation number at the valve is slightly higher than 2. Considering that there may still be a possibility

of some cavitation across the valve, even the data collected at 150 kPa pressure drop across the

cavitation device was not considered in the further analysis (though it was used for estimating

activation energy as shown in Figure 3.4). For unambiguous characterisation of the cavitation device,

degradation performance data obtained at pressure drop values of 200 kPa and above was


The concentration profiles for different operating conditions (ΔP of 200 kPa to 350 kPa) are shown in

Figure 3.7. It can be seen that influence of increase in pressure drop across cavitation device on

degradation performance is not monotonic. The degradation performance was improved when

pressure drop was increased from 200 kPa to 250 kPa. However, further increase in pressure drop

across cavitation device was found to reduce degradation performance. Similar observations

regarding existence of a maxima in degradation performance with respect to pressure drop has been

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reported in earlier works for conventional devices (Saharan et al. 2013; Barik and Gogate, 2018; Gore

et al. 2014).

The experimentally measured concentration profiles were described very well by the per pass

degradation model developed in this work (see comparison of predicted results shown by lines and

experimental data in Figure 3.7). The fitted values of φ0 are listed in Table 3.2. The variation of per

pass degradation factor as a function of pressure drop is shown in Figure 3.8. It can be clearly seen

that per pass degradation factor exhibits maxima at 250 kPa pressure drop across the cavitation

device. The per pass degradation factor is proportional to G (generation rate of hydroxyl radicals)

which in turn depends on product of number density of cavitation events and hydroxyl radicals

generated per collapsing cavity. Higher pressure drop across the cavitation device generates more

cavitation that is higher numbers of cavitation events. However, intensity of collapse of generated

cavities decreases in presence of larger number of cavities. These two opposite effects of increase in

pressure drop across cavitation device results into maxima in degradation performance with respect

to the pressure drop.

Figure 3.6: Pressure drop and throat velocity relationships for vortex based cavitation devices. Symbols: experimental data; Lines: Euler number = 60. D2: small cavitation device; D3: large

cavitation device (see Table 3.1 for other details).

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models can be used to relate pressure drop across the cavitation

device and extent of cavitation. The CFD models can also provide information about the pressure

history experienced by the cavities which can then be used with cavity dynamics models (Gogate and

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Pandit, 2001; Brennen, 2014) for estimating generation of hydroxyl radicals per cavity collapse. The

framework developed here can thus be used along with the CFD and cavity dynamics models to

understand influence of various design and operating parameters on degradation performance. The

scope of this work however is restricted to present the per-pass degradation model and its application

to treatment of solvent contaminated water. The framework and presented data will provide a sound

basis for further work in this direction. The degradation performance in terms of energy consumption

per kg of pollutant removed is dependent on the ratio of per pass degradation factor and pressure

drop (see Equation 3.5). The optimum performance therefore not necessarily coincide with the

maximum degradation performance observed in Figure 3.8. The ratio of per pass degradation factor

and pressure drop is shown in Figure 3.9. Considering that the per pass degradation factor will be zero

up to cavitation inception (up to 100 kPa pressure drop across cavitation device), there exists an

optimum pressure drop across cavitation device for maximising cavitation yield. The data collected in

present work for different pollutants and two scales of cavitation device indicate that this optimum

lies around 200 kPa. It may be worthwhile to investigate operation in the range from cavitation

inception (100 kPa) to 200 kPa provided that any other cavitation source within the flow circuit is

unambiguously avoided. This was however not possible in the experimental set-ups used in this work.

Figure 3.7: Influence of pressure drop on degradation performance.

Symbols: experimental data, and Lines: predictions using non-isothermal model with ∆E/R = 3950 K. Pollutant: acetone, Total liquid volume: 0.0093 m3.

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3.4.4 Influence of aeration

As discussed in section 3.1, aeration may enhance degradation performance of cavitation based

treatment by providing additional source of nuclei, which might enhance the extent of cavitation. In

this work, influence of aeration on degradation of acetone was evaluated. Air was sparged in the

holding tank with a single tube sparger. The flow rates were set to 0.3, 1.01 and 1.46 vvm

[(L/min)gas/Lliquid]. The aeration was found to improve the degradation performance up to 1.01 vvm.

Further increase in aeration rate appeared to reduce the per-pass degradation factor. The per pass

degradation model was found to represent the observed experimental results quite well. The value of

φ0 obtained for different aeration rates are listed in Table 3.2. The per pass degradation factors at 300

K are shown in Figure 3.10. It can be seen that a small increase of 10% in φ was observed for 0.3 vvm

aeration. Earlier study of Suryawanshi et al. (Suryawanshi et al. 2018) had reported a similar

enhancement of approximately 10% for an aeration flow rate of 0.16 vvm. Increasing air flow rate to

1 vvm resulted in almost doubling of per pass degradation factor compared to that observed in

absence of aeration.

Figure 3.8: Influence of pressure drop on per – pass degradation factor. Pollutant: acetone; D2: smaller cavitation device; D3: larger cavitation device, values of φ were

calculated at 300 K using values of φ0 listed in Table 3.2 and Equation (3.10) with ∆E/R=3950 K.

Further increase in aeration rate to 1.46 vvm showed a slight reduction in the per pass degradation

factor. It is important to establish that observed increase in per pass degradation factor is indeed

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because of interaction of aeration and cavitation and not simply because of stripping caused by

aeration. In order to establish this, aeration only experiments (without cavitation) were carried out to

quantify the acetone removal via stripping. It was observed that after 3 hours of continuous stripping,

acetone removed at the highest air flow rate (1.46 vvm) was 22%. The equivalent contribution to per

– pass degradation factor was estimated from the concentration versus time profile for this case. At

highest air flow rate of 1.46 vvm, the contribution of aeration to per – pass degradation factor was

0.0014 whereas the overall degradation factor for aeration and cavitation was more than 0.008. This

clearly establishes that the observed enhancement in the per-pass degradation factor is because of

higher effectiveness of cavitation (radical generation) in presence of aeration.

Figure 3.9: Influence of pressure drop on effective cavitation yield (φ/∆P). D2: smaller cavitation device; D3: larger cavitation device; Values of φ were calculated at 300 K using

values of φ0 listed in Table 3.2 and Equation (3.10) with ∆E/R=3950 K.

The high enhancement factors at higher flowrates may be attributed to the availability of additional

reactive oxygen species, which are responsible for degradation reactions. Concentration of dissolved

air will initially increase with aeration and therefore may enhance per-pass degradation factor. Beyond

a limit, dissolved air may lead to more number density of cavities which may hamper collapse

intensity. Thus, it is expected that increase in aeration rate beyond a certain value will cause per-pass

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degradation factor either plateau or reduce. Aeration appears to be a worthwhile pathway to enhance

performance of hydrodynamic cavitation device.

3.4.5 Influence of nature of pollutant

In order to understand influence of nature of pollutant on degradation performance (per pass

degradation factor), experiments were carried with EA and IPA in addition to the acetone results

discussed so far. The comparison of degradation performance of acetone, EA and IPA at 250 kPa

pressure drop is shown in Figure 3.11. The experimental determination of φ at three different

temperatures and two pressure drops for acetone degradation enabled the calculation of ∆E/R for the

case of acetone as discussed earlier.

An attempt was made to apply non-isothermal per pass degradation model discussed earlier using the

same value of ∆E/R for other two pollutants. The simulated results are also shown in Figure 3.11. It

can be seen that the non-isothermal model presented in this work was able to describe the

experimental data very well. Thus, the temperature dependence of degradation of three pollutants

studied in this work namely acetone, EA and IPA can be represented by the same value of ∆E/R.

Considering the similar nature of chemical species and likely intermediates this is not very surprising.

Activation energy values may change for different types of chemical species like aromatics and will be

investigated separately.

Figure 3.10: Effect of aeration on degradation performance. Pollutant: acetone, Total liquid volume: 0.0093 m3; ΔP: 250 kPa; Q: 8.08 × 10-5 m3/s; Values of φ

were calculated at 300 K using values of φ0 listed in Table 3.2 and Equation (3.10) with ΔE/R=3950 K.

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The degradation performance based on φ values, suggest that ethyl acetate degrades approximately

4 times faster than isopropyl alcohol and 1.5 times faster than acetone. In a treatment with

hydrodynamic cavitation, pollutant degradation may occur by different pathways: it may occur inside

the bubble (pyrolytic decomposition) or at the bubble-liquid interface or the bulk medium by diffusion

and reaction of radicals in the bulk (Sivasankar and Moholkar, 2009). When pollutants are volatile and

hydrophobic, pyrolytic decomposition may be dominant as observed in the case of chlorobenzene

(Sivasankar and Moholkar, 2009). All the three pollutants used in this study are hydrophilic. The

degradation trends obtained here indicate that the vapour pressure alone is not the sole reason for

the obtained trend, as acetone with the highest vapour pressure did not exhibit highest degradation.

It is possible that the bond energy of the solvents and the reactivity with the hydroxyl radical will also

play a part. Therefore, the effective degradation performance is eventually dependent on relative

reactivity of pollutant with hydroxyl radicals (either at the bubble – liquid interface or in the bulk

liquid). There are numerous publications speculating on different possible reaction pathways towards

complete mineralisation (for example, possible reaction pathways of mineralising acetone are

discussed by Talukdar et al. (Talukdar et al. 2003). Since in this work intermediates were not analysed

and the developed per pass degradation model accounts only lumped reaction, no attempt was made

to interpret observed differences in reactivity. The presented data will however be useful to design

appropriate hydrodynamic cavitation-based treatment for water contaminated with these three


3.4.6 Influence of pollutant concentration

There appears to be some confusion about influence of pollutant concentration on degradation

performance of hydrodynamic cavitation process. A general so called ‘common sense’ based belief in

industry is that higher concentration of the pollutant will improve the degradation performance. There

are some reports in the published studies which indicate that degradation rates reduce with pollutant

concentration (Suryawanshi et al. 2018). With this background, the per pass degradation model

developed here indicates that at small concentration of pollutant, the per pass degradation factor, φ,

should be independent of pollutant concentration (Equation 3.9).

Experiments with different initial concentrations of acetone and IPA were carried out. The observed

degradation performance was described very well with the per pass degradation model developed

here. The values of per pass degradation factor at 300 K obtained at different initial pollutant

concentration are shown in Figure 3.12. It can be seen that the per pass degradation factor obtained

for acetone was constant up to 10000 ppm. For the case of 22000 ppm acetone, the per-pass

degradation factor was increased somewhat. This may be because of vapour phase thermal

degradation of acetone in collapsing cavities. For the case of IPA, the per-pass degradation factors

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were found to be independent of initial concentration at least up to 50000 ppm. In Section 3.4.1, the

calculation of effective partial pressure for a solution containing 1000 ppm acetone was discussed and

the acetone escaping due to evaporation was negligible in that case. In these cases of higher

concentration of Acetone and IPA, the effective partial pressure is still negligible. The degradation

performance in terms of cavitation yield (kg of COD/ kJ) will however improve with pollutant

concentration (Equation 3.5) which is in line with the prevalent industry belief.

3.4.7 Influence of scale

Hydrodynamic cavitation has been proposed as a promising technology for WWT for quite some time

(Gogate and Pandit, 2001). However, despite the significant number of patents and start-up

companies, the technology is still not yet widely used in water treatment industry. The problems

related to erosion and propensity to clogging associated with the conventional cavitation devices like

orifice or venturi may be some of the reasons behind this lack of widespread use. However, lack of

understanding and therefore a lack of systematic framework for design and scale-up might also restrict

the applications of hydrodynamic cavitation.

Figure 3.11: Influence of chemical nature of pollutant on degradation performance. Operating conditions: ΔP = 250 kPa; Q = 8.08 × 10-5 m3/s; V = 0.0093 m3(Symbols: experimental data,

Curves: predictions by non-isothermal model using ΔE/R = 3950 K). The per pass degradation model presented in this work provides a basis for developing a systematic

design framework for continuous WWT processes based on hydrodynamic cavitation. In order to

develop such a framework, it is important to understand scale-up of cavitation devices. As mentioned

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in section 3.1, unfortunately no systematic data or information is available on influence of scale on

degradation performance of hydrodynamic cavitation. In this work, geometrically similar vortex-based

cavitation devices at two scales were used. The ratio of characteristic dimensions of the considered

cavitation devices was two. Thus, the nominal capacity of the two devices was different by a factor of

four. The pressure drop versus flow rate data was measured (see Figure 3.6). The characteristic flow

curves for both the devices were represented very well by Eu = 60. The degradation performance of

acetone with the two cavitation devices is shown in Figure 3.13 for 250 kPa pressure drop.

Figure 3.12: Influence of initial pollutant concentration.

ΔP = 250 kPa; V = 9.3 L; Q = 8.08 × 10-5 m3/s; Values of φ were calculated at 300 K using values of φ0

listed in Table 3.2 and Equation (3.10) with ∆E/R=3950 K. It can be seen that the degradation performance of a smaller device is significantly better than that of

the larger device. The per pass degradation model developed in this work was able to describe the

data on both the scales very well. The per pass degradation factors obtained for the larger device were

smaller than those obtained with the smaller cavitation device (see Figure 3.8).

The maxima in per-pass degradation factor with respect to pressure drop observed for the case of

larger cavitation device was not found to be as pronounced as that observed for the smaller device.

While it is important to understand the influence of scale more critically. The relation of the obtained

influence of scale results need to be made with the flow characteristics of the device used. The

discussion on scale-up aspects of these devices will be made in Chapter 5.

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Figure 3.13: Influence of scale on degradation performance.

Pollutant: Acetone; Pressure drop, ΔP=250 kPa; S: C0= 863 ppm; L: C0=924 ppm (Symbols: experimental data, Curves: predictions by non-isothermal model using ΔE/R = 3950 K).

3.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, vortex based hydrodynamic cavitation devices (D2/D3) were used for treating solvent

contaminated water. Three commonly used solvents namely acetone, EA and IPA were considered. A

modelling framework based on a per-pass (through cavitation device) degradation factor is developed

which provides a convenient way to connect with more sophisticated models (cavity dynamics and

computational fluid dynamic models). Influence of scale of geometrically similar cavitation devices

was investigated for the first time. The key conclusions from the study are as follows:

• Within the range investigated in this work (up to 318 K), increase in operating temperature

was found to enhance degradation rates for all the considered pollutants. The influence of

temperature on degradation rates was represented using the Arrhenius equation with

∆E/R=3950 K

• Per-pass degradation model developed in this work was able to describe the experimental

data very well for all the three pollutants for all considered operating conditions

• Per-pass degradation factor exhibited a maxima with respect to pressure drop (200 – 250 kPa)

across the cavitation device

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• Aeration was found to enhance degradation factor up to a certain rate. Aeration rate of 1 vvm

almost doubled the per-pass degradation factor when compared to that without aeration.

Further increase in aeration beyond 1 vvm was found to decrease per-pass degradation factor

• Per-pass degradation factor depends on the nature of the pollutant. The pollutant EA was

observed to degrade approximately 4 times faster than acetone and 1.5 times faster than IPA

• The degradation performance was found to be independent of initial concentration of the

pollutant in the ranges of 1000 to 50000 ppm for IPA. At a concentration of 22000 ppm

acetone, the per-pass degradation factor for acetone was found to be somewhat higher

compared to that observed at low concentrations (less than 1%)

• The per-pass degradation factor was found to decrease with the scale of cavitation device.

The smaller device (D2) was observed to perform almost 5 times better than the larger device

(D3) across all operating pressure drops (ΔP)

The per-pass degradation model and the values reported here for different operating parameters as

well as for two different scales of geometrically similar cavitation device provide a framework to

understand and interpret degradation behaviour of pollutants. The framework enables a direct

comparison of cavitation devices and facilitates extension to continuous operation. The models and

results will be useful to researchers as well as practicing engineers interested in expanding application

horizons of hydrodynamic cavitation for wastewater treatment.

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Chapter 4: Modelling of Vortex-Based Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactors

The work reported in this chapter has been published as: Sarvothaman, V.P., Simpson, A.T. and Ranade, V.V., 2019. Modelling of vortex based hydrodynamic

cavitation reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 377, 119639.

Contribution from the second author (Dr. Simpson) is acknowledged for developing the CFD model

used in this chapter, more details about these CFD models can be obtained from the works of Simpson

and Ranade (2019a) and Simpson and Ranade (2019b).

4.1 Introduction

Cavitation is the formation, growth and implosion of bubbles in a liquid medium undergoing variation

in pressure (Capocelli et al. 2014b). The implosion of these bubbles leads to extreme temperature and

pressures in a tiny volume. These extreme temperatures (> 2000 K) and pressures (> 100 MPa) results

in highly reactive radical species (from water and dissolved air). Among the radicals formed during the

collapse, the hydroxyl radicals (OH) have a very high oxidising ability. This can be harnessed for variety

of applications. Out of variety of ways with which cavitation can be realised in practice, hydrodynamic

cavitation is most relevant for industrial applications particularly at larger scale (Pradhan and Gogate

2010; Chakinala et al. 2009; Jyoti and Pandit, 2001). Acoustic cavitation (AC) is the harnessing of the

cavitation phenomenon by passage of ultrasound in a liquid. In this work, the scope is restricted to

hydrodynamic cavitation (HC).

Hydrodynamic cavitation is realised by designing a cavitation device or reactor in such a way that it

generates low pressure regions within the reactor where pressure falls below vapour pressure of

liquid. This leads to formation of vaporous cavities. These cavities are then transported in a region of

higher pressure where cavities collapse. As mentioned above, collapsing cavities generate highly

reactive hydroxyl radicals which can then be harnessed for variety of applications. One of the most

widely investigated application of hydrodynamic cavitation is effluent treatment (see Ranade and

Bhandari, 2014 and references cited therein; Gągol et al. 2018). Several other applications of

cavitation have also been reported (Carpenter et al. 2017; Suryawanshi et al. 2017, 2018; Ranade et

al. 2017; 2016 and references cited therein; Pathania et al. 2018). Hydrodynamic cavitation offers

several advantages like no additional chemicals (clean tech), compact and in-line reactors and low

costs (see Figure 1.2). This makes it a very promising technology platform.

Despite significant research on hydrodynamic cavitation (more than 900 publications on

hydrodynamic cavitation are listed by ScienceDirect for the year 2019; Figure 1.1), the excellent

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promise of this technology has not yet been fully realised in practice. There are mainly two reasons

for this scenario:

i) Designs of cavitation reactor: Conventionally hydrodynamic cavitation reactors are

designed either using small constrictions (like orifices or venturi) or rotors to realise

desired low pressure regions for generating cavitation. Orifice or venturi based designs

are susceptible to clogging and erosion since cavitation occurs close to solid walls (see for

example, Simpson and Ranade, 2018). Reactors based on rotors are expensive and impose

higher operating and maintenance costs (Gogate and Pandit, 2001). New designs which

overcome some of these limitations are needed.

ii) Lack of systematic design, optimisation and scale-up methodologies: Though there are

several published studies using orifice and venturi based cavitation reactors, most of the

studies use ‘home made’ devices and lack standardisation. It should be noted that small

hardware features like radius of curvature of orifice (see Simpson and Ranade, 2018) can

significantly influence cavitation characteristics. Many times, all the relevant dimensions

and operating conditions (like cavitation inception conditions, volume of holding tank etc.)

are not reported making interpretation of results difficult. Results from two different

devices are also therefore difficult to relate. Despite so many studies, performance of

geometrically similar cavitation devices on different scales is scarce and no systematic

guidelines or methodologies are available for design, optimisation and scale-up.

In this work, an attempt to address these issues and provide a systematic design and optimisation

process for a recently developed vortex based HC reactor is made. Key features of vortex based

devices for cavitation are summarised here for the sake of completeness. Published attempts of

developing design and optimisation models of cavitation reactors are then critically reviewed. The

scope of the present work and structure of this presentation are then briefly discussed.

Ranade et al. (2016, 2017) have disclosed vortex based devices for cavitation which can shield the

cavities from the reactors walls and can overcome the limitations of conventional hydrodynamic

cavitation (HC) devices. Recent studies report several advantages of vortex-based cavitation reactor

over cavitation reactors based on orifice or venturi (see for example, Suryawanshi et al. 2017; 2018).

vortex-based cavitation reactor are now commercially available and have been deployed at scales up

to 50 m3/hr (www.vivira.in; Utikar, 2018). In this work the investigation of design, optimisation and

scale-up of vortex-based cavitation reactor for the application of treatment of acetone contaminated

water is made. None of the cited studies on vortex-based cavitation reactor discuss design and scale-

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up methodology. Systematic design methodologies are not available even for conventional devices

like orifice and venturi despite several attempts of developing these. Published attempts of modelling

and design of cavitation reactors is briefly reviewed in the following.

Most of the published studies carry out batch operation (with total recycle) of cavitation reactors. The

experimental data obtained from such batch experiments is often interpreted using pseudo-first order

kinetics and rate constants are reported with units of s-1 (see for example, Barik and Gogate, 2016;

Rajoriya et al. 2018 and references cited therein). Several studies have shown that the apparent rate

constant of degradation exhibits a maxima with respect to pressure drop across cavitation device

(Rajoriya et al. 2017; Thanekar et al. 2018; Capocelli et al. 2014b). In order to understand such a

behaviour of cavitation reactor, the apparent rate constant (which in reality is function of cavitation

device configuration, operating conditions, number of passes through cavitation device and so on) is

attempted to correlate with results obtained with the cavity dynamics models. Extensive work on

cavity dynamics models has been done by Pandit – Gogate – Moholkar and their co-workers (see for

example, Gireesan and Pandit, 2017; Chakma and Moholkar, 2013; Sharma et al. 2008; Krishnan et al.

2006; Kanthale et al. 2005; Moholkar and Pandit, 2001a; Moholkar and Pandit, 2001b; Gogate and

Pandit, 2000; Moholkar and Pandit, 1997). A crucial link to utilise the Rayleigh-Plesset equation to

understand performance of hydrodynamic cavitation devices is formed by the work of Moholkar and

Pandit (1997), who had reported the effect of turbulence on bubble behaviour, which gives rise to the

sonochemical effect in HC. Even earlier than this, Naidu et al. (1994) have modelled OH radical

generation responsible for KI oxidation in different gas atmospheres for a sonochemical reactor.

Delmas and co-workers have used bubble dynamics models to study effects of frequency and liquid

temperature in AC (Sochard et al. 1997, 1998). The diffusion limited model for cavity dynamics

suggested by Toegel et al. (2000) has been extensively used in the subsequent studies. Krishnan et al.

(2006) developed the framework to predict OH generation from collapse conditions. It should be

noted that cavity dynamic models involve several sub-models. There are several uncertainties

associated with the estimation of transport properties, interface boundary conditions, definition of

collapse and so on. The results of the cavity dynamics model are quite sensitive to initial size of the

cavity. Arrojo and Benito (2008) have discussed the theoretical considerations of modelling HC

reactors, where they have pointed key differences between acoustic cavitation (AC) and HC - the

pressure pulses in the bulk medium and time scales of bubble collapse. There have been attempts to

include distribution of initial cavity sizes instead of considering a single cavity. For example, Capocelli

et al. (Capocelli et al. 2014b) used a size distribution of initial cavity size, R0 in the range of 20 – 250

µm based on the work of Liu and Brennen (1995). Attempts have been made to qualitatively relate

results of cavity dynamics models with the performance of cavitation reactor. Sharma et al. (2008)

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have developed an empirical correlation for temperature, pressure and radical generation at collapse

as a function of initial radius of cavity, inlet pressure to the HC device and diameter of an orifice hole.

Unfortunately, applicability of such correlations is quite restricted and different and HC devices are

seldom directly comparable (Šarc et al. 2017).

In order to relate the models with the device design and operating parameters, it is essential to

connect cavity dynamics models with the fluid dynamics realised in the cavitation reactor. Several

attempts have been made towards simulating fluid dynamics of cavitation devices. The flow modelling

studies can be broadly divided into two groups: the first group focusses on detailed flow

characteristics using sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. For example, Chahine

and co-workers (Ma et al. 2017, Hsiao et al. 2017) have presented a multi-scale framework which

merges the Lagrangian approach for tracking nuclei and micro-bubbles with the macro-scale Eulerian

approach for resolving larger cavities, using a bridging scheme between the disparate scales. These

approaches have been shown to be able to successfully reproduce cavity formation. These studies

however are far too disconnected with the performance of cavitation reactor. On the other hand, the

second group focusses on simulating performance of cavitation reactors using rather simplified CFD

models. For example, Capocelli et al. (Capocelli et al. 2014b) used a simplified one-dimensional CFD

model for flow in cavitating venturi for qualitatively capturing the trend observed in performance of

cavitation reactor. Pawar et al. (2017) have used single phase flow simulations at a single operating

condition for four hydrodynamic cavitation. It is essential to strike an appropriate balance between

these two groups in order to make progress in relative design and operation of cavitation reactor with

degradation performance. Such an attempt is made here.

A multi-layer modelling approach to relate cavitation reactor performance with its design and

operation. The per-pass degradation model presented in Chapter 3 as a starting point. The

experimental data was interpreted with this model to obtained ‘per-pass degradation’ performance

of cavitation reactor under different operating conditions. The experimentally obtained per-pass

degradation factor was then estimated using the detailed CFD models of vortex-based cavitation

reactor (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) and cavity dynamics models (Pawar et al. 2017; Chakma and

Moholkar, 2013; Krishnan et al. 2006). New ways of estimating number of cavitation events and

relating CFD models with the cavity dynamics models are proposed. The approach was used to

describe the experimental data with the help of minimum adjustable parameters. The approach and

the model were able to capture influence of scale on degradation performance reasonably well. The

model was then used to understand possibilities of improving performance of cavitation reactor.

Influence of downstream pressure was found to increase degradation rates. Experiments were

performed to verify this observation. The approach and models were then used to simulate influence

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of scale of cavitation reactor. The simulated results were compared and discussed with reference to

the limited scale-up data available so far. The developed approach can be used to design, optimisation

and scale-up of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors. The key results are discussed after presenting

details of experimental work and computational models.

4.2 Experimental

The experimental setup used in this work is a modification of the experimental setup described

Chapter 3. While the earlier work studied the effect of pressure drop in the cavitating device, in this

work the effect of downstream pressure on degradation performance is investigated and the new data

is reported. The experimental set-up used in the earlier work (Chapter 3) was modified to facilitate

experiments with different downstream pressures. In the previous chapter, the effect of inlet pressure

was studied for devices D2 and D3. The altering of downstream pressure provides the possibility of

increasing device performance. At increased downstream pressure, the cavity length decreases and

there is a possibility of higher collapse intensity (Soyama and Hoshino, 2016). In order to verify this for

vortex based devices, experiments with different downstream pressure were planned and performed.

For this purpose, two valves were installed in the downstream section of the cavitating device (see

Figure 4.1). The use of multiple valves avoids excessive pressure drop across any valve and avoid

possibility of valve cavitation. The overall liquid volume of the modified setup was 9 L (slightly lower

than the volume of 9.3 L used in the previous work).

Two similar experimental set-ups were constructed with two geometrically similar vortex based

cavitation devices. The cavitation devices were procured from Vivira Process Technologies

(www.vivira.in). The key characteristics of the two set-ups are listed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Details of experimental set-ups used for acetone degradation experiments.

Cavitation device

Throat diameter, mm

Nominal capacity, m3/hr

Working liquid volume, m3

D2 6 0.3 0.009

D3 12 1.2 0.015

The pressure drop characteristics of these two cavitation devices and the details of experimental

procedure are discussed in Chapter 3 (Figure 3.6). Following the practices established in that work,

care was taken to ensure that there is no cavitation in the system other than that in the cavitation

device/ reactor. This was ensured by tracking the cavitation noise via stethoscopes. New experimental

data was collected for varying downstream pressure of the cavitation reactor for the constant inlet

pressure. The analytical methods used to quantify treatment of acetone contaminated water are

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discussed in the earlier work. The experimental data was processed using the per – pass degradation

factor as discussed in Chapter 3. The data are presented and discussed in Section 4.4.

Figure 4.1: Schematic of experimental set-up.

4.3 Modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation devices

The per – pass degradation framework (Chapter 3) was used for modelling the system shown in Figure

4.1. Complete mineralisation of pollutant proceeds via a multi-step unstable organic radical formation.

There are several attempts to understand radical formation and their subsequent reactions with

pollutants (see for example reaction schemes proposed by Saharan et al. 2014). However, these

reactions are represented by following commonly used simplification (Reactions 3.1 and 3.2). The

overall behaviour of a typical cavitation-based water treatment set-up shown in Figure 4.1 can be

modelled as per following reactions as mentioned in Chapter 3:

- ./.0 = −5∅� ...............................(4.1)

Where C is a concentration of pollutant, V is a holding tank volume, Q is a flow rate through cavitation

device and φ is a per-pass degradation factor. The number of passes, np can be related to time as:

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" = ;o � ...............................(4.2)

If the value of φ is assumed to be constant over a range of concentration and time, it can be obtained

by running the cavitation set-up in a batch model and using experimental measurement of

concentration of pollutant as:

� = �23��∅3I ...............................(4.3)

Per-pass degradation coefficient, φ, can be related to generation of hydroxyl radicals in the cavitation

device (G, kmol/s) and their subsequent reactions with the pollutant. Considering that radicals have

very small life time compared to the residence time in the cavitation device (and downstream piping

up to the holding tank), it may be safely assumed that all radicals are consumed within the reactor.

Radicals are highly reactive and therefore in addition to Reaction 3.2, radicals may react with any other

scavengers present in the liquid (including water itself). Therefore, only a fraction of generated

radicals (say, δ) will be used for degrading the pollutant. This fraction may be written as:

W = X�/& X�/:XY/Y( ...............................(4.4)

The per-pass degradation factor can then be related to the generation rate as:

5 � ∅ = � Z[\ ...............................(3.8)

The per-pass degradation coefficient can then be written as:

∅ = ] ^_ `Y a\b]cYc�: `̀Yb ...............................(3.9)

The per-pass degradation factor will depend on rate of generation of hydroxyl radicals (G), flow rate

through cavitation device (Q), chemical nature of pollutant (reactivity with hydroxyl radicals, k2),

concentration of the pollutant (C), concentration of scavengers (CS) and relative rate reactivity of

pollutant and scavengers (k2/kS) with hydroxyl radicals. It can be seen that for low concentrations of

pollutant (C << CS), the value of per-pass degradation factor will be independent of pollutant

concentration. It will essentially depend on the effective generation rate of hydroxyl radicals, G and

the ratio of kS to k2. As the reactivity of pollutant decreases with respect to reactivity of other existing

scavengers, the per-pass degradation factor decreases. Besides applying the per-pass model to

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describe the experimental data as done in Chapter 3, here an attempt to further develop the model

for estimation of per-pass degradation factor, φ is made.

The radical generation rate, G depends on flow characteristics of the cavitation device which controls

number density of cavitation events and intensity of cavity collapse (which controls generation of

hydroxyl radicals per collapsing cavity). The generation rate of hydroxyl radicals may be related to

number of cavities collapsing per second in the cavitation device (n, s-1) and hydroxyl radicals

generated per collapse, mOH (kmol) as:

p = " qrs kmol/s ...............................(4.5)

It should be noted that hydroxyl radicals generated per collapse depend on variety of factors such as

initial radius of cavity and bulk pressure fluctuations experienced by cavity (as it is moving within the

cavitation device). All the cavities generated will not be of same initial radius and all the generated

cavities (even with those with same initial radius) will not experience same bulk pressure fluctuations

because of inherently turbulent flow. It may therefore necessary to introduce a proportionality factor

in the above equation.

The number of cavities generated per second may be indirectly related to flow rate through the device,

gas volume fraction and representative volume of a cavity as:

" ∝ ; u^\ o<= s-1 ...............................(4.6)

Vin is volume of cavity at the inception. The term ��* denotes the effective volume fraction of cavities.

It is important to carefully select a region to estimate an appropriate value of ��*. This is discussed in

Section 4.2.

Substituting Equation (4.6) into Equation (4.5) the following expression is obtained,

∅ ∝ u^\ ]`vw`Y b]cYc�: `̀Yb ...............................(4.7)

Where COH is concentration of the hydroxyl radical at the cavity collapse (∝ xvwo<= ).

If concentration of pollutant is much smaller than CS and kS ~ k2, this equation can be simplified as:

∅ = y ��* @/vw/Y B ...............................(4.8)

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Where α is a proportionality constant. The concentration of scavengers may be assumed as constant

and may be lumped with the proportionality constant. For the sake of dimensional consistency, CS

may be assumed to be 1 kmol/m3. The presented model provides a direct link of key flow

characteristics of the cavitation device/ reactor with the overall performance of cavitation reactor.

The values of gas volume fractions appearing in Equation (4.8) may be obtained from CFD models of

cavitation device. COH may be estimated by solving cavity dynamics models. The overall approach of

coupling CFD and cavity dynamics models with the per – pass degradation model is shown in Figure

4.2. Details of CFD and cavity dynamics models are briefly discussed in the following sub-sections.

Figure 4.2: Approach for modelling of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors.

4.3.1 CFD model of vortex-based cavitation devices

The single phase flow characteristics of vortex diodes has been carried out previously by Pandare and

Ranade (2015), who presented a detailed description of the key flow features and complexities. The

vortex core formed through the central axis of the device exhibits unsteady behaviour, featuring a

precession which was found to oscillate at a frequency of the order of 60 Hz. Along the axial port there

is also a significant core of reverse flow, which persists for up to 30 diameters of the downstream

pipework. As a result, the computational demands of full 3D CFD approaches are relatively high,

requiring the resolution of small temporal and spatial scales (time steps of 10-6 s / near wall cell heights

of ~50 µm). In the cavitation devices used in this work, mass transfer in the low pressure region

generates a gas/ vapour core. This generation of multiphase flow with phase change increases the

computational demands even further. In order to study multiphase flow in vortex based devices, it is

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therefore necessary to develop suitable, simplified 2D CFD models which open up the possibility to

investigate a greater range of parameters in terms of operating conditions and device geometries.

In this work, the results presented by Simpson and Ranade (2019b) are used. They have used detailed

3D simulations to formulate appropriate boundary conditions in terms of inlet tangential velocity and

turbulence profiles for the 2D axis-symmetric models. Adopting an axis-symmetric approach omits

some of the details and complexities observed in 3D, such as vortex precession. However, these

omissions are acceptable at this first attempt of using CFD models for simulating performance of

vortex based hydrodynamic cavitation devices. Simpson and Ranade (2019b) were able to obtain good

agreement with the pressure drop as well as the maximum tangential velocities predicted by full 3D

simulations. It was also shown that the 2D simulations could successfully reproduce experimental

pressure drops and cavitation inception points at different scales using the Singhal model (Singhal et

al. 2002) and also capture key flow features. Full details of the 2D modelling approach, model

equations, and numerical results are discussed by Simpson and Ranade (2019b) and are not included

here for the sake of brevity. How the simulated results from CFD were used for estimating per-pass

degradation performance of cavitation reactor are discussed in Section 4.4.

4.3.2 Cavity dynamics models to estimate generation of hydroxyl radicals

Cavities generated in the regions of pressure lower than vapour pressure of water oscillate as they

travel through turbulent flow field and eventually collapse generating very high localised pressure and

temperature. The dynamics of these oscillating cavities is usually modelled using the classical Rayleigh-

Plesset equation or its variants which include various corrections (Hickling and Plesset, 1964; Keller

and Miksis, 1980; Prosperetti and Lezzi; 1986). The Keller Miksis equation has been used in the present

work to model cavity dynamics following Gireesan and Pandit (2017) and Pawar et al. (2017). The main

equations are listed in Appendix C. These main equations require a plethora of auxiliary equations

which are not discussed here for the sake of brevity and were taken from Gireesan and Pandit (2017).

The solution of the cavity dynamics model require following input parameters:

• Initial cavity radius, R0: Nucleation will generally lead to a distribution of initial cavity radii

under the cavitating conditions. However, for the sake of simplicity and in absence of any

definitive information, in this work cavity distribution by a single effective cavity radius was

used. The cavity radius may therefore be treated as adjustable parameters. This will be

discussed in Section 4.4 in more details

• Bulk pressure, PB: The cavities will travel through the turbulent field and CFD models can

provide the bulk pressure experienced by the cavities. This will be discussed in Section 4.4

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• Initial composition: The cavity at time zero will be assumed to contain air (desorbed from the

water) following usual practice

Another important parameter appearing in the cavity dynamics equations is sound speed, c. It is well

known that sound speed in water is a strong function of bubble content. In order to account for this,

the following equation proposed by Wilson and Roy (2008) was used to estimate the speed of sound

in bubbly flow, denoted as cmlf:

�z{|}� = &�� u^\(�z� + u^\�z � + ��*&1 − ��*( � �z �:��z��� z�z � ...............................(4.9)

The reduction in speed of sound reduces the intensity of collapse and lowers the production of

hydroxyl radicals. The solution of cavity dynamics equations provides the pressure, temperature and

composition at the collapse. These results were used to simulate hydroxyl radical concentration by

assuming equilibrium at collapse conditions (using Gibbs free energy minimisation similar to Krishnan

et al. (2006) and Sivasankar and Moholkar (2008). An online software – FactSage (a thermochemical

software/database) was used for this purpose akin to the works of Pawar et al. (Pawar et al. (2017)).

4.4 Results and discussion

4.4.1 Degradation performance of vortex-based cavitation reactor

Like many other cavitation devices, the vortex based cavitation reactor also exhibits a maxima in

degradation rate with respect to the flow rate (or pressure drop across) the reactor. At very low flow

rates (characterised by superficial velocity at the throat of the vortex based cavitation device as less

than 1 m/s), flow is not adequate to generate cavitation. As flow rate crosses an inception point, the

cavitation occurs, and one would obtain a non-zero per-pass degradation factor (detailed in Chapter

3). In Chapter 3, the non-isothermal model was used to describe the experimental data. In order to

simplify, in this Chapter the data was reprocessed to get an isothermal per-pass degradation factor.

The results are shown in Figure 4.3. It can be seen that the degradation performance exhibits a maxima

with respect to throat velocity. Increase in throat velocity beyond 3 m/s was found to reduce per-pass

degradation performance. Similar observations regarding existence of a maxima in degradation

performance with respect to pressure drop has been reported by earlier works for conventional

devices (Carpenter et al. 2017). The task is now to see whether multi-layer models discussed earlier

can help us to estimate this behaviour.

4.4.2 Estimation of ф

The first task in estimating φ is to use CFD models to quantify cavity trajectories and pressure and

turbulence experienced by cavities. This information is needed by the cavity dynamics models for

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estimating generation of hydroxyl radicals. The volume fraction of cavities, ��* is needed not only to

estimate the number of cavitation events but also to estimate effective sound speed in the region

where cavities are collapsing. It is therefore essential to identify relevant region in the cavitation

reactor where cavities are generated and collapsed. In the vortex based cavitation devices considered

in this work, the inlet stream enters via tangential inlet. The conservation of momentum causes

significant increase in tangential velocity as the liquid moves towards the centre of the vortex

chamber. This increase in tangential velocity leads to a low pressure region at the core of the vortex

which is extended towards the axial port as the liquid exits the chamber from the axial port. This low

pressure region causes desorption of dissolved gases as well as under certain conditions, generation

of cavitation (evaporation of water). The desorbed gas and generated vapours form a gaseous core at

the centre of the vortex. This is clearly captured in the CFD models of Simpson and Ranade (2019b). A

sample of results in the form of contours of gas volume fraction are shown in Figure 4.4a.

It can be seen that formation of gas core is captured correctly by the CFD models. The cavities are

generated in this low pressure region – at the core of the vortex. These cavities then travel away from

the core following the turbulent fluctuations of the flow. In order to understand region of collapsing

cavities, it will be useful to examine relevant time and space scales.

Figure 4.3: Influence of throat velocity on performance of cavitation device – D2 (experimental data from Sarvothaman et al. 2018 reprocessed using Equation (4.3) considering nearly isothermal


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The results from cavity dynamics models typically indicate cavity lifetimes of the order of 2 x 10-4 s,

which translate to cavities travelling distances of the order of ~ 1 – 2 mm from inception to collapse.

To illustrate these relatively short travel distances, sample results of simulated trajectories released

from an iso-surface of constant vapour volume fraction (0.5) for the time of 2 x 10-4 s are shown in

Figure 4b. The trajectories are coloured by the ratio of absolute pressure and vapour pressure,

indicating that the maximum pressure recovery attained by the cavities prior to final collapse is

typically less than three times of vapour pressure over these typical travel distances.

It should be noted that the source and sink terms used in the cavitation model considered in the CFD

model are based on approximated cavity dynamics equations. Therefore, the simulated distribution

of gas volume fractions using the CFD model can also be used to quantify the relevant region of

generation of cavities and collapsing cavities. Considering that the CFD models used in this work are

based on the Eulerian framework and do not explicitly account for coalescence of cavities to form a

gas core, some approximation is needed to identify gas core. Earlier studies on multiphase flows with

the Eulerian models have used a cut off of gas volume fractions ranging from 0.5 to 0.66 for identifying

gas-liquid interface (Ranade, 2002). Following those, in this work volume fraction of 0.5 was set to

identify a boundary of gas core and dispersion. It is assumed that cavities are generated on the surface

of this identified gas core.

(a) Gas volume


(b) Trajectories

Figure 4.4: A sample of simulated results using the CFD model (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b) cavitation device – D2, throat velocity = 3 m/s.

The generated cavities travel in the regions of high pressure following turbulent flow field and

eventually collapse. As cavities collapse, the volume fraction of gas started reducing. Beyond a certain

collapsing zone, the gas volume fraction will be virtually zero. In this work, an assumption that the

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outer boundary of the cavity collapse region by assuming the cut off of gas volume fraction as 0.1 was

made. Of course, there will be some cavities which may travel beyond this region. However, most of

the cavities may be assumed to be collapsed in this region. The boundaries of gas core and cavity

collapse region based on the assumed cut off in gas volume fraction are shown in Figure 4.5.

Once the region of collapsing cavities is identified, one may use the simulated CFD results to estimate

relevant quantities of interest. The volume fraction of cavities, ��* required for estimating number of

cavitation units as well as effective sound speed in the collapsing region can then be calculated from

the CFD simulations for a range of operating flow rates and for different device scales. The average

volume fraction of gas in the cavity collapsing region (0.5 > �� > 0.1), is shown in Figure 4.6.

It can be seen that gas volume fraction in the region of interest is independent of device scale and

increases with liquid flow rate (throat velocity). Beyond a certain increase in throat velocity, gas

volume fraction appears to plateau. This predicted gas hold up was then used with Equation (4.8) to

determine the per – pass degradation factor.

Figure 4.5: Regions of gas core (�� > 0.5) and cavity collapse (0.5 > �� > 0.1) cavitation device – D2,

throat velocity = 3 m/s (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b). The next important task is to estimate the bulk pressure and its fluctuations experienced by the

cavities. It is in principle possible to use the Lagrangian framework using the simulated flow field to

track the trajectories of the cavities. These Lagrangian trajectory simulations involve approximations

of turbulent time scales (Ranade, 2002). Considering the relatively small region of cavity collapse,

instead of tracking the cavities in the Lagrangian framework, the fluctuations in the bulk pressure

experienced by the cavity was approximated as:

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~� = S ~� + P Q* ��"&�* �( ...............................(4.10)

Figure 4.6: Simulated average gas volume fraction ϵ�� in the cavity collapsing region.

Where ‘f’ is an empirical parameter, kR and ωR are average turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent

frequency in the cavity collapse region, R. It can be seen that amplitude of pressure fluctuations is

proportional to the turbulent kinetic energy and frequency of pressure fluctuations is directly related

to turbulent eddy frequency. Typical distribution of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent frequency

in the cavitation device is shown in Figure 4.7. The turbulent frequency varied inversely with the device

scale (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b), the results for trends with device scale are not presented as it is

beyond the scope of this work.

The volume averaged values turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent frequency over the identified

cavity collapse region, R, were critically analysed to understand the observed trends. As a sample of

results, the simulated values of average turbulent kinetic energy are shown in Figure 4.8 for the two

sizes of cavitation devices (small, D2 and large, D3). For the vortex based device D3 (dt = 12-mm) had

a comparable turbulent kinetic energy with different device types - orifice, venturi when these were

designed to have the same pressure drop versus flow curve (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a).

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Figure 4.7: Simulated contours of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent frequency in the region of

interest [cavitation device – D2, throat velocity = 3 m/s], (Simpson and Ranade, 2019b).

It can be seen that simulated values of turbulent kinetic energy are not function of device scales. As

expected, turbulent kinetic energy increases with increase in throat velocity. The value of turbulent

kinetic energy and turbulent frequency were found to exhibit following trends:

Q = � + � &,0 − ,0z(� ...............................(4.11)


� = z.� &,0 − #( ...............................(4.12)

Where values of a, b, c, d and utc are independent of device scale. The values of a, b and utc are

approximately 10 m2/s2, 4.5, 1.4 m/s and 2.5 m/s.

As the cavity collapse time scales are small, the mean bulk pressure variation is quite small. The value

of f appearing in the Equation (4.10) is estimated to be close to 1. In order to understand the sensitivity

towards mean bulk pressure, for a specific set of R0, kR and ωR, the influence of mean bulk pressure

(value of f) on simulated values of per – pass degradation factor was investigated. These results are

shown in Figure 4.9. It can be seen that the values of per – pass degradation factor are not unduly

sensitive to the value of f. Considering the relative insensitivity towards the mean bulk pressure, all

the subsequent cavity dynamics simulations were carried out by setting the mean bulk pressure equal

to the vapour pressure.

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Figure 4.8: Simulated average turbulent kinetic energy, kR in the cavity collapsing region.

With this, all the necessary quantities for simulating cavity dynamics model to estimate COH and

therefore to estimate per – pass degradation factor are available from the CFD model. Using these

values, the simulated per – pass degradation factors are shown in Figure 4.3. The proportionality

factor was found to be 8 x 107 which was kept constant for all the subsequent calculations. It can be

seen that the estimated values of per – pass degradation factor are function of initial cavity size. The

estimated results shown by continuous curves in Figure 4.3 were calculated by assuming same initial

cavity size for all the operating conditions. It may be possible to obtain a better fit with the

experimental data if different values of initial cavity size are used for different throat velocities. The

sensitivity of the estimated per – pass degradation factor with the initial cavity size for the case of

throat velocity of 3.5 m/s is shown in Figure 4.10. It can be seen that instead of 8 micron, if cavity size

is assumed to be 7.5 micron for 3.5 m/s case, estimated value agrees with the experimental data.

Higher throat velocity requires reduced initial cavity size. However, considering the uncertainties

involved in estimating variation of initial cavity size with operating conditions, in this work R0 was not

considered as a function of throat velocity. The simulated values of per – pass degradation factor

shown in Figure 4.3 with 8 micron initial cavity size may be considered reasonable considering that

there is only one adjustable parameter involved in these estimations.

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Figure 4.9: Sensitivity towards normalised bulk pressure (R0= XX micron, Case 1: kR = 4.8 m2/s2 and

ωR= 6.6 kHz; Case 2: kR = 8 m2/s2 and ωR= 4.2 kHz).

Figure 4.10: Influence of initial cavity size on estimated per – pass degradation factor

cavitation device – D2, 3.5 m/s throat velocity.

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The combination of CFD, cavity dynamics and per – pass degradation model appears to describe the

experimental data reasonably well with the help of one adjustable parameter. Considering the

complexities involving a wide range of length and space scales, the approach can be considered

successful. It is important to evaluate possible extension of this approach to explore performance

enhancements of cavitation reactor and possibly scale -up. Such an attempt is made here.

4.4.3 Application of the developed model for optimisation

In order to enhance application horizons of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors and processes, it is

important to develop systematic modelling framework for design and interpretation of the data like

the one described in previous section. It is even more important to use these models to gain an insight

about underlying processes in hydrodynamic cavitation reactors so that new ideas for improving

performance can be evolved. The models can also be used to gain better understanding of scale-up

issues associated with hydrodynamic cavitation reactors. The results discussed so far demonstrate the

possibility of increasing per – pass degradation performance of the hydrodynamic cavitation reactor

by appropriately choosing operating conditions. In all these cases considered so far, the downstream

pressure of the cavitation reactor was atmospheric. Soyama and Hoshino (2016) have reported that

for a constant upstream pressure (P1), increase in the downstream pressure (P2) improved the

cavitation performance of a venturi. They also reported that increase in downstream pressure reduces

extent of cavitation. In this work, this was investigated.

As discussed in Section 4.2, the downstream pressure for a given upstream pressure was manipulated

by adjusting valves downstream of cavitation reactor. For a given upstream pressure (P1), increasing

the downstream pressure in a cavitation device, reduces the vapour fraction of cavities. The driving

force of cavitation is reduced, however, the cavities experience a higher recovery pressure. As a result

of which, the cavities are expected to experience a premature and more violent collapse. The

downstream pressure can be increased as long as the pressure drop in the device is beyond the

inception pressure drop. Here only a case of upstream pressure of 300 kPa as an example was

considered. For this upstream pressure, downstream pressure was increased to 100 kPa (that is

effectively pressure drop across the cavitation reactor was 200 kPa). The observed degradation

performance is shown in Figure 4.11.

It can be seen that increase in downstream pressure to 100 kPa substantially improved the

degradation performance. The degradation performance of cavitation reactor with effective pressure

drop across reactor as 200 kPa but with atmospheric downstream pressure is also shown in Figure

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4.11. It can be seen that the operation with enhanced downstream pressure performs better than rest

of the two cases with atmospheric downstream pressure.

Attempt was made to interpret these results using the model developed in this work. Since the

pressure drop across the cavitation reactor for 300 kPa upstream – 100 kPa downstream case and for

200 kPa upstream – 0 kPa downstream case is same, flow field will also be same. One may therefore

use the averaged turbulent kinetic energy, kR and turbulent frequency, ωR from the earlier CFD results

for simulating the new case with higher downstream pressure. The higher downstream pressure

however will reduce the extent of cavitation. It is therefore essential to carry out a separate CFD

simulation to correctly reflect the operating conditions. This was carried out and the CFD model

correctly captured by the reduction in the extent of cavitation. The value of gas volume fraction in the

region of interest reduced from 0.24 to ~ 0.05. No quantitative experimental data is available to

evaluate these simulations. However, the simulations at least captured the trend correctly. The

simulated results are shown in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.11: Influence of downstream pressure on degradation for cavitation device – D2, acetone contaminated water, initial concentration: ~ 1000 ppm.

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Figure 4.12: Influence of downstream pressure on per – pass degradation factor for cavitation device – D2, upstream pressure= 300 kPa.

As expected, the averaged turbulent kinetic energy, kR and turbulent frequency, ωR were found to

quite similar to the case with corresponding pressure drop with atmospheric downstream pressure.

Using the values from the CFD model, the multi-layer model discussed earlier was used to estimate

influence of downstream pressure. It can be seen that in order to match the observed performance

enhancement, the effective initial cavity size had to be increased from ~ 8 micron to ~ 12 micron.

Increase in downstream pressure will reduce the effective driving force for cavitation – which may

enhance initial effective cavity size. The results therefore look qualitatively reasonable. The results

indicate that overall degradation performance of cavitation reactor may be enhanced by manipulating

downstream pressure. More insights into how effective cavity size can be influenced will allow new

ideas for possible performance enhancement. The reprocessed experimental results for the scale-up

of devices D2 and D3, and the use of multi-layer modelling approach for scale-up will be detailed in

Chapter 5.

4.5 Summary and conclusions

In this chapter, a systematic framework has been developed to estimate the per-pass degradation

performance of a vortex based cavitation reactor. The presented modelling approach integrates

micro-scale cavity dynamics calculations and reactor scale, multiphase CFD calculations into an overall

process model to predict the value of φ, the per-pass degradation factor. In absence of definitive data






0 kPa 100 kPa







n F


r, φ




= 7

.6 m




= 11




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or information about the initial cavity sizes & size distribution formed by cavitation, the resulting

model involves the use of the initial bubble radius, R0, as a single adjustable parameter. The model

was found to successfully reproduce experimental trends, replicating the maxima with respect to

throat velocity (or pressure drop across cavitation reactor) observed in measured degradation

performance. Subsequently the model was applied to predict performance at different device scales,

and also at different back pressures (downstream pressures). It was found that adjustment of the

initial radius was required in order to reproduce performance trends at different device scales, as well

as performance with increased applied back pressure. Specific highlights of this study may be

summarised as:

• CFD models were able to capture formation of gaseous central core in the vortex based

cavitation reactor

• CFD models were able to identify relevant region for collapsing cavities. The average gas

volume fraction and turbulent kinetic energy in this identified region were not found to

be dependent on scale of the reactor. The average turbulent frequency in this identified

region was found to be inversely proportional to the reactor scale

• The estimated values of per – pass degradation factor was quite sensitive to the turbulent

frequency and effective initial cavity size

• If CFD models are used to estimate gas volume fraction, turbulent kinetic energy and

turbulent frequency in the cavity collapsing region, effective initial cavity size can be used

to match estimated per – pass degradation performance with the experimental data

• Increased downstream pressure for the constant upstream pressure of 300 kPa was found

to improve the performance. Larger effective initial cavity size is required to fit the

influence of increased downstream pressure

Predictions have been shown to be sensitive to the choice of initial bubble radius, suggesting that

controlling the size and size distribution is itself an important consideration in performance

optimisation. The presented multi-layer modelling framework provides a sound basis for further

development of multi-scale predictive models to design and optimise hydrodynamic cavitation


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Chapter 5: Influence of scale on vortex-based cavitation

5.1 Introduction

Vortex-based hydrodynamic cavitation devices offer various advantages like early inception (Gaikwad

and Ranade, 2016), higher cavitational yield than orifice based devices (Suryawanshi et al. 2018) and

significantly lower propensity to clogging and erosion (Ranade et al. 2017). Unfortunately, no

systematic information is available on how performance of vortex-based cavitation devices varies with

the scale. In the previous work (Chapters 3 and 4), the degradation performance for two scales of

vortex based cavitation device (diode nominal flow rates - 5 and 19.5 LPM [8.3 x 10-5 and 3.2 x 10-4

m3/s]) were investigated. However, the data was inadequate for extracting specific trends of influence

of scale on degradation performance of vortex based cavitation devices. Therefore, systematic

investigation of performance of geometrically similar vortex based cavitation devices on four different

scales with nominal flow rates from 1 to 250 LPM (1.6 x 10-5 – 4.1 x 10-3 m3/s) range was undertaken.

These results are discussed in this chapter.

It was decided to use more complex (than those considered earlier - Chapters 3 and 4) organic

pollutant for the experiments on different scales. Unlike simple aliphatic pollutants (like acetone, ethyl

acetate and isopropyl alcohol), the degradation of 2,4 dichloroaniline (DCA) which has two functional

groups (chlorine and amine) and an aromatic ring was considered. The mineralisation of such

compounds is expected to undergo a greater number of steps, as compared to simple pollutants. Thus,

to examine the influence of these compounds on the per-pass degradation factor, more complex

pollutants were chosen for this investigation. Moreover, chloro-organic compounds are a class of

compounds which pose environmental concern. Many industrial effluent streams contain

phenol/aniline, as these two serve as a precursor to many pharmaceutical/chemical manufacturing

processes. The derivative compounds of dichloroaniline find its use in the production of dyes and

herbicides (Kahl et al. 2000). The DCA belong to a class of persistent environmental pollutants

(Alkhuraiji and Alkhuraiji, 2019).

The degradation of DCA is interpreted by extending the per-pass modelling approach developed in

Chapter 3, by extending its applicability to a complex pollutant. The experimental data from four scales

of cavitation device is quantified using the extended per-pass degradation model and subsequently a

suitable correlation to capture the influence of device scale is proposed. The experimental results

presented in this chapter will provide a useful basis for development and validation of multi-layer

model for simulating scale-up. The modelling work for simulating scale-up experiments was kept

outside the scope of this thesis because of the time constraints.

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5.2 Experimental

The devices D1/D2/D3 (nominal flow rates – 1 to 19.5 LPM [1.6 x 10-5 and 3.2 x 10-4 m3/s]) were

operated using a frequency controlled centrifugal pump (Pedrollo 4CR 80-n), while the largest device

D4 (nominal flow rate – 247 LPM [4.1 x 10-3 m3/s]) was operated using a centrifugal pump (Lowara –

SHOE 32 – 200/30/D). The schematic for both these experimental setups, which are operated without

a bypass line was shown on Figure 2.1. The photograph of the actual experimental setup is shown on

Figures – A.1 (a) and A.2 (b). The experimental setups consisted of a holding tank filled to a liquid

volume as mentioned in Table 5.1, the liquid volume was kept to a minimum, balancing between i)

maximise number of passes (treatment) and ii) to avoid the suction of air by the pump into the flow.

The experimental setups did not contain a bypass line. Though the set-up with frequency controlled

pump could be operated at different discharge pressures, the experimental set-up for the largest scale

cavitation device had a limitation of operating only at one discharge pressure (of 280 kPa). Therefore,

the pump discharge pressure was set to 280-kPa for all the experiments carried out on both the setups.

Precalibrated analogue pressure gauges procured from Thermosense Direct (P1, downstream of the

pump; P2, upstream of the cavitation device and P3, downstream of the cavitation device) in the

ranges of 0 – 700; 0 – 400 kPa and 0 – 100 kPa respectively were used to monitor the pressure. The

vortex-based cavitation devices were manufactured in stainless steel were procured from Vivira

Process Technologies (www.vivira.in). In typical experiments, tap water with a calculated quantity of

DCA was recirculated through the cavitation setup to ensure proper mixing. The concentration of DCA

was analysed using UV-Vis spectroscopy. It was found that the characteristic peak at 241 nm gets

saturated above the DCA concentration of 0.035g/L. The initial concentration was therefore set to

nearly 0.035 g/L to avoid any dilution of samples for UV based analysis. Tap water was circulated with

the help of a stainless steel cooling coil to ensure that the temperature was maintained at room

temperature (T = 18 oC), all the experiments reported were performed at room temperature.

Temperature was monitored manually. The initial pH for the experiments was ~ 7 and was left


The stock solution of DCA was prepared by dissolving nearly 25 grams of the pure compound (procured

from TCI UK Ltd.) in 20 L of water. The DCA was powdered using a clean mortar-pestle and the

powdered DCA was then dissolved in water with the help of overhead stirrer. After the overnight

dissolution and stirring, the nearly saturated solution of DCA with undissolved solids was vacuum

filtered to remove the undissolved solids. The nearly saturated solution (~ 1 g/L) was collected and

stored for cavitation experiments. A standard curve was plotted as absorbance at 241 nm against DCA

concentration (Figure 5.1). The equation obtained from the standard curve was used to determine the

concentration of the unknown sample obtained from subsequent cavitation experiments. The samples

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were taken at dedicated time intervals to obtain the degradation profile and this was interpreted using

the per-pass degradation factor estimated for the experiments on four scales as discussed in Section

5.3. The best fit of data with developed correlation and the confidence interval was obtained using

Minitab 19.

Table 5.1: Details of operating liquid volume in the holding tank for different diode setups.

Device name Liquid volume (m3)

D1 0.003

D2 0.003

D3 0.005

D4 0.08

Figure 5.1: (a) UV-Visible spectrum for DCA and (b) calibration curve created for DCA.

5.3 Mathematical model

The per-pass degradation model developed in Chapter 3 was suitable for simple pollutants - acetone,

isopropyl alcohol and ethyl acetate. In the case of such pollutants, the degradation proceeds through

lesser number of steps for mineralisation and hence the assumption of per-pass degradation factor

was found to be adequate to describe the experimental data. However, in the case of complex

pollutants such as DCA, with the formation of multiple intermediate compounds which might have

different reactivity with radicals formed by cavitation, the per-pass degradation factor may not remain

constant throughout the treatment. In order to account for the possibility of a varying per pass

degradation factor, the model discussed in the Chapter 3 was extended.

For complex pollutants, Reaction 3.2 will pass through multiple steps involving several intermediate

products. The reactivity of intermediate products may be different from the original pollutant. As

these intermediate products accumulate with number of passes through cavitation device, the

(a) (b)

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effective per pass degradation factor may change. To account for such variation in per-pass

degradation factor, Equation (4.3) may be written as:

./.3I = − ∅h�� � .....................(5.1)

Where ∅h�� is an effective per-pass degradation factor which will be varying over number of passes

(as the pollutant degrades to mineralisation via multiple steps). Various possible functions for such

effective per pass degradation factor were considered. Considering that the correction factor will be

function of number of passes and per pass degradation factor (since both these parameters will affect

accumulation of intermediate products), the following equation was formulated for the effective per

pass degradation factor:

∅h�� = ∅f��: � ∅f 3I�� .....................(5.2)

Depending on whether the intermediates are more reactive or less reactive, the sign of parameter �

will be negative or positive respectively. The parameter y indicates the extent of difference in

reactivity of intermediates. The value of parameter, y as zero will reduce this function to unity and the

model will reduce to the simple per-pass degradation factor identical to the one proposed in Chapter

3, for simple pollutants.

Substituting Equation (5.2) in Equation (5.1) and integrating (for y≠1),

�" @ //fB = − ∅D � &�: � ∅f 3(�E���∅f &���( &�: � ∅f 3(�E�� .....................(5.3)

The equation thus contains three parameters, initial per-pass degradation factor, ф0; � which indicates

the sign of change of per pass degradation factor with number of passes and parameter y which

indicates the severity of the change. Based on the experimental data obtained for degradation of DCA,

the generalised equation was simplified by setting � as +1 and y as +2. The concentration can then be

related to per pass degradation factor as:

@ //fB = ��∅f3I/&�:∅f3I( .....................(5.4)

This equation was found to describe the experimental degradation data (see Section 5.4) quite well

and therefore was used for investigating influence of device scale on degradation performance.

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5.4 Results and discussion

The degradation experiments were performed in triplicates, the error estimated with help of

confidence interval values quantified in Table 5.2 shows the error was within 2.5%. The experiments

were performed at room temperature and the variation in temperature for these experiments was

within ± 2 oC. The pressure drop correlation, which was developed for two scales is verified for a third

scale and then the results from degradation study are discussed.

5.4.1 Pressure drop correlation for vortex-based devices

The data for relation between pressure drop and flow-rate was collected for vortex-based device at

different scales except for the largest scale (D4). The throat diameter (see Figure 1.8 and Table 1.4) of

vortex-based devices was used as a characteristic dimension. Flow rates through cavitation devices

were measured across the pressure drop range of 50 to 350 kPa across the three scales (in triplicate).

The experimental data is shown in Figure 5.2. The data can be represented adequately using the

following equation:

∆~ = k, �� P �0� .....................(5.5)

Figure 5.2: Pressure drop and flow relationships for vortex based cavitation devices.

Symbols: experimental data, Lines: Euler number = 60. Devices from the current study: D1, D2 and D3; Devices from Kulkarni et al. 2008: dt = 6-mm, dt = 9-mm and dt = 25-mm.

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The value of Euler number was found to be 60, for the three devices used in the present study. The

same value was found to describe data from an earlier study with vortex based devices (Kulkarni et al.

2008), the authors report the use of multiple vortex based units. Three of their datasets (dt = 6/9 and

25-mm) were chosen and compared with the devices used in this thesis. Thus, it can be seen that the

pressure drop for these devices used in the current study and published literature (Kulkarni et al. 2008)

can be represented by Eu = 60. It can be seen that as the diode scale increases, there is a deviation

from the fitted curve, there is a possibility of a slightly higher Euler number required for larger scale

diodes. However, it was not possible to conclusively verify this in the current study due to limitations

in the flow measurement for the largest device (D4) used in this study.

5.4.2 Influence of liquid volume and initial concentration

In the discussion regarding the relevant factors for per-pass degradation factor (Section 5.3), one of

the relevant factors was identified as initial concentration of pollutant. It was important to verify the

effect of liquid volume and initial concentration on per-pass degradation factor. To understand the

effect of liquid volume on degradation, device D3 was operated at two different liquid volumes - 0.005

and 0.024 m3. Three experiments were performed with the lower liquid volume and an experiment

was performed at higher operating volume. The degradation profile for the experiment with higher

liquid volume lies within the replicates of the lower liquid volume, hence the liquid volume does not

play a role in the degradation and degradation is indeed a function of number of passes (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3: Influence of liquid volume on degradation performance, device – D3, starting

concentration (C0) = 35-ppm.

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Figure 5.4 Influence of initial concentration on degradation performance, device – D2, (VL) = 3 L.

The next parameter studied was the initial concentration, these experiments were carried out with

device D2. In the experimental section, the initial concentration (C0) was mentioned as 35 ppm. Three

different concentrations were used in the experiments – 0.5 C0, C0 and 2 C0. In the tested range of

initial concentration, the degradation profiles did not show any influence on degradation performance

(Figure 5.4). The independence of operating parameters - C0 and VL on degradation performance was


5.4.3 DCA degradation – influence of scale

Considering that the degradation performance at any given scale is not a strong function of pressure

drop (see results shown in Chapter 3) and the largest device used in this work could be operated only

at one pressure drop (280 kPa), all the experiments to investigate influence of scale were carried out

at the pressure drop of 280 kPa across the vortex based cavitation device.

The experimental data on degradation of DCA obtained with vortex based devices at four different

scales is shown in Figure 5.5. The extended per-pass model discussed in Section 5.3 (Equation 5.4) was

used to interpret the data and the fit was in very good agreement with the experimental data. The

value of the per-pass degradation coefficient and the value of 95% confidence interval for the triplicate

experiments for each device is shown in Table 5.2.

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Table 5.2: Per-pass degradation coefficient for four scales of device, obtained by Equation (5.4).

Device dt (mm) φ0 x 105 (-) φ0' x 105 (-)

D1 3 632.4 6.1

D2 6 126.4 1.6

D3 12 33.9 0.3

D4 38 17.0 0.4

The per-pass degradation factor obtained at four different scales (φ0 values tabulated on Table 5.2)

was found to be described by the following equation:

∅D = ∅� exp @ 7.�B .....................(5.6)

The comparison of Equation (5.6) and the experimentally obtained values of φ0 (as listed in Table 5.2)

is shown in Figure 5.6 with ∅�= 1.7 x 10-4 and β = 10.85. The parameter ∅� in Equation (5.6) indicates

the value of per-pass degradation factor at infinite scale. The per-pass degradation factor decreases

with increase in scale and eventually settles at the value of ∅�. The results discussed in Chapter 3 with

acetone as a pollutant also conform to this trend. The comparison of the concentration profiles

predicted using Equation (5.4) and Equation (5.6) with experimental data is shown in Figure 5.7. It can

be seen that the overall agreement is across four scales (with flow rates changing by factor of 200)

and is quite reasonable. It can be seen that the Equation (5.6) is a two parameter equation for

describing the data of four scales of devices, it inevitably introduced some errors. These errors were

found to be larger device D2 compared to other devices (D1, D3 and D4). It is possible to improve the

fit by introducing additional parameter in the correlation. However, considering that the experimental

data was available only at four scales, it was prudent to not increase the number of parameters to

more than two. The presented parameter values were found to be the best choice.

The multi-layer models discussed in Chapter 4 will be useful in understanding and simulating the

influence of scale on per pass degradation factor. The CFD simulations of cavitating flows over four

different scales of vortex based cavitation devices are however quite demanding in terms of

computational resources. Considering the existing constraints on the computing and software license

resources as well as on time, the interpretation of scale-up data using the multi-layer models could

not be accommodated in the scope of this thesis. Further work on extending multi-layer models

discussed in Chapter 4 for quantifying influence of scale and devising strategies to mitigate decrease

in performance with scale is needed.

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Figure 5.5: Degradation profile at 280-kPa for devices (a) D1, (b) D2, (c) D3 and (d) D4.

Symbols: experimental data, and Lines: predictions using Equation (5.4), values of φ0 used from Table 5.2. Details of devices mentioned in Table 1.4.



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Figure 5.6: Influence of per-pass degradation with device scale.

Symbols: Values of φ0 obtained by fitting experimental concentration profiles using Equation (5.4), the error bars are smaller than the size of the symbols, Line: Equation (5.6) with ∅�= 1.7 x 10-4 and β

= 10.85.

Figure 5.7: Degradation profile at 280-kPa for devices D1, D2, D3 and D4. Symbols: experimental data, and lines: predictions using Equation (5.6).

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5.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, degradation of DCA was carried out using geometrically similar vortex based

hydrodynamic cavitation devices (D1/D2/D3/D4) on four different scales. The per pass modelling

approach developed in Chapter 3 was extended to account the degradation of complex pollutants like

DCA which may involve formation of intermediates with different reactivity than the original pollutant.

With the help of this extended per pass model, the degradation of DCA was interpreted for four scales

of cavitation device and a suitable correlation for scale up was developed. The key conclusions from

the study are as follows:

• Pressure drop of vortex based cavitation devices from this study could be represented by Eu

= 60 which is consistent with the published results

• The extended per pass degradation factor model (Equation 5.4) was able to describe the

degradation of complex pollutant like DCA

• Degradation performance was found to decrease with increase in the device scale with a

finite limiting value for infinite scale-up. A simple exponential relationship between per-pass

degradation factor and inverse of throat diameter (Equation 5.6) was found to describe the

influence of scale adequately

The presented experimental data provides a sound basis for development and validation of multi-layer

models for scale-up of cavitation devices.

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Chapter 6: Summary, conclusions and suggestions for further work

6.1 Summary and conclusions

Water scarcity and security has become a major concern, owing to the pressures exerted on the water

sources; climatic changes are further expected to intensify this crisis. It is therefore essential to

develop intensified and effective technologies to promote water treatment, recycle and reuse. In this

thesis, hydrodynamic cavitation was investigated as an advanced oxidation process (AOP) for treating

organic pollutants in water. Published studies of hydrodynamic cavitation (Holkar et al. 2019;

Carpenter et al. 2017; Saharan et al. 2014 and references cited therein and recent papers not covered

in these reviews) were reviewed to understand the current state of the art. Based on the review, the

scope of this thesis was restricted to investigation of hydrodynamic cavitation in vortex based devices

(developed by Ranade et al. 2017). These vortex based devices do not use small constrictions and

therefore eliminate processing issues such as erosion and clogging.

A simple method based on acquisition and analysis of cavitation noise was developed for identifying

inception of cavitation in vortex based devices. The cavitation noise was acquired by everyday mobile

phone. Various possible criteria for identifying inception of cavitation were evaluated. The

methodology was then applied to acquire cavitation noise data for vortex based devices at three

different scales (nominal capacity ranging from 1 to 19.5 LPM).

After identifying inception of cavitation, an appropriate experimental set-up was designed to use

vortex based devices operated under cavitating conditions for treating organic pollutants in water.

Solvent contaminated wastewater was simulated by adding known quantities of solvents like acetone,

ethyl acetate and isopropyl alcohol to water. Systematic experiments were carried out to understand

how hydrodynamic cavitation reduces pollutant concentration. Unlike prevalent pseudo-first order

degradation kinetics, a new per-pass degradation was developed. Influence of temperature, pressure

drop and concentration of pollutant on effectiveness of degradation was investigated. Possibility of

enhancing degradation rate by combining cavitation with aeration and by manipulating downstream

pressure was investigated as well. In addition, influence of scale on degradation of solvent

contaminated water was studied. Quantitative trends of per-pass degradation factor with respect to

these key design and operating parameters were quantified.

An attempt was made to couple the per-pass model with the detailed devices scale computational

flow models. Computational flow models developed by Simpson and Ranade (2019b) were used for

this purpose. The detailed cavity dynamics models were used to simulate generation rate of hydroxyl

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radicals per collapse based on the turbulence kinetic energy (k) and frequency (ω) obtained from the

CFD model. The combined cavity dynamics and CFD models were used to simulate experimental

results (influence of pressure drop on per-pass degradation factor). The combined model involved one

adjustable parameter – initial cavity size (R0).

Industrial wastewater often contains many complex organic pollutants than the simple solvents like

acetone, ethyl acetate and IPA. In order to mimic complex organic pollutant, degradation of a pollutant

containing two functional groups and an aromatic ring (2, 4 dichloroaniline: DCA) was investigated.

The per-pass degradation model was modified and extended to enable it to represent degradation of

complex organic molecules like DCA. Influence of scale was investigated by carrying out experiments

with geometrically similar cavitation devices at four scales (nominal capacity ranging from 1 LPM to

200 LPM). An attempt was made to develop a correlation of per-pass degradation factor as a function

of characteristic dimension of a vortex based cavitation device.

Key conclusions drawn from the work done in this thesis are:

• Pressure drop of vortex based cavitation devices used in this work can be represented by Eu=60

• Noise data acquired by an ordinary mobile phone provides a convenient tool to identify inception

of cavitation. The raw data acquired for noise was postprocessed to analyse the number of peaks

beyond different threshold values (0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.5) on cavitation device (nominal flow rate =

5 LPM). The lowest threshold of 0.01 was chosen to identify onset of cavitation on three scales of

cavitation device (nominal capacity ranging from 1 to 19.5 LPM), with chosen threshold it was

possible to clearly identify onset of cavitation

• For the vortex based devices considered in this work, cavitation inception was found to be in the

region of i) 80 to 100 kPa (pressure drop across the design) for smallest device (D1) and ii) 50 to

80 kPa for devices D2 and D3. This is one of the earliest inception of cavitation compared to

conventional devices like orifice and venturi. The 80 to 100 kPa pressure drop translates into

characteristic velocity at the throat (vt) of 1.8 – 1.9 m/s

• The interpretation of batch pollutant degradation data using the per-pass degradation factor

approach provides sound basis for comparing different cavitation devices than the effective

pseudo kinetics approach

• The degradation of acetone was observed to monotonically increase with operating temperature

in the considered range of 20 – 45 oC. The influence of temperature on degradation rates was

represented using the activation energy as ΔE/R = 3950 K

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• Per-pass degradation factor showed a maxima with respect to pressure drop (ΔP = 200 – 250 kPa)

across cavitation device. This was verified on two scales of cavitation device

• The per-pass degradation factor for EA and IPA relative to acetone were 0.6 and 2.4 respectively

• The multi-layer modelling approach based on coupling of cavity dynamics models and

computational fluid dynamics model was able to describe the experimental results with the help

of one adjustable parameter (R0 - initial radius of cavities)

• The fitted initial radius of cavities was found to be in the range of R0 = 8 – 10 µm

• The model was able to simulate influence of downstream pressure on per-pass degradation factor

by assuming higher initial cavity size for higher downstream pressure, which is qualitatively


• For a complex molecule like DCA, simple per-pass model based on the assumption of a constant

per-pass degradation factor was not adequate to describe pollutant degradation data. The per

pass degradation factor had to account for possible formation of intermediates from a complex

organic pollutant which may have very different degradation characteristics than the original


• An appropriate correction factor was developed (Equation 5.4) to extend the per-pass degradation

model for complex organic pollutants

• The degradation performance was found to decrease with increase in the scale of cavitation

device and eventually plateaus. Equation 5.6 is developed to account for influence of device scale

on its performance

The presented approach, models and experimental data provides a sound basis for design and

application of vortex based hydrodynamic cavitation devices for the treatment of organic pollutants

in wastewater. Some suggestions for further work are outlined in the following section.

6.2 Suggestions for further work

The investigation of this thesis work was restricted to the effluent treatment application for these

vortex based cavitation devices. For applications which handle slurry such as the pre-treatment of

biomass, the device has shown promise to increase the bio-gas yield (Nagarajan and Ranade, 2019).

While conventional hydrodynamic cavitation devices suffer from erosion/clogging issues, these vortex

based cavitation devices can conveniently handle slurry based feed and need more investigation for

employing these devices in practice. The influence of presence of solid particles on cavitation:

inception as well as extent is not fully understood and will be worthwhile to investigate for expanding

applications of hydrodynamic cavitation to multiphase systems.

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The possibility to identify inception by means of cavitation noise acquired using ordinary microphones

(of mobile phones) was discussed in this work. The scope was restricted to identifying inception.

However, further work is needed and recommended to explore a possibility of using acquired noise

data to capture extent of cavitation and more details about cavity sizes. The gathered data may

possibly provide information about cavity size distributions (Quan et al. 2011). Of course, this needs

to be corroborated by carrying out measurements using an independent technique such as high speed


The per-pass degradation model and its possible coupling with the device scale flow models presented

in this work is quite promising. Further investigations on both, micro- as well as macro-scale modelling

are needed. Molecular dynamics or Lattice Boltzmann approaches may be used to generate new

insights on micro-scale processes in cavitation. Hybrid approaches of capturing micro to meso scale

transitions (formation of cavitating vortex core) and meso to micro scale transitions (breaking down

of core into discrete bubbles) need to be developed.

The comparison of performance of hydrodynamic cavitation devices on a consistent basis is still

lacking. Most of the existing literature on the comparison of cavitation devices, compare the

degradation performance of geometrically dissimilar devices and without a basis for comparison.

Recently, a study from our group (Simpson and Ranade, 2019a) has shown it is possible to create

devices on a consistent basis (on the basis of ΔP vs Q curve, i.e. power consumption at 100 and 200-

kPa is similar). A systematic comparison of performance of the hydrodynamic cavitation devices based

on linear (orifice and venturi), rotational (vortex-based cavitation) flow and combination of linear and

rotation flows will be useful to understand the variation in performance across device types.

The modelling approach presented in this work need to be tested for a range of different organic

pollutants (simulated and mixed one’s) for waste water treatment as well as for different applications.

As such, the modelling framework established here provides a sound basis for further work on scale-

up and optimisation. The work is expected to stimulate further research and facilitate realisation of

true potential of hydrodynamic cavitation.

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Appendix A: Photograph of experimental setups using vortex-based cavitation


The experimental setup made for degradation and the monitoring of noise experiments, for diodes –

D1 and D2 were as shown in Figure A.1 (a). The diodes – D1, D2 and D3 (shown in Figure A.1 (b)) were

connected onto this setup using appropriate fittings. In Chapters 2 and 5, the diode – D3 was operated

on the setup as shown in Figure A.1 (a) and for Chapters 3 and 4, the diode – D3 was operated on a

different setup as shown in Figure A.2 (a). The diode – D4 had a considerably larger flow rate (~ 240

LPM), hence a separate experimental setup was created Figure A.2 (b).

Figure A.1: (a) Photograph of experimental set-up with diode – D2 and (b) photograph of diodes –

D1, D2 and D3.

Figure A.2: (a) Photograph of experimental set-up created for diode – D3 and (b) photograph of

experimental set-up created for diode – D4.

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

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Appendix B: MATLAB program for interpreting cavitation noise


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Matlab-Program for post-processing cavitation noise data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clc clear all %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %1) Reading the audio file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [y,fs]=audioread('Filename.wav');% wavread = reads .WAV file % y = samples % fs = sampling frequency %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %2) Applying a low-pass or high-pass filter, if required %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Y = lowpass(y,8000,fs); %Y = highpass(Y,1000,fs);


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %3) Raw data (noise recording to FFT)


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% linspace = creating time vector - % y = linspace(x1,x2,n) generates n points. The spacing between the points

is (x2-x1)/(n-1). % linspace is similar to the colon operator, ?:?, but gives direct control

over the % number of points and always includes the endpoints. ?lin? in the name

?linspace? %refers to generating linearly spaced values as opposed to the sibling

function logspace, % which generates logarithmically spaced values. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%0 = start time %length(y)/fs = end time %length(y) = number of samples in y %plot(t,y); % plots amplitude (m) vs. time (s)


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %sound is a form of energy which consists of multiple frequencies, % say y = a sin (wt), where y is the sound received in a time-domain, % this sound consists of multiple frequency components,

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% in order to segregate group this form of energy into its (contd.) %respective frequency component, Fourier transform or FFT is used. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Nfft=1024; % Nfft = length of fft nfft=length(y); % length of time domain signal

f=linspace(0,fs,Nfft); % f =creating frequency vector % 0 = start time % fs = End time % Nfft = Length of the frequency vector

X=abs(fft(y,Nfft)); % X = the fft of the samples y in 1024 points %%f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n); % frequency range %%n = length(y) %%power = abs(y).^2/n; % power of the DFT

hold on

plot(f(1:Nfft/2),X(1:Nfft/2)) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('X(f)')


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %4) Area under raw data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Arean = trapz(f(1:Nfftbytwo),X(1:Nfftbytwo)) Arearaw = trapz(t,y)

rindex1 = 1e-6; rindex2 = 5e-6; rindex3 = 1e-5; rindex4 = 5e-5; rindex5 = 1e-4; rindex6 = 5e-4; rindex7 = 1e-3; rindex8 = 5e-3; rindex9 = 1e-2; rindex10 = 3e-2; rindex11 = 5e-2; rindex12 = 5e-1;

rindex1count = 0; rindex2count = 0; rindex3count = 0; rindex4count = 0; rindex5count = 0; rindex6count = 0; rindex7count = 0; rindex8count = 0; rindex9count = 0; rindex10count = 0;

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rindex11count = 0; rindex12count = 0;

for i =1:length(y)

if (y(i)>rindex1) rindex1count = rindex1count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex2) rindex2count = rindex2count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex3) rindex3count = rindex3count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex4) rindex4count = rindex4count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex5) rindex5count = rindex5count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex6) rindex6count = rindex6count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex7) rindex7count = rindex7count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex8) rindex8count = rindex8count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex9) rindex9count = rindex9count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex10) rindex10count = rindex10count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex11) rindex11count = rindex11count + 1; end

if (y(i)>rindex12) rindex12count = rindex12count + 1; end


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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5) Writing obtained data onto Excel file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


filename = 'noisepostprocess.xlsx';

postprocess = 1;

if (postprocess == 1)


xlswrite(filename,f,1,'A2:A514') xlswrite(filename,X,1,'B2:B514')

xlswrite(filename,rindex1,1,'D19') xlswrite(filename,rindex1count,1,'E19') xlswrite(filename,rindex2,1,'D20') xlswrite(filename,rindex2count,1,'E20') xlswrite(filename,rindex3,1,'D21') xlswrite(filename,rindex3count,1,'E21') xlswrite(filename,rindex4,1,'D22') xlswrite(filename,rindex4count,1,'E22') xlswrite(filename,rindex5,1,'D23') xlswrite(filename,rindex5count,1,'E23') xlswrite(filename,rindex6,1,'D24') xlswrite(filename,rindex6count,1,'E24') xlswrite(filename,rindex7,1,'D25') xlswrite(filename,rindex7count,1,'E25') xlswrite(filename,rindex8,1,'D26') xlswrite(filename,rindex8count,1,'E26') xlswrite(filename,rindex9,1,'D27') xlswrite(filename,rindex9count,1,'E27') xlswrite(filename,rindex10,1,'D28') xlswrite(filename,rindex10count,1,'E28') xlswrite(filename,rindex11,1,'D29') xlswrite(filename,rindex11count,1,'E29') xlswrite(filename,rindex12,1,'D30') xlswrite(filename,rindex12count,1,'E30')


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Appendix C: Calibration curve for acetone analysis

The analysis for acetone was carried out with UV-vis spectroscopy, the wavelength for maximum

absorption (263 nm) was used for creating the calibration curve. The absorbance values of samples

with unknown concentration obtained from experiments and the correlation obtained were used to

obtain the concentration of acetone.

Figure C.1: Calibration curve for acetone analysis.

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Appendix D: Images of transparent orifice cavitation device

Figure D.1: Orifice operated at ΔP = 0-kPa.

Figure D.2: Orifice operated at ΔP = 40-kPa.

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Figure D.3: Orifice operated at ΔP = 100-kPa.

Figure D.4: Orifice operated at ΔP = 200-kPa.

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Appendix E: Equations for cavity dynamics models

The cavity dynamics was simulated using the following set of equations (Gireesan and Pandit, 2017):

The equations were solved using the implicit, variable order ODE solver from MATLAB. The input

parameters, initial and boundary conditions required for the solution of these equations are discussed

in Sections 3 and 4. Tolerances were set to ensure that there is no influence of numerical parameters

on the simulated results. A sample of results are shown in Figure B.1.

Figure E.1: Sample of simulated cavity dynamics - (a) simulated variation of cavity radius and b)

simulated variation of cavity temperature.

The developed code and simulated results were verified and validated by comparing the results with

the previously published results. The cavity dynamics model provided the conditions at the collapse:

radius of cavity, composition of cavity, pressure and temperature of cavity. Using these values and

assuming equilibrium at high collapse temperature, generation of OH radical was estimated using the

@1 − ��B #�'#�� + 1.5 @1 − �3�B ]#'#� b� = �1 + ��P � &~� − ~�( + ] 'P�b #~�#� − 4�' ]#'#� b − 2�'

#�2�#� = −4�'� ]��2�� b��* = 4�'�T2 ��22 − �2��.2� �

##� � ��,2�2�¢�£2�� ¤ = ¥�&−4�'�¦( ]�¢�%b��*¤ − ]~� #-#� b + �&ℎ2 − §2( #�2�#�


2�� �©





0.0 0.5 1.0




Dimensionless Time (-)





0.0 0.5 1.0




re in


e b





Dimensionless Time (-)



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Gibbs free energy minimisation. The Factsage software

(http://www.crct.polymtl.ca/equiwebmenu.php), which is one of the commonly used tool, was used

for this purpose. The equilibrium calculations provided the equilibrium composition of cavity at the

collapse conditions – which included concentration of hydroxyl radicals. This estimated concentration

was used by the model for simulating per – pass degradation performance as discussed in Section 4.4.

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Appendix F: Full text of papers published

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Hydrodynamic cavitation for effluent treatment Using vortex … · Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Effluent Treatment: Using Vortex-based Cavitation Devices by Varaha Prasad Sarvothaman - [PDF Document] (2024)
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