MSM Supplement | MSM Capsules Australia (Vegan) | Plant Doctor (2024)

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) or dimethyl sulfone is a naturally occurring form of organic sulphur that is easily absorbed.

In pre-modern times we received this mineral through our diets, however, today mostpeople suffer from chronic MSM deficiencies.Sulphur is an element found in all body cells but most concentrated in the muscles, skin and bones. It is required for the proper assimilation of the sulphur containing amino acids methionine and cysteine; and is required in the formation of many proteins and enzymes. Unfortunately, MSM in foods is mostly lost during food processing, storage and cooking. Levels of sulphur also decline in the body with age.

The medicinal properties of biological sulphur are profound and MSM gives the body the tools to maintain its health and vitality.

  • Nails &Hair mainly consist of Keratin which has a high sulphur content.
  • In cartilage & skin the sulphur content forms with Collagen to give it structure.

Aswe age the flexible tissues lose their elastic properties and sulphur forms bridges for flexible connections between the cells that allows them to retain their elasticity.

Experiments have shown that MSM, after eating, binds to the Mucosa – allergens and parasites cannot bind to Mucosa and so toxins are oxidised, and free radicals eliminated.

“The MSM Miracle” states MSM improves the cellular uptake of many nutrients such as Vitamin C, all B-Vitamins, Vitamins A, D, E andamino acids which prolong their lives.

Suggested Serving: Take 2 capsules once a day, preferably with food or as directed by your physician.

Ingredients: Each capsule contains 460mg of Dimethyl sulfone(methylsulfonylmethane) inside a vegan capsule. 1serve = 920mg.

Please consult your healthcare professional before using any product referred to on this website.The statements and products sold on this website have not been evaluated by the therapeutic goods administration (TGA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

SEE What DR AXE has to say....

Read more MSM Supplement Improves Joints, Allergies and Gut Health ByJillian Levy, CHHC October 8, 2018

6 MSM Supplement Benefits

1.ReduceOsteoarthritis and Joint Pain (mild)

A well-researched benefit of MSM is that it helps decrease joint inflammation, improves flexibility and restores collagen production. Research shows that many patients with arthritis, joint pain, stiffness, knee/back problems and a limited range of motion experience a reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life when taking an MSM supplement.

MSM supplements are beneficial for helping the body form new joint and muscle tissue while lowering inflammatory responses that contribute to swelling and stiffness. An MSM supplement isa natural and effective anti-inflammatory because of how sulfur impacts the immune system and facilitates normal cellular activity. Sulfur needs to be present for our cells to release many byproducts and excess fluids that can accumulate and cause swelling/tenderness.

Read more on a clinical trial testing the effects of MSM on joint pain in 118 patients here

2. ImprovesDigestive Problems Like Leaky Gut Syndrome

MSM can help rebuild the lining of the digestive tract and lower inflammation/allergic reactions to certain foods. Read morehealing leaky gut syndrome

3. Help repairsSkin Health and Treats Skin Problems Including Rosacea, Allergies, Wounds

Some research shows that applying topical cream containing MSM and silymarin helps lower inflammation contributing torosacea, skin discoloration, allergies or slow wound healing. Read more here

4. Lowers Muscle Pain,Muscle Spasmsand Even Muscle Damage

Good news if your someone who’s regularly active but suffers from muscle pain: Research suggests that MSM can act like a natural analgesic, helping prevent andtreat muscle achesand pains, throbbing and swelling while improving range of motion and mobility. Read more here

5.Restores Hair Growth

Struggling with thinning hairor balding as you get older? Good news: MSM has been shown to help boost both collagen and keratin levels. Read more here

6. Helps the Body Adapt to Stress

Ever hear of “adaptogen herbs or supplements that help control how the body deals with stress? MSM works similarly, read more here

MSM Supplement Uses?

Some of the most common uses for MSM:

  • mild joint pain including bursitis, tendonitis, the development of scar tissue and other musculoskeletal pains
  • leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders
  • allergies and asthma
  • yeast infections
  • muscle cramps
  • constipation, ulcers, upset stomach, indigestion
  • PMS symptoms (cramps, headaches, water retention, indigestion)
  • stretch marks
  • hair loss
  • skin problems including wrinkles, sun burns (it offers some protection against UV light/wind burn), wounds, cuts, skin abrasions
  • eye inflammation
  • poor circulation
  • high blood pressure
  • fatigue
  • oral infections, toothaches,gum disease/periodontal disease

Are There Any Potential MSM Side Effects?

MSM seems to be well-tolerated since it’s completely natural and already found in the human body. There haven’t been many reported side effects of MSM. To date, however, there also haven’t been many large, well-controlled human studies looking at its long-term effects.

That being said, MSM is capable of causing mild side effects for some people, including indigestion, upset stomach or diarrhea. It’s also not suitable for people taking blood-thinner medications.If you’re pregnant or unsure, speak with a doctor before taking it regularly.

MSM Supplement | MSM Capsules Australia (Vegan) | Plant Doctor (2024)
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