Pike County Chronicle from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)

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riday September 11 1942 PIKE COUNTY CHRONICLE of MISSOURI 58500 WC0 England of in Montgomery Louis LOUISIANA NEWS the a ST CLEMENT and Mrs Price Williams of Busch is McCune week end with the On Pay Day Buy Bonds! and pupils from Ash Stephens and Keith Garner Winfield the Authorized Bottler: Pepei Cola Bottling Co oi New Haren Hebbeler Son his ROBERTSON Motor reight Service LOUISIANA ST LOUIS DAILY SERVICE Linoleums Curtains Shades Younkers Louis: ana Mo Mep aunt and son Hannibal Schroeder went to Sunday with his Sunday Mrs Bowling guest of her Los last com War sugar Lou one hosts Sun with Raymond illing Wallace drove to Walters Sheppard of St Louis spent the Labor day holiday here with his mother Mrs Nalley Bell Lyle Holman Weaver Burial in air 74688 POUNDS CANNING SUGAR IN AUGUST were Mrs CAUTION ABOUT NO 8 SUGAR STAMP Mr and Mrs Buck Thompson of Monroe Citf visited his mother Mr and Mrs Howard Barnard over the week end Louis John Clarkson spent the week end with his daughter and her family in Laddonia Sun erb Ince and Mrs three children week end Mrs Adrain Jones of Louisiana spent the day Monday with her parents Mr and Mrs George Ploes sor Mrs Philip Armour went to Kan sas City Monday to her hus (Crowded Out Last Week) Mrs Blair and three chil Miss Dorothy Stewart who is em ployed at the war plant spent the week end at her home in Curry ville TELEPHONES: Day 622 Night 863 BOWLING 335 ST GA 0763 CLARKSVILLE By LEOTA BARRON RANKORD By MRS JENNIE HOLMAN September Quota for State $18250000 Mrs Mrs were Mrs ASHBURN By MRS RUBY MORROW and Miss Tuesday in (Crowded Out Last Week) Announcement Mr and Mrs Paul Armstrong Dallas Texas annpunce the en gagement of their daughter Miss rances Jane to Mr Gilbert Smith of Houston Texas The wedding will take place Saturday Septem ber 12 at 8 o'clock in the evening in the Armstrong home Rev Leo Johnston pastor of the irst Chris tion church at Dallas will perform the ceremony Miss Armstrong is a granddaughter of Mrs annie Cash The Armstrongs were former resi dents of rankford Miss Pauline Ehret of Busch was a Saturday visitor in Hannibal The Ashburn Community club will meet at the home of Mrs Ned Elliott September 9th The meet i 11 lTr Mrs Turn The icnrollment is (This Week's Items) Mrs Phillips has returned to her home in Seneca Ill after a visit with relatives here According to figures just piled by the Pike County Price and Rationing board purchase certificates were issued to 2239 family units during the month of August for a total of 74689 pounds of canning sugar During July 2279 sugar purchase certificates were issued for 48591 pounds of canning sugar This would mean that during the mid smmer canning program a to tal of 123280 pounds of sugar were issued on sugar purchase certifi cates to a total of 3815 family units On the basis of government requirements that four quarts of fruit be canned for each pound of sugar it would appear that there will be canned in this county this year a total of 434080 quarts of fruit This is after subtracting the one pound per person allowed for preserves Presuming that the pop ulation of Pike County is 20000 this would indicate that there will be this year an average of 22 quarts of canned fruit for each man wom an and child in the county Added to the thousands of quarts of vege tables that will be canned it would indicate that residents of the coun ty will have available this winter a pretty well rationed diet In addition to the above figures there were rationed in the spring I canning program 71900 pounds of sugar to 3815 applicants The local rationing board had the services of volunteer registrars at 10 strategic points throughout the county and it was through the wholehearted cooperation of these workers that the two canning programs were so successfully conducted with a min imum of inconvenience on the part of the applicants and Mrs Hardin Jolley of have moved to the Gilbert recently vacated by Mr and Mrs John Mayfield of East St Louis Ill spent the week end with his mother Mrs Margaret Mayfield and his uncle Shaw Mrs Myrtle Chrisman and daughter Mrs Hugh Davis of Angeles Calif arrived here week for a visit with Mrs Chris son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Phillips and other relatives and friends Mrs Everett McAdams Ernest of Busch were in Saturday Mrs Loueva McCue of is visiting Mrs Charles Anderson Mrs Catherine Whipple is visit ing friends in St Louis Ashburn Community Club Holds Meeting Wednesday The Ashburn Community club met in the home of Mrs Ned Elliott Wednesday afternoon Seven mem bers were present and five visitors Mrs Geneva Todd of Bowling Green Mrs Loueva McCue of Win field Mrs Price Williams of Busch Mrs Blair of Sedalia and Mrs James Lambcrson of Ashburn The business meeting was pre sided over by the president Mrs Nelson Russell It was decided to finish the Red Cross comforts be fore beginning other Red Cross work It was also decided to send Mrs Earl Barnes of Green was the week end her sister Miss Louise Tinsley who is employed at the war plant ita and other points of interest Misses Iris and Nancy Charles worth of Barry visited their grand mother Mrs Ruby Morrow over the week end Mrs Morrow accom panied them home for a visit Mrs Williams visited in Hannibal Monday A Benn was a Hafcinibal visi tor Monday Mr and Mrs A Benn and daughter Mrs Leila Weaver enter tained the following guests at din ner Wednesday at the Benn home west of town: Andy Gurry Mrs Carl Smoker Mrs Trainor and son Bobby all of Springfield Ill Mrs Irving Henderson and daughter Jean of South Bend Ind and Mr and Mrs Loren Gilbert of Ashburn Mr and Mrs Seraphinc Ehret and son Eugene and daughter Laura of Bonnett Colo are visit ing the family of his brother ritz Ehret and father rod Ehret of Busch Both Mr and Mrs Ehret formery lived at Busch Miss Lucille Kern left Tuesday for St Louis where she will enter training at St hos pital She was accompanied by her parents Mr and Mrs Melvin Kern Chalmer Thurmond Charles Pledge and Robert Meloan reported at Jefferson Barracks Tuesday for induction into the army Corp and Mrs Thurmond Cooper left Monday for Leavenworth Kans after a visit with their re Mrs Beulah Burrough of Curry ville is here visiting her sister Mrs Asa Allen Mrs Robertson entertained with three tables of bridge Tuesday afternoon Guests were Mesdames red Wallace A Robertson Jr Henry icken Edgar Cash A Robertson Sr Guy Hostetter Chas Benn Virgil Kaser Tom Bram blett Allison Porter ields Corwine Edward Megown and Miss Cecile Thompson Prizes awarded to Mrs Corwine and Mrs ields Mrs Chas Benn won traveling prize Refreshments were served Mr and Mrs Pritchett and Mr and Mrs Dale Pritchett and daughter rankie Ann drove to Hannibal Saturday and attended the all day boat excursion out of Hannibal John Collins and granddaughter Ann Sour were guests of Mrs Ollie Ruffin Saturday Miss Betty Hutcherson spent the week end in Hannibal a guest of Mr and Mrs Edgar Bufford Mrs Snodgrass entertained with five tables of bridge Guests were Mesdames Caverly Horace Jackson Mary Treat Corwine Mrs A Robertson Jr Mrs A Robertson Sr Carl Hol man Virgil Kaser Vaverly Tom Bramblett Porter Ed ward Megown Chas Benn ields Ray Graves Henry icken Guy Hostetter red Wallace Robertson Miss Cecile Thompson Prizes were awarded Mrs Guy Hos tetter Mrs Henry icken and Mrs Caverly Lovely refreshments were served by the hostess assisted hv her sister Mrs Ruffin Mrs Henry icken entertained with six tables of bridge Thursday afternoon Guests were Mesdames Edgar Cash Caverly Horace Jackson Snodgrass Allison Porter Mary Treat Corwin Edwin Browri A Robertson Jr A Robertson Sr Carl Holman Virgil Kaser Ruth Caverly Tom Bramblett Porter Edward Megown Robertson Chas Benn Latimer ields Rav Graves Roy Ruffin Lyle Hol man Chalmer Okes Miss Cecil Thompson 'Mrs Megown received first prize Mrs Robertson second and Mrs Tom Bramblett travel ing prize Refreshments were served sister Mrs Sidney risch of Chi cago Joe Emery Jack Schamerhorn and Roscoe Pellikaan who are sta tioned in St Louis spent the week end here with their parents Lemery Bowles of St Louis spent the week end here with his parents Mr and Mrs Claude Bowles Mr and Mrs Harry Hill and chil dren and Mr and Mrs Merrell Griffith of St Louis were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Russell Grif fith The Delta class of the Christian Sunday School gave a picnic Mon day evening on the river front in honor of Miss Nancy Middleton one of the members who is leav ing Saturday for Culver Stockton college Those present were Misses Nancy and Sue Middleton Rose mary Luke Marian Omohundro Julia and Dorothy Bryant Betty Parsons Josephine Noonan Kitty Duvall Ann Hamilton rances Da vidson Mary Alice Jaeger and Prewitt McIlroy Edward Billy John and Mett Bryant Bobby Car roll Joe Mackey Bill Luke Milt Duvall Tommy Jaeger and Jess Omohundro Mr and Mrs Duvall and Mrs Dot Alley were chaper ones Misses Mary and Martha Currie and Miss Janet Ross were week end guests of Mrs John Roberts Sr Miss Dorothy McCune of Louisi ana spent several days last week here helping her sister Mrs Scotty Brown and Mr Brown move into their new home on the hill Mr and Mrs Carl Jaeger and Mrs Robert LaBerge of St spent Sunday here with Mrs Jaeger Miss Ellen Carroll of St spent the week end with her par ents Mr and Mrs Roberts Car roll Mrs Harold Moran and Palmer McIlroy of St Louis spent the week end here with their parents Mr and Mrs McIlroy They were accompanied home by Miss Jeanne Moran who had spent summer here Mr and Mrs Chester Dawson and two children Barbara and rances spent the week end at their former home in Centralia Page 2 the billion dollar monthly national average as the an nual goal The national quota for May when the nation went on the billion a month annual basis was 5600000000 or June the quota was 5800000000 and for July it jumped to $1000000000 The August quota was SS150000CO so to maintain the billion dollar annual monthly av erage the quotas for the all and Winter months must necessarily be stepped up considerably to reach the objective set 1 mcaa) s' 1174600 Howard McAfee of Palmyra was here for a few hours Saturday on business He also visited his aunt Mrs rank Haley III remembrances to our men in serv ice Some plans were made for Achievement day After the busi ness meeting Mrs Todd gave a canning demonstration that was very instructive and enjoyed by all We arc always pleased to have Mrs Todd with us and are always bene fited by her advice A game was enjoyed later and the hostess served delicious refreshments The next meeting will be with Mrs Miller Stout ing was to be at the home of Mrs Ruby Morrow but as Mrs Todd wishes to hold a canning demon stration Mrs Elliott's home is more convenient All members are urged to attend Mr and Mrs Troy Stanley were in Ashburn Wednesday to meet his mother who had been visiting in Quincy for several days Mrs Stan ley was accompanied home by her sister Mrs Colin Mathews of Quincy Mr and Mrs Earl House and children visited in Louisiana Satur day evening Mr and Mrs Harold Billman have returned to their home in Madison Iowa after a recent visit with Mr and Mrs A Garner Mr and Mrs Turnbough and daughter Kitty have returned from a visit in Kansas City Wich Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Louis Goujon Washington Sept September War Bond Quotas for the 3070 counties in the nation were an nounced today by Henry Morgenthau Jr Secretary of the Treasury to make up the national September total of 5775000000 The September quota for the State of Missouri is $18250000 In fixing the county quotas the Treasury has con tinued its announced policy of setting the monthly quo tas in line with the seasonal distribution of income with Duff Pritchett Duff Pritchett son of Orion and Etta Duff Pritchett was born near rankford May 24 1885 and departed this life August 29 1942 at the age of 57 years three months and six days He was preceded in death by his mother on May 23 1888 by his sis ter Lelia on March 19 1899 and by his father Orion on June 15 1942 He had been in active live stock dealing since the age of 10 years In 1910 he accepted a posi tion with the Bowles Commission Co of Chicago He numbered his friends by the thousands His recent return to his old home and friends was greatly appreciated His place will be hard to fill His sudden passing came as a shock leaving to mourn his passing OICIAL TREASURY WAR BOND QUOTAS OR SEPTEMBER Mr and Mrs red Knowles of ulton were the holiday guests of Mrs brother in law and sister Mr and Mrs Mrs Riley left Tuesday for her home in Edina after a visit with Mr Riley who is employed at the Missouri Ordnance Works Mrs Margaret Ardrey was the dinner guest Monday evening of Dr and Mrs Biggs in Bowl ing Green Mrs Ardrey is grandmother of Mrs Biggs Naldy Bell of Louisiana was Saturday visitor in Ashburn A Benn who resides west of town is visiting his son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs rank Sel lers of Detroit Mich Johnson is seriously ill at his home on Ashburn Heights Mrs Lola Raymond and Miss Marion Baldwin of Dixon Ill are house guests of Mrs Joe Chapman Elvie Houchins of Riverland who was injured when his team ran away is getting along nicely Eldon Ashburn of Hannibal spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here He formerly lived here irs Ruby Morrow returned home Saturday from a visit with her daughter Mrs Charles worth of Barry Ill Mr and Mrs James Lambcrson have moved to the Ploesser house recently vacated by the Hardy Wil sons Mr Lambcrson will drive the high school bus this winter Miss Elaine House of Louisiana spent the week end with her par ents Mr and Mrs Earl House Mrs Lloyd West returned to her home in Madison la Monday after a few visit with her parents Mr and Mrs A Gamer Mr and Mrs Keith Garner and daughter Nina Bee have moved to Quincy where Mr Gamer has em ployment Nina Bee will attend high school in Quincy Keith Jr I remained with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Albert Huss of Riv erside Calif are visiting her sis ter Mrs Sara West Mr and Earl Dumbauld and Mr and Charles Dumbauld of estus guests of Mrs West Earl Dumbauld is youngest sister Mr and Mrs Oren loyd Cosgrove and of Granite City were guests of Mr and Mrs Ned Elliott Mr and Mrs Russell Roberts and children Loren Lewis and Sylvia of Pleasant Hill Ill Mr and Mrs Ameil Shelinger of St Louis and Mr and Mrs Smith of Lou I isiana were Sunday guests of Mr I and Mrs Loren Gilbert I Ashburn school opened Tuesday I with Mr and 1 bough teachers 44 The following burn started to high school in Lou isiana Dorothy and Bill Russell Marie Ploesser John Pet terson Betty Jane Stout John and Edward Ragan Charline House Gayle Jr Mr Busch house Charles West family Clyde Caldwell has moved family to Hannibal Capt and Mrs raser and Mr and Mrs David Hill of Louisiana enjoyed a picnic on the river Mon day evening The Hill Bridge club met Monday evening with Mrs Lillian Holmes Miss Emily Estes returned to St Louis the latter part of the week to resume teaching after a visit with her father John Estes and Mr and Mrs John Estes Jr Mrs Marion Mackey Marjorie Prewitt spent St Louis Mr and Mrs Homer Detroit Mich visited his parents Mr and Mrs Ed England last week They are moving to Kansas City to make their home William Weakley attended the state Democratic convention in Jef ferson City Tuesday Mrs Barron returned home last week after an extended visit with her parents City Mr and Mrs ham and Analdo Dwight Ill Monday Mrs Willis Shoemaker of St Louis is spending a week here with her parents Mr and Mrs Spence Mrs Duvall left' Thursday to attend the National Training In stitute of the Women's ield Army for Cancer Control at Bar Harbor Me She will also visit in Boston and New York City before return ing home The Parent Teacher Association will hold its first meeting of the year at the school building riday afternoon at 2:30 Miss Elizabeth Ann Galbreath will give a reading White Cliffs of Dover" Mrs Clarence rere and little 1 daughter were dismissed from the Pike County hospital last week Mrs Thomas Wenkle of St 1 James Mo is spending several days here with Mrs Wenkle and Miss Louise She expects to leave the end of this week for Jack sonville la for a visit with her mother Mrs Marie Stimson and Mrs Marge Pledge and son Mike Little Miss Norma Jo Gibson of Elsberry spent Thursday with Mrs Clifford and Mrs Mollie An derson and Miss Lou Boone Miss Oneta Bouyca returned to Quincy Monday after a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Mose Bouyea Betty Jane and Bobby Conrad entered school in Louisiana Tues day Mrs John Estes spent Tuesday in St Louis The Clarksville public school has a record enrollment this year due to the moving in of so many war plant workers Thirty five pupils are enrolled in the first grade with Mrs Willanna Crank as teacher 24 in the second grade Mrs Gar land Miller teacher 35 in third and fourth taught by Mrs Irvin Herth er 39 in fifth and sixth grades taught by Miss Marie Griffith 32 in seventh and eighth taught by Mrs Dot Alley and 42 in high school the faculty of which is Prof Jesse Owen Mrs Jesse Owen Garland Miller Miss Mona Jean Gorg and 25 in the colored school making a total of 235 Mr and Mrs Gerald Kritz oi Louisiana spent Monday with her Barents Mr and Mrs Ingram Mrs Jennie Eastin of Elsberry spent from Thursday to Saturday with her sister Mrs Boone Miss Nancy Middleton will leave Saturday for Canton where she will attend Culver Stockton col lege this winter Dick Hamilton who attended summer school in Missouri univer sity returned home riday He ex pects to go back to Columbia for the winter term Mr and Mrs William Gentry and daughter Elizabeth and Mrs A Estes of St Louis were Sun day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Spence Mr and Mrs Willis Shoemaker of St Louis were ad ditional guests for the week end Miss Jane Willis Hunter returned home riday from a visit with her PURITVS ImMMU I "''577700 (543800 I jsssi l( It has been suggested in the col umns of this newspaper before that consumers should be careful in the use of their No 8 stamp on the war ration stamp books The No 8 stamp which is redeemable for the purchase of 5 pounds of sugar is the ration for 10 weeks or until Oc tober 31 Some do not fully under stand that it is to run for that time and it is suggested that families not use all their stamps at one time but to use stamps just as they need sugar so as to guard their supply and not make too great a demand upon the storekeepers and their somewhat limited stocks of sugar i Tiizs rbuZUv PlbOUU IOO I i jVjuUU IR7A(1 1 I "1 79300 1 Im liUQOO i I 1(24 000 I i i AU reight Shipments Insured ST LOUIS TERMINAL Alnpri lnrnp united terminal AlUull UUlUCo forwarding co AGENT 819 So 3rd St ST LOUIS MO MiUM A 7AA MM UUlUV 1 wetem 5114200 tzeioor i 'x 21300 1 lH33OO 25300 90 000 jS OO 520600 t4VUU Tkmiw I I I0Q Ann 35000h MrMlM I LjfflAA Lwsu School days are here again what a privilege youth has once more to prod along the pathway of knowledge without the shrieking of bombs and torn up homes May Clarksville these privileged children pray lor this to come to the battle torn chil vjsjiing relatives hcre dren ot our neignoors in otner lands Miss Nell Latimer left Sunday afternoon for Hannibal to engage in her teaching profession Her sister Miss Laure who spent the week end over Labor day accom panied her A good representation of our youth left for Bowling Green high school Tuesday September 8 Miss Marta Rice spent last week in Columbia visiting her brothers Hendrix Rice and Wilbur Rice be fore they enter armed service Mrs lorence Mudd came home with her granddaughter Miss Laura Mae Latimer riday evening to spend several weeks with her daughter Mrs Latimer and Mr Latimer Mr and Mrs Virgil Meyer How ard Williams and Elnora Meydp of St Louis spent the their parents Mr and Mrs Joe Meyer Additional guests on Sun day were Mr and Mrs red Dal las and Mrs Anna Wilmus of St Louis Miss Monica Schumacher of St Louis visited over the week end with home folks She will enter De hospital this week for nurses' training We wish her luck We are glad to report Mrs John Orf is recovering from a case of shingles Mrs red Schcrder visit I ed her Saturday On riday Mrs William Meyer was with her Sergt Hubert Schcrder of It Leonard Wood is on maneuvers in the Southern states this week The Neighbor and riendship club held a fish fry Sunday in a grove on George Schroeder's farm Mrs Mary Bunten and son Har ry were Mr and family Robert pin III Mrs Theresa Stark of Louisiana to visit his uncle Lucas Tepen Mrs Latimer and daughter Miss Nell were last Sunday eve ning callers of Mr and Mrs Deters and Mr and Mrs Julius Hunnel and passed the evening playing pinochle On returning hom*o Mrs Latimer discovered a rat had entered her brooder house destroying 75 chicks out of 100 Mr and Mrs Richard Law and Mrs Norman Stclngel of St Louis were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Virgil Hustedde Miss Rosalee Purk who works at the small arms plant in St Louis was the last Thursday guest of her father Henry Purk and family Victor Wendel son of Mr and Mrs Otto Wendel has resigned his position with Mercan tile Co in order to enlist in Air Corp service We wish him luck in his chosen field Mr and Mrs Lee Deters of St Louis spent the week end over La bor day with home folks i Mr and Mrs Harry Ebcrs and Ben Ebers of St Louis day visitors of Mr and Ebcrs htjrr ir mn I imm 4h U7JVV UiddAII I iSrnii i45lto iNHCAfl UAlftfl (a loos dren of Sedalia are visiting her band who is employed there mother Mrs Sara West and other relatives here Mr and Mrs Hardy Wilson have moved to Louisiana Quite a number from here at tended the excursion from Hanni bal to Quincy Saturday Mrs Tom Hubbard spent the week end with her husband at his wife and daughter Bonnie one sister Mrs Weaver brother Conway of Quincy of relatives and friends uneral services were held day afternoon at the home Rev Buckner of the Christian church of Bowling Green in charge Music by Mesdames A Tucker Caverly and A Tucker and Ed Kurz Mrs Robertson at the piano Casket Bearers were Caver ly Harold Martin Conway Pritchett and Hunter Hulse view cemetery Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr and Mrs Har vey Pritchett Guilford Harris Wm Robertson Jim Sam Silvey Mrs Ramage Miss Effie Liter of New London Mr and Mrs rank Hutch erinson of Hannibal Clara Caverly of Bowling Green Andy Duff of Centralia Mo Hunter Hulse of New London Glenn Scott and fam ily New London 4 I i PITV PLENTY spective parents Mr and Mrs James Cooper and Mr and Mrs Mose Bouyca Mr and Mrs Middleton.

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Pike County Chronicle from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.