Symbolism of the Mythical Phoenix Bird: Renewal, Rebirth and Destruction (2024)

Symbolism of the Mythical Phoenix Bird: Renewal, Rebirth and Destruction (1)

Updated 21 January, 2021 - 03:36 lizleafloor

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Ancient legend paints a picture of a magical bird, radiant and shimmering, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by bursting into flames. It is then reborn from the ashes, to start a new, long life. So powerful is the symbolism that it is a motif and image that is still used commonly today in popular culture and folklore. This is the majestic phoenix.

The legendary creatureis a large, grand bird, much like an eagle or peaco*ck. It is brilliantly colored in reds, purples, and yellows, as it is associated with the rising sun and fire. Sometimes a nimbus will surround it, illuminating it in the sky. Its eyes are blue and shine like sapphires. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest, and ignites it with a single clap of its wings. After death it rises gloriously from the ashes and flies away.

Symbolism of the Mythical Phoenix Bird: Renewal, Rebirth and Destruction (2)

Phoenix rising from the ashes in Book of Mythological Creatures by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch(1747-1822). (Public Domain)

The Phoenix Bird Symbolizes Renewal and Resurrection

The phoenix symbolizes renewal and resurrection, and it has been used to represent many themes, such as the sun, time, resurrection, consecration, an empire, metempsychosis, Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, and exceptional humans. Tina Garnet writes in The Phoenix in Egyptian, Arab, & Greek Mythology of the long-lived bird:

“When it feels its end approaching, it builds a nest with the finest aromatic woods, sets it on fire, and is consumed by the flames. From the pile of ashes, a new Phoenix arises, young and powerful. It then embalms the ashes of its predecessor in an egg of myrrh, and flies to the city of the Sun, Heliopolis, where it deposits the egg on the altar of the Sun God.”

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There are lesser known versions of the myth in which the phoenix dies and simply decomposes before rebirth.

The Greek named it the Phoenix, but it is associated with the Egyptian Bennu, the Native American Thunderbird, the Russian Firebird, the Chinese Fèng Huáng, and the Japanese Hō-ō.

It is believed that the Greeks called the Canaanites the Phoenikes or Phoenicians, which may derive from the Greek word 'Phoenix', meaning crimson or purple. Indeed, the symbology of the Phoenix is also closely tied with the Phoenicians.

Symbolism of the Mythical Phoenix Bird: Renewal, Rebirth and Destruction (3)

Phoenix and roses, detail. Pavement mosaic (marble and limestone), 2nd half of the 3rd century AD. From Daphne, a suburb of Antioch-on-the-Orontes (now Antakya in Turkey). (Clio20/CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Phoenix Through Time

In perhaps the earliest instance of the legend, the Egyptians told of the Bennu, a heron bird that is part of their creation myth. The Bennu lived atop ben-ben stones or obelisks and was worshipped alongside Osiris and Ra.

Bennu was seen as an avatar of Osiris, a living symbol of the deity. The solar bird appears on ancient amulets as a symbol of rebirth and immortality, and it was associated with the period of flooding of the Nile, bringing new wealth and fertility.

Greek historian Herodotus wrote that priests of ancient Heliopolis described the bird as living for 500 years before building and lighting its own funeral pyre. The offspring of the birds would then fly from the ashes, and carry priests to the temple altar in Heliopolis.

In ancient Greece it was said the bird does not eat fruit, but frankincense and aromatic gums. It also collects cinnamon and myrrh for its nest in preparation for its fiery death.

In Asia the phoenix reigns over all the birds, and is the symbol of the Chinese Empress and feminine grace, as well as the sun and the south. The sighting of the phoenix is a good sign that a wise leader has ascended to the throne and a new era has begun. It was representative of Chinese virtues: goodness, duty, propriety, kindness and reliability. Palaces and temples are guarded by ceramic protective beasts, all lead by the phoenix.

A Creature of Destruction and Creation

The mythical creature has been incorporated into many religions, signifying eternal life, destruction, creation, and fresh beginnings.

Due to the themes of death and resurrection, it was also adopted a symbol in early Christianity, as an analogy of Christ’s death and three days later his resurrection. The image became a popular symbol on early Christian tombstones.

It is also symbolic of a cosmic fire some believe created the world and which will consume it.

Symbolism of the Mythical Phoenix Bird: Renewal, Rebirth and Destruction (4)

A reborn Phoenix. A ventral view of the bird between two trees, with wings out stretched and head to one side, possibly collecting twigs for its pyre but also associated with Jesus on the cross. (Public Domain)

In Jewish legend the phoenix is known as the Milcham – a faithful and immortal bird. Going back to Eden, when Eve possessed the apple of knowledge she tempted the animals of the garden with the forbidden fruit. The Milcham bird refused the offer, and was granted for its faith a town where it would live in peace almost eternally, rebirthing every thousand years, immune to the Angel of Death.

An Alchemical Symbol Too

The Phoenix is also an alchemical symbol. It represents the changes during chemical reactions and progression through colors, properties of matter, and has to do with the steps of alchemy in the making of the Great Work, or the Philosopher’s Stone.

Modern additions to the myth in popular culture say the tears of the phoenix have great healing powers, and if the phoenix is near one cannot tell a lie.

Continually morphing, the phoenix represents the idea that the end is only the beginning. Much like this powerful myth, the symbol of the phoenix will be reborn over and over again in human legend and imagination.

Top image: The phoenix bird. Source: yuriks / Adobe Stock

By Liz Leafloor

Updated on January 20, 2021.


Heaven Sent – American Museum of Natural History

Phoenix - Monstrous

The Phoenix in Egyptian, Arab, & Greek Mythology - OnMarkProductions

Phoenix Symbol - Signology

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    Zucchini wrote on 22 January, 2021 - 03:58

    Hi All,

    I only have this to say about The Phoenix everyone who come from a variety of diverse backgrounds; from other places within the World, is testifying in multiple language's, despite the testimonies, set in The Ancient World; then perhaps this Bird possibly exist.

    The perspective of other World's Creation testimonies; is that The Heaven's and Earth was formed through Fire.

    I read in a special book that I personally don't doubt it's authenticity is definite possibility; of course the reference to Earth being destroyed from Fire.

    Well, yes, it is discussed at length in The Book of Revelation; but, from time to time, I have watched The History Channel, Discovery Channel, an The Science Channel at length listen to Astrophysicist, an Physicist mention Earth's destruction through Fire.

    In fact I think it was 2014 or 2015, some of the Scientist's said Earth only had a few millions of year's left to Earth; of its existence.

    I remember thinking interesting calculated guest.

    That's all I have to say on the Phonenix Bird; I often wonder in Revelation a Talking Eagle gets to speak the words of Woe unto the inhabitants on Earth followed by the declaration of the next disaster to unfold on Earth, whether that Eagle was The Phoenix Bird of Fire.

    I think about a lot of unique subjects and topics in general it's a case of mild curiosity on my part. Well, until next time Everyone, Goodbye!

    AmyVenus wrote on 22 January, 2021 - 01:28

    Why do you keep repeating the story already told and what do demons have to do with the Phoenix?


    Stewart Roland Hardy wrote on 17 February, 2017 - 15:56

    Ancient Symbolism of the Magical Phoenix

    The symbolism of the Phoenix, like the mystical bird itself, dies and is reborn across cultures and throughout time.

    Ancient legend paints a picture of a magical bird, radiant and shimmering, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by bursting into flames. It is then reborn from the ashes, to start a new, long life. So powerful is the symbolism that it is a motif and image that is still used commonly today in popular culture and folklore.

    The legendary phoenix is a large, grand bird, much like an eagle or peaco*ck. It is brilliantly coloured in reds, purples, and yellows, as it is associated with the rising sun and fire. Sometimes a nimbus will surround it, illuminating it in the sky. Its eyes are blue and shine like sapphires. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest, and ignites it with a single clap of its wings. After death it rises gloriously from the ashes and flies away.

    Phoenix rising from the ashes
    Image: Phoenix rising from the ashes in Book of Mythological Creatures by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822)

    The phoenix symbolizes renewal and resurrection, and represents many themes , such as “the sun, time, the empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man”.

    Tina Garnet writes in The Phoenix in Egyptian, Arab, & Greek Mythology of the long-lived bird, “When it feels its end approaching, it builds a nest with the finest aromatic woods, sets it on fire, and is consumed by the flames. From the pile of ashes, a new Phoenix arises, young and powerful. It then embalms the ashes of its predecessor in an egg of myrrh, and flies to the city of the Sun, Heliopolis, where it deposits the egg on the altar of the Sun God.”

    There are lesser known versions of the myth in which the phoenix dies and simply decomposes before rebirth.

    The Greek named it the Phoenix but it is associated with the Egyptian Bennu, the Native American Thunderbird, the Russian Firebird, the Chinese Fèng Huáng, and the Japanese Hō-ō.

    It is believed that the Greeks called the Canaanites the Phoenikes or Phoenicians, which may derive from the Greek word 'Phoenix', meaning crimson or purple. Indeed, the symbology of the Phoenix is also closely tied with the Phoenicians.

    Phoenix and roses
    Phoenix and roses, detail. Pavement mosaic (marble and limestone), 2nd half of the 3rd century AD. From Daphne, a suburb of Antioch-on-the-Orontes (now Antakya in Turkey). Image source: Wikimedia

    Perhaps the earliest instance of the legend, the Egyptians told of the Bennu, a heron bird that is part of their creation myth. The Bennu lived atop ben-ben stones or obelisks and was worshipped alongside Osiris and Ra. Bennu was seen as an avatar of Osiris, a living symbol of the deity. The solar bird appears on ancient amulets as a symbol of rebirth and immortality, and it was associated with the period of flooding of the Nile, bringing new wealth and fertility.

    Greek historian Herodotus wrote that priests of ancient Heliopolis described the bird as living for 500 years before building and lighting its own funeral pyre. The offspring of the birds would then fly from the ashes, and carry priests to the temple altar in Heliopolis. In ancient Greece it was said the bird does not eat fruit, but frankincense and aromatic gums. It also collects cinnamon and myrrh for its nest in preparation for its fiery death.

    In Asia the phoenix reigns over all the birds, and is the symbol of the Chinese Empress and feminine grace, as well as the sun and the south. The sighting of the phoenix is a good sign that a wise leader has ascended to the throne and a new era has begun. It was representative of Chinese virtues: goodness, duty, propriety, kindness and reliability. Palaces and temples are guarded by ceramic protective beasts, all lead by the phoenix.

    The mythical phoenix has been incorporated into many religions, signifying eternal life, destruction, creation and fresh beginnings.

    Due to the themes of death and resurrection, it was adopted a symbol in early Christianity, as an analogy of Christ’s death and three days later his resurrection. The image became a popular symbol on early Christian tombstones. It is also symbolic of a cosmic fire some believe created the world and which will consume it.

    Only Ash Remains

    Fear is never gone from your soul
    that saw humiliation.
    Being prey to the blackest of demons,
    paralyzed you fail.

    Fallen beneath
    the mark of dignity,
    you fail.

    (A) demon passed on from one
    to the next infiltrates
    a mind innocent and pure;
    planting the seed to possess
    another soul that is doomed to fail.

    Only Ash Remains

    [Solos: Muenzner/ Suicmez/ Muenzner/ Suicmez]

    (A) demon passed on from one
    to the next infiltrates
    a mind innocent and pure;
    being prey to the blackest
    of demons, paralyzed they fail.

    Fallen beneath
    the mark of dignity,
    they fail.

    Only Ash Remains

    (Necrophagist - Only Ash Remains)

    Stewart Roland Hardy wrote on 17 February, 2017 - 15:17

    Hi, my name is Stewart Hardy. I made a post for Google+ and facebook I'd like to share and it goes as follows;

    Ancient Symbolism of the Magical Phoenix

    The symbolism of the Phoenix, like the mystical bird itself, dies and is reborn across cultures and throughout time.

    Ancient legend paints a picture of a magical bird, radiant and shimmering, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by bursting into flames. It is then reborn from the ashes, to start a new, long life. So powerful is the symbolism that it is a motif and image that is still used commonly today in popular culture and folklore.

    The legendary phoenix is a large, grand bird, much like an eagle or peaco*ck. It is brilliantly coloured in reds, purples, and yellows, as it is associated with the rising sun and fire. Sometimes a nimbus will surround it, illuminating it in the sky. Its eyes are blue and shine like sapphires. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest, and ignites it with a single clap of its wings. After death it rises gloriously from the ashes and flies away.

    Phoenix rising from the ashes
    Image: Phoenix rising from the ashes in Book of Mythological Creatures by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822)

    The phoenix symbolizes renewal and resurrection, and represents many themes , such as “the sun, time, the empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man”.

    Tina Garnet writes in The Phoenix in Egyptian, Arab, & Greek Mythology of the long-lived bird, “When it feels its end approaching, it builds a nest with the finest aromatic woods, sets it on fire, and is consumed by the flames. From the pile of ashes, a new Phoenix arises, young and powerful. It then embalms the ashes of its predecessor in an egg of myrrh, and flies to the city of the Sun, Heliopolis, where it deposits the egg on the altar of the Sun God.”

    There are lesser known versions of the myth in which the phoenix dies and simply decomposes before rebirth.

    The Greek named it the Phoenix but it is associated with the Egyptian Bennu, the Native American Thunderbird, the Russian Firebird, the Chinese Fèng Huáng, and the Japanese Hō-ō.

    It is believed that the Greeks called the Canaanites the Phoenikes or Phoenicians, which may derive from the Greek word 'Phoenix', meaning crimson or purple. Indeed, the symbology of the Phoenix is also closely tied with the Phoenicians.

    Phoenix and roses
    Phoenix and roses, detail. Pavement mosaic (marble and limestone), 2nd half of the 3rd century AD. From Daphne, a suburb of Antioch-on-the-Orontes (now Antakya in Turkey). Image source: Wikimedia

    Perhaps the earliest instance of the legend, the Egyptians told of the Bennu, a heron bird that is part of their creation myth. The Bennu lived atop ben-ben stones or obelisks and was worshipped alongside Osiris and Ra. Bennu was seen as an avatar of Osiris, a living symbol of the deity. The solar bird appears on ancient amulets as a symbol of rebirth and immortality, and it was associated with the period of flooding of the Nile, bringing new wealth and fertility.

    Greek historian Herodotus wrote that priests of ancient Heliopolis described the bird as living for 500 years before building and lighting its own funeral pyre. The offspring of the birds would then fly from the ashes, and carry priests to the temple altar in Heliopolis. In ancient Greece it was said the bird does not eat fruit, but frankincense and aromatic gums. It also collects cinnamon and myrrh for its nest in preparation for its fiery death.

    In Asia the phoenix reigns over all the birds, and is the symbol of the Chinese Empress and feminine grace, as well as the sun and the south. The sighting of the phoenix is a good sign that a wise leader has ascended to the throne and a new era has begun. It was representative of Chinese virtues: goodness, duty, propriety, kindness and reliability. Palaces and temples are guarded by ceramic protective beasts, all lead by the phoenix.

    The mythical phoenix has been incorporated into many religions, signifying eternal life, destruction, creation and fresh beginnings.

    Due to the themes of death and resurrection, it was adopted a symbol in early Christianity, as an analogy of Christ’s death and three days later his resurrection. The image became a popular symbol on early Christian tombstones. It is also symbolic of a cosmic fire some believe created the world and which will consume it.

    Only Ash Remains

    Fear is never gone from your soul
    that saw humiliation.
    Being prey to the blackest of demons,
    paralyzed you fail.

    Fallen beneath
    the mark of dignity,
    you fail.

    (A) demon passed on from one
    to the next infiltrates
    a mind innocent and pure;
    planting the seed to possess
    another soul that is doomed to fail.

    Only Ash Remains

    [Solos: Muenzner/ Suicmez/ Muenzner/ Suicmez]

    (A) demon passed on from one
    to the next infiltrates
    a mind innocent and pure;
    being prey to the blackest
    of demons, paralyzed they fail.

    Fallen beneath
    the mark of dignity,
    they fail.

    Only Ash Remains

    (Necrophagist - Only Ash Remains)

    hope you like it, have a good one,...

    kitnkaat wrote on 17 December, 2016 - 19:48

    I would be curious to know why the Christians abandoned the symbol of the phoenix as it would fit nicely into the resurrection motif. I wonder if it suffered the same fate as the peaco*ck. Early Christians viewed the peaco*ck as a religious symbol as the tail held the all-seeing eye of God. It was abandoned because they were unable to separate the creature from its pagan origins; the belief in the ancient gods was too prevalent at the time.



    Liz Leafloor is former Art Director for Ancient Origins Magazine. She has a background as an Editor, Writer, and Graphic Designer. Having worked in news and online media for years, Liz covers exciting and interesting topics like ancient myth, history,... Read More

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