The Bellingham Herald from Bellingham, Washington (2025)

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The Bellingham Heraldi

Bellingham, Washington

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Cl 0 The Bellingham Herald Saturday September 2 2000 wwwbellinghamheraldcom CROSSWORD Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments 154 Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartments TMSPuzzlesOaolcom ATTENTION STUDENTS 817 25th St Studio Units $285 mo Share Common LMngKKchen Area Private Bathroom A Fridgo WWk to CampuaDock Unite Avakabto On-site Laumky A Fraa undry A Fraa Parking Property Mgmt Protmlonali 676-1880 ACROSS 1 Heart regulator 10 Images of gods 15 Detest 16 Brief summation 17 Imparted new vigor to 18 Half-goat man 19 longs vita brevis 20 Killer whale 22 Suspended consciousness 23 Expresses disapproval 27 Whippoorwill's bill 28 Candid 29 Groovy! 30 Festooning 32 Wholly 33 Washes 34 PMs 35 Vitginia Woolf novel Dalloway" 37 Dreamer's letters 38 Part of rpm 41 Stick 'em up! 43 Tropical fruit 45 Chord played tone by tone 48 Worships 49 Smile broadly 50 Wiggly catch 51 Continue laundering 52 Arsenal cache 53 Annoying fit 55 Family member 56 Take care of 58 Stop shooting! 62 Glasgow or Barkin 63 Intensifies 64 Extend a look 65 Impassivity DOWN 1 Kind of wax 2 Untrue to type 3 Spouses of monarchs 4 Comic Phillips 5 Four times CCU 6 Literary snippets 7 Green Hornet's valet 8 Interminable 9 Evergreen with aromatic wood 10 Tax agey 11 Protestant church leaders 12 Couple with sixteen arms? 13 Nonclerics 14 Vaulted 21 Over the average 24 Pursue with ATTENTION STUDENTS The Parkway 2300 BUI McDonald Parkway Nowar Quality 1 Bedroom Unite Share Common UvingKltchan Area WWk To Campus On-Site Laundry Fackitiss Fraa Covered Spacas School Year Leases Available Deserve Your Room Now A Beat The RuWi $250Month $265Month Deck Unit Daky Showing 10 AM Monday thru Friday Property Management Professionals 676-1880 vrwvLpmprantalsxom RQMn AIBIElsI EINlCl I QQQQDQQQ BDQD EHDQQQ fl200 Richardson 59 Luis novel or Obispo CA Virtue 60 Wallach of Rewarded" The 54 Mexican Magnificent sandwich Seven" 57 Half and half? 61 Enthusiast By Ed Voile Gillette WY 25 Mace source 38 Leech or 26 Places for barnacle eg keeping 39 Unsightly goods sights 31 Created anew 40 Impetuosity 36 Systematized 41 Even more disciplines isolated Cambridge Square Apts 31st Ferry Spacious 2 Bedrooms 42 44 45 46 47 Height of sanctity MIA verified Degrades Thaw once again Samuel Pool Deck Onsite Laundry Close to WWU 2 Bd $570-5590 THE ACES "The test and the use of education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind" Jacques Bansun Southside Apartments 816 24th St Studios 1 Bedrooms Covered Parking Onsite Laundry Close to WWU Studios 1 Bedrooms Property MgmtProfessionals Inc 676-1880 1VWW pfTHtr9flt9f9a1j1WW WEST A 87 2 A J8 6 4 3 A AQ 108 ruffing diamond ace he makes the winning move of discarding a spade allowing ace to win South wins spade shift in dummy cashes his trump ace and leads a low spade dummy's remaining top spade Then he pushes spade jack through East If East covers South ruffs and reaches dummy in trumps to discard a club on high spade And if East cover South merely discards a club If West has the spade queen he can score only one more trick guaranteeing io winners for the careftil declarers who found the avoidance play 154 IMaaAwAaa IAmw9 noBeny rngnii 671 -847a OFFERING AFFORDABLE RENTALS BRAND NEW! its Groat movo-in I Cal 733-7687 CASCADE MEADOWS Mmm aaa a- 400 Hviceny nBa 713-3300 A Quiet 1 A 2 Bd: wa on site mgr $460 A $650 dap Z222 Cte 733-0296 managed an late 380-2075 comm in F'date Alt 1 bke from WWa $425734-7045 676-1880 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS STUDIOS 316 24th Nr wwa covered parking on-aRe Indry $410 817 26th St Sharad common kving A kNchan area deck $285 1330 Lincoln Spacious priv deck atrg 2022 Texas Quiet DW patto yard $410 1 BEDROOMS 3428 McLeod Spacious DW deck clubhouse $525 1300 Timas DW dock wstorage on-site laundry $410 1261 Nevada Quiet DW deck secured WD HU $440 730 Telegraph Cuts apt in toga homo Wq WSGMec pd $495 Ehnerost Apte 8401 Ehn Hugo 1 BD Wq gaa ftpta great loc $495 2623 Valletta Cozy central location carport WS paid $410 8838 NorBivraat Nice DW ftpic storage on-aite Indry $440 2 BEDROOMS 2324 VMoncIa Vaulted cokings wq deck new pMnt cwpot MBA mnSG 800U A vinyl Inc Slat A Largs Indry pool 1251 Nevada Small complex secure stack WD HU S540 2709 Maplewood Nice 1 ba fireplace Wq DW deck $595 3428 McLeod largo DW bhaM25 12 Off Last Mm Rant 1118 Maryland Sumy dock DW Wq onsite cokings $610 2300 Rnunlaa Nice priv patio nr WWq on-site laundry $585 2111 Knox Lrg 2 Bq Itt ba twnhse garage near WWU $575 MIS Quean 2 Bq Itt ba DW porch yard $575 3711 3rd Am Famdate 2 Bq dock WD HU DW $47a 2309 PacHle BL Uppwv triplex with deck) strorage DW $550 3-4 BEDROOMS 033-927 21st SL Large 3 Bq 1 ba nr WWU Wq dock $675 2300 Douglas 3 Bq bright nr WWU patio newer crpt $695 Donovan 3 BD 2 ba nr WWU $860Sf ovna nmiqiaa Rd Pdalo 3 A 4 Bq 2 ba dacfcjpaUo 30 median 818 ALABAMA M-F 8-6 Sat S-S 154 CUTE 1 A 2BD Apte Appte gar oponar $575 AS675 mNP 676-1799 EVERSON 2 Bdrm 4-ptex Wq WS pd storage NICB 5510depb 354-6921 RLMHAVEN HARK APTS Affotdabia A comfortabte in a park kka sotting 1 now 734-61 80 kvfngini Caki FERNDALE No $435 IBD 42 Fomdalo 1 br teundra on-sita RantDap $375 Stnak pate ok 380457a 2 A 3 bdrm 1st Mo Frao WD hkup Starting at $525 380-6311 or REftMT 1(360) 7SB-18Z2 HOUSE 7039 Hoiwog Ln Birch Bay 2Bd IBa WD3650 2317 SL Paul 3 Bd Wq DW Garage $875 AMRTMENTB 1111 23rd SL Studio Sharad LMng Arm $295 2303 Tbylor Studio ApL WSQPd Near WWU $400 2412 Queen New Lg Wq Gas HL 2596 10S0 yarn 1 A 2 Bd DW Ldrv WSQPd S43SSS00 2600 Donovan 1 Bd 1 BA Bee Heat WSQPd $445 2324 Varana 1 Bd WSG Paid 1 Pat OK $470 2400 Raelno 2 Bd Ba WD Hkp NP SS2S 3406 Radweod 2 Bd IVmhaa DW WSG $525 6706 Handriekaon Fteh WD DW ML View SS60 2001 Knox 2 Bd Wq DW IWnhM WWU S600 1313 High SL 3 Bd 1 Ba IHptex S876-to2S 811 ChaatnuL 3 Bd 1 Ba 4-Plax 9925-6B7a CONDOS 2 SV Dr IBr 1A Ba Ful-Fumiehad Condo $575 State 1 View WD DW Dan 2040 Superior SL New 2 A 3 Bd 2Ba Gaa heat WSGBaaic Cabto Pd Prtl View $850 A $1050 1261 Northvrlnd Cr 3 Bd 2 Ba Cordate $1200 DUPLEX 2121 Donovan 2 Bd 1 Ba Gas Hoot DW $660 Lg 1 B6 bay vl WWU HaL vkte paid 733-2966 SI vlaw next to Moat utk $696Ana Lg 1 2 A 3 bd Apia Priv yds carport pooL great loc Cteble pd ng at $505 a UImA Lffioen rant vmv wwi Qaa Heat WSOchl pd 304-6906 Large 1 A 2 BDRM newly remodeled WSG A cable at S525mo 671 duplgs $475 MebUa home i450 Wq pets? 398-7706 NEW STUDIOS Quality quieL Open 495-551 a Fraa cbL 734-2111 NORTHBROOK APTS Spacloua ApL Hamas Give us a ate 738-761 7 PAPDEN CREEK APTS The Nicest Place to Live in BaWngham Cak us at 647-6994 PARK TERRACE APARTMENTS 2 BlL 2 Ba fwnky bldg 733-4080 Plain 2Bd garage 2415 $825 Quiet am BA secured WSGhtpd agl rma bldg S2M641 tend wntvn 7-5554 RIDGE APTS Apts Rd 196 KsKogg I Cak Today 734-7596 trikato WWUI Patio DW on-alto Indry 500 WSG A storage pd $475 676-0194 Doom B'lwm Utka IncL $395 647-3467 Scott SOUTH A 65 4 VAKJ10 864 A 6 4 Vulnerable: Neither Dealer South The bidding: South West North East 4 All In the and an annual Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament was conducted in the United States and Canada In the early days it was organized by Geoffrey Mott-Smith later William Root Lawrence Rosier and Jeff Rubens continued the event Today's deal is from one of the par contests used during the early years of the tournament At the directed contract of four hearts ability to foresee dangers is tested What should South do alter he ruffs diamond ace? already too late to do anything to save the game He must lose a finesse to spade queen and when East shifts to clubs South loses three more tricks for one down To ensure his game South must keep East off lead Instead Business DIRECTORY Servi Opening lead: Diamond ace bridge question or request for a free copy of Newsletter to: The Aces PO Box 26236 33320 Include first doss postage stamp for Copyright 2000 United Features Syndicate Die HOROSCOPES 154 Sunny with 2 bdntti Unfurn Apts 226 I WWU rm Private mi aharvd kitch A bath $295 Studio apL $375 3 Bd apL $725 In 8epL 320 ChaatnuL Gaa hL laundry rm nr WWU A downtown 1 Bd $450 2141 Eostviow 1 Bd Famdala Townhouse 1H Ba WD FP private carport S525b 2161 EasMow 2 Bd Fomdalo town-house 1 Ba WD FP private carport WSG pd $595 Unfum Houses 1915 I SL 2 Bd duplex Common laundry Nr bus kneWSGpdS50a 62 PobiL 3Bd 4 Ba at Sudden VWlay Gaa Irt WD deck fp amak yard Pat pose $1200 WNMumfpropwrtyvwntMwxoiii 700 Dupont SL M-F 9-5 Sat 10-2 71-3047 York Neigh 2Bd Wq vary nice NSP looking tar quiet A dean tenants $700 ak utka Inc 647-8455 hr mag Furnished Apartments 155 BRAMPTON COURT On Mfchwoodp $790-9850 i-L muMy ninmnOT 1 1 -i Locauon i Cabto WD i Rm Hot 647-5600 House Cleaning379 The Cleaning Lady mature rsliabla A trustworthy 384-4160 Tho Sen Club Affordable Ratable Service Shaky 752-0723 Lawn Mowing 389 A CUSTOM CUT Free Estimates Mow today 758-2661 Painting Decorating 405 12 Price Sale I IntExL Fraa Eat Licensed Bonded Cal 752-3533 tartar exterior Exc world Rata Sr Discount Call Darmia at 366-340A IBB teaUlaa MrD rMniMIfl 18 yrs Exc refs uc 396-8434 Stanciliiig Murals Daco-rating A Corwufting CariyY Creations 380-6261 Painting Papering 406 Pressure Washing A 5-10 Real Estate Services 422 REMAX WHATCOM COUNTY 647-1313 wwwnwhomaanat Trim Bteama Real Estate Consultant Since 1961 647-1313 or 354-1550 KxHh Cook 799-5600 wwwkaHticoakiwt SpocWiat 647-1313 Chuck McCord 384-0110 Positive martedng wwwuHmmaxxam 733-5922 tar si your Maty Keys A Marie MotharDaughtartaam w38 vrs exp 671 -6648 Vtasks Triam The 595-9247 886691-5711 x5073 BRO RE Consultants for Ufa Kathy Kannady 758-71 55 MaMng buying or sailing aimpta 12 yra exp Skikad A Compatant el 5764502 RKMAX South Dakinghani Sudden Vfy 647-5050 R2MAX Property Wa handle the Iwaotae you reap the lewarda 735-1022 Fuk8atvioa tammatcial Btdo Mgmt iMM4ffOaoLoom Rooting 427 Your homo ia "Your Castle Lie Bonded Insured 966-7429 Siding 441 Need to replace siding? Need a deck? Wri can do from tear off A disposal of old materials to installation of tho now onooi including painting A site cleanup Cal tho residential experts Lie EATHOC-1 91 -KR (360)384-0332 in Famdala Everett A Sharon Thompson proprietors Serving Whatcom County sinoo 197A o-mal: thomneofi pram lari net Tree Service 457 Western Star fraa Sanrfca Ak phases of tree work Frao oatimataa Uclns Ruaa 7366533 Acuta free Trimming Affordable Honest A 715-8552 154 Manager Contractors 334 Jay Kaon Construction A Marina Custom remodel Ing A repair Decks ahads fences 650-9561 Drywall 340 First Wall Inc Drywall texture service Claan quick A pratasaionaL Over 25 yts axporisnea Patch A npiir ixpgrti imsomM rates commarcial reai-dontiaL A remodels Give us a call (360)71 4-1 14a LkteFIRSTWIOIIPI Excavating 346 COMPLETE SITE Excavations-Driveways Septic Design A Installation Undargmd Utka- Clearing McFarlana Conetr Inc 733-1555 cak: 319-9535 MCFARCIQ14J8 Flooring 353 Wood Flooring Spadakste Formoriy Joat Flooring Lay Sand or Rafirkah 826-4033 wwdff88cc Garden Hauling Landscaping 361 Residential Landscape design installation 752-9678 Bluoaky Gardening Fak cleanup lawn care landscaping A more Mow Brush A Vines CuL trim trees A hedges Gutters hauL 660-0466 Landscaping A Clean-ups hesnsed A inaur Jared 752-1 559 Small Tractor rototilling backhoe brush hog for aat Cal Scott 67S-0991 Spirit Mtn Export cutters from blackberries to trees wM hauL Ken 7366656 or 303-2818 (oak) Licensed bonded A insured TIGER TRADES Custom Wood Work tractor A hauling i Bn MVWC8 Landscaping A ww one vompm muting 738-3796 Woodlyn Cara 384-3511 Lawn YOUR WAY Landscaping Painting A Pressure WMhing Chris 736-0690 Grading 362 Word anY TTactor Work Grade level landscape 678-8183 Handyman 373 Handyman Ramodetaodd Jobahaul-ing Good rates A rata U-canaadMarfc 966-2684 Hauling 374 HAUUNOOOD JOBS Good rates A rata Cxi Bk) 676-8122 MAJ HauNng Total trash removal Fast Depend Svc 380-6406 All Hauling A Handyman! truck tools A pressure washing Friendly sarvica CaN Sake 366-6006 Kan Ken Jrte Hauling Service Wa Haul Everything 380-1083 Home Repair 376 HC Construction A Bonded A Insured HaraU 371-5019 223-1196 House Cleaning379 Maid 4 Housekeeping Mae for $60 1st time cleaning Great value at aft fordable price 527-0555 BUSY BY RaaldantComm Uoaraad A km Mad (360)224-4064 assertive about getting the love you Straiglit talk proves more lucrative than beating around the bush CANCER (June 22-July 22) You attention and deserve tt too and be seen political savvy is ticket to greatly increased earning (July 23-Aug 22) You ere quite and will not put up with un-criddsin Environmental i help romance along Mix with set (Aug 235ept 22) Make a concession to a family member Income increases but keep this secret now Group activities are fun can hinder romance (Sept 23-OcL 23) You'll be advantage of if you are You have increasing respect for a family member you ll be to fina that die feeling is mu tual SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21) You get Just what you want throni your powers of persuasion Puget a current love who has been noncommittal SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Camaraderie between friends is admired by an outsider with influence Smooth over a misunderstanding with your mate with gentle kidding CAPRICORN (pec 22-Jan 19) Others are aware something is changing ki you even if you are not Written communication can be satisfying and effective AQUARIUS (Ian 2DFebi IS) You are usually good with financial matters but today take an action that is out of left field Just to see what happens PfSCES (Feb 19-March 20) You deserve a chance Just as much as die next person Your lack of experience is made tq for by your passion BY JOYCE JILLSON CREATORS SYNDICATE TODAYS BIRTHDAY 2) Tills is a year vvtien your good reputation gets you jobs and more money! Next month a Taurus or Gemini will make a luge difference in your life Being thankful opens an abundant world to you You make contact with Interesting and helpful people In otlier parts of tiie country or the world ARIES (March 21 -April 19) Love wields enormous power but when push comes to shove you'll know how to keep your cool and enjoy tie perks Someone finally pays you back! TAURUS (April 20-May 20 The social situation seems like a natch bigger deal than It really is: fears are allayed if you Just be yourself GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) You fed relaxed and comfortable with yourself NORTH A AK 10 9753 A 75 32 DMIA EAST A 9 3 2 0109752 A 9 Unfurnished Apartments 154 2BR with Wa No Pete $510 month $350 deposit 650-9730 733-3640 1012 DUPONT Man-FH 9-5 Sat 10-3 IBD nea Lg 2BD 2BA nwrept lndryiW25 "909 to WWU Wa Dw 2BD1BA house nr BeWa Fair ftpic bamnt atrg part htdwd flr tried yd $650 8676 Samtehmoo 3BD 2BA bay-view hm apoiL Indry hk-up yard APPLE VALLEY APTS Lyndon 2 Ba ki Sr Hang Protect tar Seniors or disa-btod On buaknab Rant 30 of ad income wag pd EHO CaM 364-3599 TDD 1-800-633-6388 BAKERVIEW TERRACE 8660 and) CaN 671- BRAMPTON COURT On Birchwood 2 Bdrm 1 Bath $635 OMthrl i to Share Great Location Bnctudae Cable Wq FHnooo Rm Hot Ite 647-5600 QQQ ON BRIDGE Duplexes 153 2 BD Duplex $575 398-8336 Lg Tbwnhouee 2BD WSG paid Wa NS NR $600mo dap 1300 Mr of Alabama 734-2981 Luxury BO2 BA frptca dbi gar priv yrd $1025 Avail 101 738-0497 NEW 4 Ba 3 FULL BATH Ibwnhouae dbi car Gar Huge yrd priv street WD DW ready for tail College cycle near WWU $1 350 Call Joyo 671-031 2 to view 6 apply New on Barkley 3 Bd I 1-6 Ba aingl OK avUl OOft cat 671-6728 2 WD WS 24 2407 mo $600 dap Bd 2 Ba paid AvaiL Sq Kentucky $801 I dap 354-2225 NEWER 3BD2BA don Firaptace Wa DW tXsp Gar 1300 sf S110Qmo 676-0104 Newer irwhoiao 2 Bd oh Irt 2415 Xante $6004 dap NSP Avail 91 (Laa)757-0349 ramodolod Victo-ua lower unit I wa NS 12 Ba DfwSDwBy elm now $675 736-9257 rian 2 Bd S-l 1- DIOCK AvaiL Saltwater 3 bdrm boat Unfurnished Apartments 154 S385M0 1 Bdrm Close to shopping theatres walking distance WWU On Busline 734-5863 I 2 Bd S365S465 laundry on dap WSG paid DW NP arte 734-4591 1 BD Nicely appointed! Small quiet bldg aljappf energy efficient laundry $415 NS NP 733-6226 1 Bd Northantf WSG pd $47a 733-7189 1 Irik from WWU 515 Myrtle 3BD3BA ptkg $1195 7048 12 OFFI 1 Ba WWk to wwa Deck Indry WSG A cable pd $475 676-0194 2Bd Aatudlo Walk to WWU ivmod new cwpsL NP From $415 733-6396 MODERN 2 bdrm 2 hath Cathedral calling only $676 BALLARD MANAGEMENT 647-1700 734-6867 IBd arnal BSOOAnob Al Utka pd Dntwn Bham Lota of charactari 627-0790 of to Send Aces Sunrise FL reply Be crave need Mingle your power LEO sensitive a powerful VIRGO difficult for but they LIBRA taken unassertive surprised Auto Repairs 309 Beat value nationwide 3yr3O900 mi warranty financing OAC Ctel Ron 671-4216 Top Soil 311 BULK MATERIALS: Bark SoK Sand Gravel A Com-pote Dakyarad or U-haul Bakanriavr Nuvaavy 676-9409 Claan unscreened top sok Dalivorad Batkngham S7yd 671-3858 Backhoe 312 Mini Excavator ditches minor ctearing A am tractor toadsrbacknoe 592-6242 Compart 33 HP Backhoc Tiding mowing gravel post hetoa VwaMa gmachi018b0 961-0432 MIKE'S Minor Excavations 966 6643 739-4550 LC TRACTOR WORKS Mowing Leveling Tilling 384-171 9 or 31 2-9554 Carpentry Remodeling 322 FAR WEST CONSTRUCTION bvmaaa- AOOIliOnig WfTlOOMg RWUP1 anco ctoma garages Local (360)366-4160 farwec034on Bonded AAA DAY CONSTRUCTION roofs painting remodoling AAADAC003L3 312-92M ra i-ira nenKXNVtWR No tab to bfa oramakf IntExt JRCOfrOOOCN BETTER CONSTRUCTION For all your construction needs since 1989 371-3828 or 303-4010 bettC101cOb Construction MIC 692-5609 Remodekngi BIGLECu12D2 Countertops tka A Utahan ramodolinp 25 yv asp COXSOORRB 364-0794 A AddHiona natarancaa JPSGEC071C8 738-8143 quality phases construction abhamr011kr 752-1597 Decks Kitchen Remodeling Custom InL Trim 756-2096 toddrb006kq Computer Services 329 Computer Drhring You Cress? Need ThcfHiteaf AseMenee For in-homa help cak (360) 316-9505 vry pmbhms solved for ONLY S20t A Sarvica Technician A Microsoft Certified The Pirtar TSch Man Fuk Sarvica Rasa Rates Wa coma to you 318-1098 Cleaning 332 SERVICEMASTER of Whatcom! County: Carpet 1 Cleaning Jarr-imarcial Ciaan A Upholstery Nortel A Commercial ing Fir A Writer Damage Construction Services CeS for our SPECIALS 734-0314 Contractors 334 ConkRos Earth work Concrete structural im-provamant 25 yrs exp 8k- Bear IncL SUVON019K5 ni nine JuQODDO Unfurnished Apartments 154 8 Bdrm al applY deck 2423 Pacific SL 5550dep WSG pd NP 733-5828 2 BDRM: North End Lake Whatcom W8G paid 733-7189 FERNDALE Large spacious A airy remodeled apte Room to a LRO 2 BDRM 1 BATH townhouao only B660 BALLARD MANAGEMENT 47-1700 734-6867 On BuaHnal Shoppingl la A 2a $426-6400 621 32nd SL 671-4337 1213 Whatcom SL 2 Bdrm Spacious kitchen laundry on site $475mo No pete 676-0258 County tri-ptex $600 Blaine wd hk-up upper A Iwr unite $600 3Bd Blaine partly him trash paid Iwr unit S96a a uccuieii nDpeny rngniL 384-HOME (4663) 2BD: wa carportstrg 2713 Moore 758-6337 or 425-776)478 FA1RHAVEN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 647-0753 ALL RENTALS REQUIRE DAMAGE DEPOSIT M-F 9-5 SAT 10-2 OFFICE SPACE 1200111b St S295 APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM 2308 Douglaa Am $436 DUPLEXES 2 BEDROOM 1800 Lakeway $495 3 BEDROOM 2438 Usrona SL $700 HOUSES SBdIBa WD DW gas FA heat $895 Condominiums 1306 Orlaana $575 Id 2 Bdrm Garden Style Apt Quiet Setting A Ideal Location Close to Schools and Shopping On-Site Laundry Facilities Assigned Private Parking On Bus Line Easy Access to 1-5 Pets Welcome With Deposit The Village Apartments Jl CjTvatTtace To CaTJbme! 3310 AHcnraod Ana (360)6764199 Unfurnished Apartments 154 3 A 3 Bd Iwr ITOIll iQOOb 2 Bd 201 Carolina 101 $510 3 Bd 809 12 High SL $750 3 Bd 1422 AMmmtw $650 LAKEWAY REALTY era 733-4024 3 Bd heaL NP $450mo yard cn Cal 733-4624 2 Bd clean A paint $S5Qhia 961- new carpet 7SG paid 961-3928 Sow-Tuse PMWWTT MANAOUilltTLLC (360)738-3700 APARTMENTS 304 Staid SL Now avi 91 5b 1 Bd 1 Ba WSG Indry on-aite dW $540 3150 Maplewood New 1 Ba 1 Ba WSG Indry on-aite DW 50a 1153 Franklin 1 Bd 1 Ba WSG pd Indry on-aite $475b 1730 Texas 2 Bd 1 Ba 4-ptex DW WD 1020 23rd SL 4 Bd 2 Ba Wa DW WSG 1 car garage $1100 2100 A SL 1 bd WSG Indry on-site $400 3327 RachMb 2 Bd 2 ba WSG gas frpkj DW Wa gatg 7M THANKS to Son-Rise Staff returning College Students! Wa have had a groat summer rant up A now only have a couple of avaStabte unite left Cal tar mom information on remaining vacancies 1111 Comwill Aw A-2 vv PROTOCOL IOKin MJUMliEIIEM 734-5420 HOUSES 1217 Carolina Lrg 4 bd Wa gat heaL $975 3173 Harbonrlaw BA 3 Bd bg yard carport walk to beach $850 DUPLEX 1011 Indian 5 bd 2 baMws pd $1200 2820 SI Paul 1 vr now townhousa 1500 af 4 bd 25 ba ig yd gaa wd wa pd $1200 AMRImENTS 1471 Moors SL 3 bd Hi ba newly remodeled dw wag pd $600 1302 Blrchwood 2 Bd workout rm WD DW cov COMMEI Blrchwood Ctr 9504 af Now bldg $1sf wwwrrotoooipropfty 1633 Blrchwood Sta 101 Duplexes 153 3 Bd dbi cw gra $930 4 $1095 Al incl WD WSG pd Soction 8 pets ok 815-6392 3 BO2JBA WD al gas shed NS $800 Open Set A Sun 12-2 2533 Verona 1711 3 BR duplex 556 SL Blaine S700mo dap 366-4939 or 319-1633 BRAND NEW 3 Bd den 25 be Duplex 2 car garage 2 eta ry ge lit WqWSG inc $1200 1552 Maryland 201-2436 Aweeomal 4 br 2 be WD $1095 dap 380-4578 Sect OK BTwm 3 br 2 ba gar WD Xenia St $940 380-4578 Neatly new! Blrchwood 2-3 Bd Lg yd gdn Wbodelc 750 depA utkNoP8 671-0810 living Blaine 3 Bd 1 Ba WD No inside pete great yard S70Qma utH 380-7489 Mag i Duplex 2BRFP carport utii rm WD hkup 1914 McKenzie call tar appt S585knth $600 dap 1 yr tease 734-6517 676-1880 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS DUPLEXES 2425 Sprue St 3 BD WD HU outdoor atrg yard patio 1433 Upper 1 BD convenient location deck $475 2224 Michigan 2 BD 2 ba DAW WD WJ garage view $600 2920 Moore 2 Ba DW WD garage targe yard $650 1414 at 1 BO view porch yard landscaping prow $510 2319 WUaon 3 BD Itt ba DW WD Ha frpL carport $710 4227 Spring Court Now bg upecale 2 Ba 216 ba gaa frpfc $900 42204243 Uppai Dr Gorgeous now 3 BD dbi Br4'JE frptc bonua room $1200 2204 Michigan Nice 3 BO 216 ba garage WD HU $925 CONDOS 4226 Nice 2 Ba patio Wa 3700 Alabama Sunny 1 Ba csss Indry on-aito $550 2400 Princeton Crt Largo upecale 3 BD 2 lWDH bagrg1 I HU $875 818 ALABAMA M-HB-6 Sat B-5 wvnnipmprantBloBBai MGENCY PARS Now leasing1 BRAND NEW APARTMENT HOMES! 1 2 3 A 4 Bedrooms RangaRafrigorator Diahwaahar WaaharDryar Available Garbage Disposal Carports A Garages Avakabla On-SMs Laundry Environmentally Aware Community EXPECT TO BE IMPRESSED! Clubhouse Exercise FackRy Iteming Salon Movie Theater Buaincaa Canter Spa A Outdoor Pool Section 42 Credit Income Limit Apply NEW PARKLAND APARTMENTS 1 Bedroom with WaaherDryet Extras $495 a month 733-0106 3151 Racine STUDENTS "Free Baby Blues Apt 2050 Fnser Street Hr-IUngham WA (360)392-8050 10 month teases Saptembarsluno Quality 4 bd 2 ba Walk to campus Free garbage basic TV water A sewer Sign up now for next school year Gat ahead of the ruahlll Open House Set tun 12-4pm or by eppetntment CaN Amy for fuN details at 733-7044 x-a Uaa I Bonpii OTVVK I Equal Homing write The Bellingham Herald suggests dot Service Directory customers request a written estimate for services performed prior to hire Additionally we encourage Service Directory Advertisers to publish thicr license number PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED UY TOMUNSON BLACK MANAGEMENT PIC i.

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The Bellingham Herald from Bellingham, Washington (2025)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Views: 6096

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.