The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)



Situations Wanted. Male. Female or Stenographers. Sunday and Daily 1c A No charge less than 10c Daily or Sunday. Rent Rooms and Wanted to Rent Rooms.

Sunday 9c a Line, Daily 7c Line. (Three or more Rooms en suite. Sunday 12c, Dally 10c R. Line.) Discount on 3 Consecutive Days or More, or Seven Consecutive Insertions for the Price of Six Daily Insertions on the Above Classifications. Death Notices 50c an Insertion.

Personal and Medical. Sunday 20c a Line, Daily 15c a Line. All Other Classifications. Sunday 12c a Line, Daily 10c a Line. Discount on 3 Consecutive Days or More.

Seven Consecutive Insertions for the Price of Six. Minimum Charge Two Lines.Six averaged sized words count a line. Want Ads will be accepted each day except. Saturday until 10:30 p. m.

for classification the following day. On Saturday no Want Ads accepted after 9:00 p. m. can be classified in Sunday's papor. DIED.

Sault Ste. Marie. Mra. Theodogia JudFOX--On On Saturday, Feb. 6th, 1009, at son Fox.

widow of the late Frank R. Fox. Funeral at the residence of F. (.. Fox.

1781 F. Cleveland, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1909, at 2:30 p. m. GUTENTAG-Mr.

Martin. 4403 ScovillThursday. 2 p. In. Funeral Sunday, 2:80, at late residence.

TIOBDAY-Edward. age 00 years. Feb. 4. 1909.

at son's home In Lakewood, late of Perry. 0. Obsequies at Woodland cemetery chapel, Monday, Feb. 8, 2 p. m.

Funeral services and burial private. Please oinit flowers. JAITE--Nellie aged 13 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

Jaite, Friday at 10 p. 171. Funeral, from the home at Boston. Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 10:30 a.

m. and from Wade chapel, Lakeview cemetery, at 3 p. m. RUSK-Markwin, aged 4 months, infant son of Dr. Francis I.

and Lilian llogan Rusk. Services at the residence of J. P. Hogan, 13178 Euclid, Sunday. Feb.

2:30 p. m. Burial subsequently private. Kindly omit Mowers. SCHNEIDER-William, died Feb.

D. aged 62 veara. Funeral Monday, Feh. 8, 1 p. standard time, from his late home, 3533 Independence road.

CARD OF THANKS. Our sincere thanks are extended to the employes of the White office and American Rod mill, the Einigkelt. Allemania, Sachsen club. North Doan school and neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral offerings; also to Rev. Aug.

Kimmel, who conducted the services in our home in our late bereavement. MRS. FRANK KOEHLER AND CHILDREN. We wish to extend our deepest, heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors. members of union No.

53, also to the rector and choir of the Church of the Holy Spirit for their sympathy shown in our sad bereavement in the loss of our husband and father. MRS. FLORENCE W. WISEMAN. We wish to express our most sincere thanks to all kind friends and relatives for the sympathy shown 118 and the beautiful Moral offerings at the death of our son and brother.


ORPHEUS quartet, Salby. Johna. Bryan. Johns. Eddy 874 Doan 2500 Main 1150 FLORISTS.

FLOWERS for funerals at moderate prices. BRAMLEY SON. Telephone service. CEMETERY LOTS. THE Knollwood Cemetery Co.

offers to the public lots with permanent. care at a reasonable figure in its private grounds. For full information write or call at 512 Citizens bldg. LOT in Woodland cemetery. near Woodland entrance.

Call 5802 Quincy-av. HELP WANTED. MALE. ACCOUNTANT -One who understands corporation accounts; must be competent in the handling of books, making and analyzing reports, be familiar with up-to-date methods in general office work and capable of directing same; permanent position with good future to right person. Write fully, bax 79-W.


ADDRESS BOX 9-V. PLAIN DEALER. -Make money selling Zambesi diamonds on ingtallment plan: free sample; write today. National Supply box 104 Dallas, Tex. A cash AMATEURS prizes.

7026 wanted for Broadway. Thursday night; ARMATURE winder--Steady work, give reference. Box 84-Z. Plain Dealer. BILL CLERK, about 10 years old, as assistant biller, with typewriter.

by manufacturing concern: inust start at moderate salary. Box 153-IV. Plain Dealer. stenographer, salesmen, salary; office managers. collectors.

auditor; high grade positions. CLEVELAND BROKERAGE 418 SUPERIOR BLDG. BRASS moulder, want Arst-class man for plumbers' brass work; take charge of foundry. Haydenville, THE Mass. HAYDENVILLE BRASS WORKS, CARPENTER for a few days' work.

Inq. 3700 Lorain-av. CARPENTERS-D. H. ROSENSTEIN, 2350 E.

87th-st. CARRIAGE drivers wanted. I. CLEVELAND TRANSFER Oregon-av. COMPOSITOR Experienced young man; must run sinall printing.

press. IDEAL PAPER BOX 1223 W. 6th-st. CUTTERS Experienced on ladies' shirt waists and shirt waist suits; good pay; steady work. THE L.

W. GROSS 1250 On- HELP WANTED. MALE. STENOGRAPIER and office man; one familiar with manufacture of plumbers' goods; state age and salary expected. Box 73-WV.

Plain Dealer. STOCK WORK--Bright young man, 18. yrs. of K. E.

WAIST FACTORY, 113 St. Clair-av. STOGIEMAKERS-Hand workers; steady work and good pay. PUBLIC CHARTER CIGAR 322 D. Cincinnati, O.

SUPERINTENDENT. with: to wanted; run a $115.00 machine tool per factory with 5,0 men; must know hOw tO manufacture, organize departments. and push work out right; good future for good man. Box 87-WV, Plain Dealer. TOOLMAKER wanted.


BOX 95-Z, PLAIN DEALER. EXPERIENCED oper- I- ators on skirts; plenty of work; good pay. PRINTZ. BIEDERMAN 14 1213 W. 6th-st.

WANTED -Men to learn barber trade, thoroughly practical course by free clinics and careful instructions; our system embraces all leading cities; established in 1893; positions waiting MOLER graduates; tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays; just the time to begin; term completes at busiest season; beautifully illustrated catalogue free. Call or write MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 101 N. TV. WANTED- A young man between 19 and 22 years of age, who has a good education.

to take care of scales and offices and learn the business; must belong to good family and live at home and not dependent on his salary for support, as the salary is small, but opportunity excellent learn a lucrative business. DAYTON SCALE OFFICE. Western Reserve bldg. photo engraver, capable of taking charge- of a photo engraving plant 1n Chicago doing the highest grades of zine. halftone.

process and Ben' Day work; must be good executive, understand all processes and be able to maintain highest standard of in answering write fully, correspondence confidential. Address P. O. box 305. Chicago.

MEN WANTED in every locality in the United States to advertise our goods, tack up showcards in all conspicuous places and distribute smell advertising matter; commission or salary $83 per month and expenses $4 per day; steady work the year round; entirely new plan; no experience required. Write for particulars. ROYAL REMEDY London, Canada. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN PIECE GOODS STOCK IN CLOAK OR CLOTHING FACTORY; GOOD OPENING; STATE EXPERIENCE HAD, SALARY EXPECTED.

BOX 146-X, PLAIN DEALER. WANTED--Young men to learn automobile business by mail and prepare for positions as chauffeurs and repairmen. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure po-. sition; pay big; work pleasant; demand men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N.

Y. WANTED--Able bodied men, between ageS 19 anti 35, for S. Marine corps; must be native born or have Arst papers; excellent opportunity to see the world; good pay; clothing. rations. quarters, medical attendance free.

Apply at U. S. MARINE CORPS RECRUITING OFFICE, T18 N. Cleveland, O. WANTED--A frst-class steel letter cutter: familiar with the work: to such a person we can offer a permanent position.

Address with references, SUPERIOR SEAL STAMP 141 Detroit, Mich. INDUSTRIOUS man to take orders for our luminous crucifix; every Catholic requires it; So to $10 a day made easlly. SWEENEY 1022 Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED--Man; must be willing to learn capable acting A9 our representative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Ad.

Nat. Co-Operative Realty 767 Marden Washington. D. C. EXPERIENCED and accomplished solicitor in Chicago open for engagement to represent 81 first-class trade journal; highest references.

REPRESENTATIVE, room 360, 302 Chicago. ENGLISH speaking Bohemian of good address who can furnigh references; about 5 foot 10 inches. 160 26 to 37 yrs. of age: permanent position, good wages. Call Sunday, suite 3.

1247 Prospect-av. LIBERAL renewal contract to offer solicitor to write monthly paynient accident and health insurance for a leading co. now having an established business in Cleveland. Box 02-V. Plain Dealer.

COLLEGE MEN- We desire to communicate with young college men. having financial connections, with view to their taking active and financial interest in company. Box 136-X. Plain Dealer. HUSTLING young man to handle our line In Cleveland and surrounding towns: callIng on barbers and barber supply houses; splendid proposition.

TRIUMPH MFG. Buffalo, N. Y. Wanted young men and women 10 do writing at home: opportunity for good income: particulars for stamp. DIRECT P.

O. box No. 564, Columnbus. O. WANTED.

-Man to travel in Ohio; begin new year; experience unnecessary: good pay and tailor inade suit. free in 00 days; write for particulars. J. D. McBrady Chicago.

MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mail order house to distribute catalogues, advertise; $25 wkly; $80 expense allowance. Manager. Dept. 30. 385 Chicago.

WANTED -Superintendent a and estimator for planing mill and factory turning out all kinds of material for house building purposeR. Address box 00-T. Plain Dealer. WANTED--Young men desiring to learn card writing and lettering at low cost to write today for free Illustrated painphlet. BERT L.

DAILY. Dayton, O. $90 A $70 expense allowance at start, to put out merchandise and grocery catalogues; mail order house. American Home Supply desk 32, Chicago, Ill. YOU can make $500 monthly in spare time 'no matter to where show you you live: how.

no capital; C. I guarantee FRANK VOORHIES, Desk N. Omaha, Neb. WANTED -An expert paper bag salesman having had experience in this line; none others need apply. THIE URSCHEL-BATES VALVE RAG CO.

Toledo. 0. OUR Italian earthquake book complete; also published Italian language, $3.00 to $5 conley Arcade, to hustlers. Cleveland, O. HAMILTON PUB.

JONES LAMSON operator; one who 1g capable of taking charge 10 machines. E. 49th and Lakeside-av. Apply CHICAGO PNEUMATIC PIC TOOL MAN. familiar with the city, to work as collector for collection department of law Arm: must have good references; salary $10 week.

Cent. 0041. A FEW live, energetic collectors for city and country; salary $12 to $21 per week. Apply between 9 and 10 A. MR.

CLARK. 701 Arcade bldg. YOUNG man with several rears' experience, estimating sash, doors. mill work: state experience and salary wanted. lox 19-X.

Plain Dealer. WANTED- -First-class lubricating oil and supply salesman at once. Box 72-W. Plain Dealer. WANTED--Man for gardening.

Call 4273 Brooklyn, Sunday. STENOGRAI HER--Must have experience in purchasing dept. of mfg. $86: cost clerk. mfg.

billing clerk to take charge of billing Fisher machine, $65; clerk for purchasing infg. must operate typewriter, $65; cost clerk. must be experienced, $50; junior clerk, $30; office boy, 16 to 17, $20. No registration fees. THE BLULM-INGALLS New Eng.

bldg. 10 FARMERS, $20 to $20. WALSH FARMER EXCHANGE, 621 W. Superior. HELP WANTED.

MALE. MAKE money easy, quick, sure; men, women; experience unnecessary; spare or all time; see what others are doing: C. Garrett, showed 7 sold 6, profit $18; A. Verrett, sold 8 one day, proft $24; N. Boucher orders 70 inore, says "everybody wants 1-best business I ever had;" Mrs.

J. Brown, sold 10, mado. $30 first 3 days. Only 2 sales per day means $36 per wk. profit.

Free samples to active agts. Famous Easy Way Clothes Washer, cleans fam. wash in 30 to 50 while you rest; no work, only move knob occasionally; not a washing mach. Nothing else like it; no chemicals; no rubbing, no washboard 01 boller: every family wants one; easy to sell; low price $6. We create demand.

Write today; specify territory; act quickly. This won't appear again. Harrison Mfg. 71 Harrison Cin- cinnati, O. FOR SALE or rent, outside tailoring shop, with 10 machines and exceptional opportunity for right party.

PRINTZ, BIEDERMAN 1213 6th-st. FOUR EXPERIENCED HAT MEN; NO OTHERS NEED APPLY. BOX 84-Y, PLAIN DEALER. YOUNG man, about 18, thoroughly familiar with make up work for the advertising department of a trade paper; rapid worker with ability to handle several monthly papers containing G00 accounts; bright future for young man not afraid to leave mother and home. Box 51-Y, Plain Dealer.

A FEW men to Join Ohio National Guard company: must be actual regidents of Cleveland and employed; 2 splendid opportunity to obtain military training; references required. For full particulars address box 08-V. Plain Dealer, giving full information about yourself. BOY, 16 or over, for winding and taping armature coils; experienced preferred. 137 Caxtou bldg.

GOVERNMENT POSITIONS -Examinations held soon in Cleveland; circular 168, giving full particulars as to salaries, positions. dates of examinations, sample questions viously used. sent free by Nat'l Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C.

WANTED- Unencumbered some means attorney to or assist capacompiling A book; also give series of lectures personal experience of a hidden seldom ever brought to public view. Box 157-X. Plain Dealer. WANTED- Manufacturer's agent desires connection to represent Airst-class house in Chicago and tributary territory on commission; highest references. Address ACCOMPLISHED SALESMAN, room 360, 302 Dearborn-at.

Chicago. WANTED--Young man with advertising and editorial ability and experience. as assistant to advertising manager of large manufacturing concern out of town; splendid opportunity for right man. Box 61-X, Plain Dealer. tary or organization; fine opportunity for BRIGIIT young men wanted for local milipromotion; splendid facilities for athletic amusem*nts: fine quarters; no expense; men paid for attending drills.

Box 54-Z, Plain Dealer. WANTED -Engravers (wood), two first-class men; steady positions the year around. Address, with proofs, HAWTIN ENGRAVING Chicago. LARGE corporation wants capable managers and assistants; big pay and quick advance. inent.

Write or call 109 Park Cleveland. O. SO YOUNG men who are interested In airships and flying machines; state In letter date for interview. Box 135-X, Plain Dealer. WANTED -Male, female; mine steady income; no selling, no capital, no trifling; partic.

free. Hubel. 215 W. N. Y.

WANTED -Boys to carry. morning and Sunday newspaper routes, vicinity Superior and C. 107th-st. Box TO-W. Plain Dealer.

WANTED- experienced in and erecting shafting. Call Monday morning at 12:50 second floor. WANTED- Manager for saloon and bowling alleys; prefer man who is bowler and can arrange match games. 3334 E. 98d-st.

MAN over 27. of education and address, to act first a8 salesinan then as manager. T. MI. O'DONNELL, 1238 Schofeld bldg.

YOUNG men to work at home; good income; particulars for stamp. The Progressive, Mail Order House, McDonald, Mich. MEN--Reliable, everywhere, to distribute samples, tack signs, no canvassing. J. A.

GARDNER, New Brighton, N. 1. MAN part of time, one experienced in architect's ofice to do figuring 011 plans. Apply box 11-W. Plain Dealer.

WANTED- First-class blank book finisher. Apply to SAMI. DODSWORTII BOOK Leavenworth. Ks. EXPERIENCED young man In grocery store.

THE SHAPER FRUIT GROCERY 4923 Woodland. WANTED automoblle salesman, state experience and reference. Box 57-W. Plain Dealer. FARM hands, foreign laborers; others.

MERCANTILE EMPLOYMENT RUREAU, 23 St. Clair, N. WV. BOY rience about And 17 for salary billing. expected.

state Box age, 43-X. expe- I Plain Dealer. 2 FIRST-CLASS brass molders. Apply INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Akron. O.

A BRASS tinner; one experienced in sheet metal work. L. A. W'EBER Huron and Sheriff. BOY to asgist in flower store; must be acquainted with city.

Box 74-N. Plain Dealer. MAN to lay parquet flooring and scraping. Eddy 611 'L. WANTED -Carpenters.

E. Monday. WHY work for a small salary when you can earn from $2,000 to $7.000 a year as travcling salesman when qualified? Write for our free book "How to Succeed as Salesman' and secure a position as traveling salesman with a 'reliable Arm. It polnts the way. BRADSTREET SYSTEM, 314 Cornwall Rochester.

N. Y. School- ing, Arithmetic, penmanship. spellNight bookkeeping. shorthand, typewriting and common school branches; individual instruction.

Rapid advancement; low rates. School all year. Enter now. Call, phone or write. OHIO BUSINESS COLLEGE.

Pythian temple. YOUNG MAN- Why mere work living for when 9. you can easily earn $5 full a and day? For 4c post- inage I will send you complete structions of a business that you can learn in one hour. JAMES O'FRIEL, 175 Buffalo, N. Y.

CIVIL service employes are paid well for work: exam. of all kinds soon: expert advice. sample questions and booklet 117, describing positions. telling easiest and quickeat WAY to secure them free. Write now, Washington Civil Service School, Washington.

D. C. MEN to learn barber trade: get ready for spring rush: great demand for graduates; chairs constantly busy; careful instructors: tools free: diplomas granted; wages satistactory: few weeks complotes. OLD RELIABLE BARBER COLLEGE, 1357 TV. Cleveland.

RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; $800 1st promotion to $1.800: exam. in Cleveland May 16; com. school educa. sufficient with our coaching: we guarantee where others promise: full particulars free: ask for booklet T. E.

Wash. Civ. Serv. School, Wash'g't'n LEARN to write advertisem*nts--You can positively earn $25 week; prospectua sent free. PAGE-DAVIS.

77 Chicago. LEARN to be an electrician; practical work; position furnished; course $12. 405 St. Clair-av. Boyd Shorthand-30 Days VS.

Other -Six Months. IS We have students in our school now who, having. been writers of the Graham and Day's systems. ARE NOW LEARNING THE BOTD SYSTEM. AFTER INVESTIGATING our system many experienced stenographers send us letters of commendation PRAISING IT AND CLAIMING 1'P POSSESSES SUPERIOR DIERITS in points of speed, legibility and ease of acquirement.

If you wish to be up-to-date, to' be able to compete with the most competent stonographers of this age, learn to write BOYD SYLLABIC SHORTHAND. It is a compiete practical system, which stands the severest test of actual dally use. FREE trial LESSONS. CALL THIS WEEK. BOYD SHORTHAND SCIIOOL, T20-727 Schofleld Bldg.

DRAFTSMAN To Draw Monthly Anywhere. Chief draftsman of engineering Arm will instruct and prepare you personally, individ-. ually for above salary, by practical work home instruction. Guarantee you necessary actual drafting room experience not obtainable in schools, colleges and institutes, to be competent high salaried draftsman and designer; unlimited training until competent. Furnish tools and position free: terins reasonable.

Addr. Chief Draftsman. Div. 2 Engineers Equip't Co. Chicago.

TELEGRAPH. Operators and Beginners Positions Anywhere. Superintendent of Telegraph will qualify you personally by home instruction in few months and guarantee to teach you until competent for operator's position, paying per month. Official Western Union complete instruments and position free of charge. No tuition until in position; 15.000 inale and female operators required at once.

Address Supt. Div. 8 Chicago Railway Commercial Chicago. HELP WANTED -Good pay, short hours; a life time job with an assured income; get into the 1. S.

CIVIL SERVICE: 00.000 APevery State soon. Our free book. "THE POINTMENTS I ANNUALLY; A examinations in EAST gives full information regarding positions in all departments of the Government, 'and how to obtain them: no tuition fee until appointed. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, 1405 Commercial Rochester. N.

Y. LAW SCHOOL 3-Year Scholarships ABSOLUTELY FREE HELP WANTED. MALE. Can take course and remain at home and saine course as pursued in leading law schools: 2 few for advertising purposes. a Write Law School, box 22-T, Plain Dealer.

WIRELESS. The great, wireless that saved the lives of thousands people on steamer Republic is going to be extended over the ocean, great lakes and overland: 100 students will be taught; assisted to position. Railroad and commercial also taught, reasonable. Train wire in school. SCIENTIFIC TELEGRAPH COLLEGE, 1004.

City. A positions ADWRITERS open for WANTED--There adwriters and are advertis- many ing managers; salaries run as high as $16,000 a vear. WA can teach you advertising in your spare time and at a low cost. Ability to read and write and ambition to succeed are all you need. Write today for' Hundred Million Dollar Advertising which gives full particulars.

I. box 1622 A. Scranton. Pa. CUTTERS AND TAILORS -Send $12.50 for a textbook that will teach you how to cut every style of garment for men: it is A.

D. RUDE'S GREAT MODERN SYSTEM. and thousands will testify that it ig the most perfect system of cutting known. Address A. I).

RUDE. New York Cutting school, 1133- 1133 Broadway. New York. WANTED---Young men and women to learn telegraphy, at home. our easy, practical correspondence metnod.

No charge for tuition until position is secured. We are unable to supply the demand for telegraph operators. Write 1:8 at once for. our special offer. Michigan Business Institute, 785 Institute building, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

WANTED--Everybody to know our plans of securing positions. best wages and highest salaries, businegs locations and comfortable homes in the west; sent stamp for particulars. Industrial Bureau, 511 I. W. Hellman I.os Angeles.

Cal. I MADE $50.000 in five years in the mail order business; began with $7. Anyone can do the work at home in spare time. Send for my free booklet. Tells how to get started.

Heaco*ck, box 777, Lockport, N. Y. NIGHT SCHOOL Expert teachers. modern methods; rapid advancement; low rates; individual instruction. Call or write OHIO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pythian temple ANYBODY -Either sex, can make daily all year raising mushrooms for hotels and restaurants with my spawn, in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.

Free illustrated instruction booklet. Hiram Barton. 329 W. N. York.

Wanted -Railway mail clerks, salary $800 to examination in Cleveland May 15; common education suicient; candidates prepared free. Write immediately. A FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 009.

Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks- -Examinations May the 10th: our students are now leading: booklet' 105 free; preparation without coat until appointed. CENTRAL CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE. Indianapolis.

Ind. ANY one interested in mall order business write us; we can help you; We made 000 in 3 years and started with $10: send self-add. envelope for particulars. Reuss Williams, drawer, 24. Montclair, N.

J. YOUNG men for Ry. fremen, brakemen, baggagemen; to start; carly promotion: experience unnecessary; state age, I 547 weight Panama and height. St. Address Louis, Mo.

Railway Bureau, CIVIL service examinations will soon be held in every state: full information and questions recently used by the commission free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. Any intelligent person mnay earn good income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary. No canvassing.

Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, box 76S, Lockport. N. Y. IN SIX weeks become a successful traveling salesman; positions secured graduates with responsible Arms; tuition payable from earnings.

Bradstreet Instruction: POSITIONS guaranteed our graduates; become a successful traveling salesman in weeks: tultion navable from earnings. AmerIcan School of Salesmanship, Buffalo, Y. QUALIFY to All a 520 week position: learn to write advertisem*nts: information free. PAGE-DAVIS 77 Chicago. LEARN to make new and resilver old mirrors; mako money at home or traveling; stamp brings sample and advice.

DIAGNATONE Dept. K. Buffalo. N. Y.

GET out of the rut: earn more money; learn advertising; taught thoroughly by mail; send for free prospectus. PAGE-DAVIS Chicago. A POSITION of $25 a week is open to the man who learns to write advertisem*nts: prospectus sent free. I'AGE-DAVIS 77 Chicago. 3:4 PHYSICAL culturist will treat patients at their own home: perfect health without drugs.

HENDRICKSON, 33 Cleveland Ileighta, BLADES. edged. 25c, safety Gillette razor. 350 resharpened; single Star 100 pc. RECKARD, 76 1-2 Public square, Stein room 12.

LEARN to drive and repair gasoline and electrie automobiles; course 810. 409 St. Clair. FEMALE. A CLOAK ALTERATION 422 hands.

Euclid-av. Apply EMPORIUM ARTIST'S model for figure. ages of 18 and 30. Box 122-Y. Plain Dealer.

BILLING machine operator with sonie knowledge of bookkeeping; state exporience. references and salary expected. Address in own handwriting. Box Plain Dealer. BINDERY girls and press feeders.

wanted: none but experienced need apply. THE DAVIES PRINTING cor. Prospect and W. 8d. I HELP WANTED.


BOOKKEEPER, experienced; must also be able to use typewriter; references. Box '130-V, Plain Dealer. Box Makers. 3 Experienced girls, for hand work and Anishing; inust be over 18 years. PEERLESS PAPER BOX 1147 W.

CANVASSERS-" House easily to make house, $3 per day. Call at 8:30 Monday, 130 Caxton bldg. CLERK--Not under 20 years of age; must be Arst-class. Apply SWETLAND CANDY 2050 E. 9th.

Rose bldg. CLERK-Lady; must possess $300 to $500; good wages. Box 42-Z. Plain Dealer. CLERK for stationery store; prefer one who has had experience.

10053 Euclid-av. CLOAK model--Experienced, once, bust 3S, waist 25, hips 43, length of skirt 41; salary satiafactory. Box 111-W, Plain Dealer. COOK- -To do good home cooking for dining room at office of the Hill Clutch Co. Call Monday a.

11,, W. at L. S. M. S.

R. R. 000K-First-class: references; wages $6. Call Monday. 1919 E.

93d. Doan 128 L. COOK--Good. for noon lunches. HILLCLUTCII Ridge 302.

COOK wanted. 1380 Addison-rd. CYLINDER and platen press feeder: permanent position for a good girl feeder. PENTON PRESS, 2d A. Palmer cor.

Bolivar and E. 9th. HOUSEKEEPER--Family -Family of two: must ba competent to take 'care of house, lift and dress lady unable to walk; position permanent. Box 78-V. Plain Dealer.

HOUSEKEEPER- Good cook: Ane home for right party; family of one; state particulars and wages expected. Box 66-W. Plain Dealer. HOUSEWORK- Girl for general and cookno laundry work; no children; references required. Suite 21, The Majestic, cor.

Central and E. 55th. East 488. HOUSEWORK--Girl for general; small family; with or without laundry: warn room; nice place for reliable girl. Call 72 Allandale, East Cleveland.

HOUSEWORK- to assist with general; small family, good home, 39 Strathmore-28-X, take East Cleve. Euclid car. Crest 341 K. HOUSEWORK -Competent woman for general; able to cook; no washing; good home. Call evenings, 1025 Crawford-rd.

HOUSEWORK- -Girl for light. Apply before m. Monday, 2601 Library. So. 623 J.

HOUSEWORK -Girl for general. 1416 Lakewood, 0. Marlo 581 L. HOUSEWORK--General; family of references required, 7119 Carnegie. HOUSEWORK- Competent girl for general; family of 3.

0200 Detroit-av. HOUSEWORK- Girl for general; small family. 1953 E. 79th-st. HOUSEWORK -Young girl- to: assist.

3826 Carnegie. E. Cleveland. LAUNDRESS for 40 RoseniontNURSE GIRL--Competent. to assist in upstairs work.

1966 E. 73th. Bell. phone, East 1378. NURSE for mother and young babe.

Call at once. JAMES JENNINGS, S10 St. Clair, N. E. NURSEMAID -Competent; references.

8178 E. 40th-st. OFFICE girl; must write fair hand; $3 ver weelt to start. Box 70-T. Plain Dealer.


Apply the L. N. GROSS 1250 Ontario-st. Operators 50 girls wanted at once 011 ladies' shirt walsts. THE L.

N. GROSS 1250 Ontario-st. SALESLADY with some experience in wall paper business. W. E.

MERNER, 7515 Detroit. SECOND Doan 501 WORK--Protestant girl; small family, SECRETARY and stenographer for manufacturing must be well educated and refined: state experience, salary you have had, and expect. Rox 63-7. Plain Dealer. Secret Service -Male and female; of all.

trades. Address, furnishing. reference. P. 0.

box 108. city. SEWING GIRL, experlenced 1819 F. suite 44. Shield' sewers--Material And instructions sent: work can 10 done in spare time; $7.20 to $11.40 weekly; addressed envelope brings particulars.

D. Dist. 85 Lippincott Philadelphia. Skirt Hands. Experienced.

Steady work and best pay in the city. E. SPERLING '118 Ontario Card bldg. Skirt Hauds and Hand Sewers Experienced: steady work, good pay. Apply THE NOVELTY sUIT SKIRT St.

Clair and W. Gth-st. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, experienced: none other need apply; fire insurance office; state salary expected. Box 61-V. Plain Dealer.

STENOGRAPHER to assist in office work, good at Agures and penmanship: state experience and salary. Box 114-W. Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER -Experienced; some office work: factory: 105th-st. Apply in own hand.

giving age. box 132-X. Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER--Good. rapid, for wholesale house: state experience and salary.

Box 120-V. Plain Dealer. WAIST draper; experienced: for spring seaSOIL K. HAGGERTY. 6927 Euclid.

WAITRESSES for noon hour; also dishwashors; Hungarian girl or woman. 1284 W. 6th." WAITRESS- Noon hour: 110 Sunday work. 1972 E. 6th-st.

WAITRESS -Must have references. 3201 Euclid: East 166 J. BOOKKEEPER -Lady capable of taking charge: Ala clerk. 'must have experience. $47.

Apply Miss Barlow. between and p. THE BLUIM-INGALLS New England bldg. COOKS. $10: waitresses, chambermaids, dishwashers, cleaning other joba open.

WALSH, 621 W. Superior. HELP WANTED. FEMALE. LADY to take entire charge of extensive circularizing campaign; must thoroughly understand up-to-date follow up selling methods and have had at least 2 years' experience.

A good position; salary determined by' ability. Box 121-W, Plain Dealer. EXPERIENCED operators on skirts; plenty of work: good pay. PRINTZ, BIEDERJIAN 1213 W. YOUNG LADIES TO POSE FOR ADVERTISING PHOTOS.


THOROUGH training in hair dressing, scalp treating, manicuring and facial massage; formulas and diplomas given for with this course we will give FREE of charge practice in the making of cold creams, tonic lotions and cosmetics; this offer 18 for 8 short time only. Apply at FACIAL COLLEGE, 614 Central Trust bldg. $10 TO $15 weekly--Ladies and girlg doing copying at home: 110. canvassing, selling or nailing; an honest proposition by a business firm; send 100 silver for full particulars and samples. W'.

W. EASTMAN, 14 Manchester, N. H. Mention this paper. WANTED--In the city and to travel, a lady with ability to sell to private parties: no delivering or collecting; no experience or inVestment required; must be fairly well educated and of goud appearance; reference 1'e- quired; money paid every Saturday.

Write box 63-V, Plain Dealer. LADY of good address, must write good hand, to take office position in small institution; desire someone wishing good home and willing to work for ginall salary; may be required to invest $100 or $200, if position 18 satisfactory. Address, stating age, box Plain Dealer. cial work, introducing systematio home WANTED- -Refined, intelligent lady, for speinstruction for the young; to begin by go1ng with one now Introducing 1t. School teachers preferred; Ilberal terns to lady selected.

Box 169-Y. Plain Dealer. GIRLS, 18 yrs. of age, to inspect and wrap packages. Apply at transfer station.

THE MAY CO. A WOMAN of discretion and ability who can grasp AL business opening and mako good; office work and collections will be the duties; give references, please. Address box 04-X, Plain Dealer. WANTED--Bookkeeper lady and typewriter: state age. experience, references and where last employed; steady position; salary $9.00 per week begin with.

Box 3-V, Plain Dealer. Any intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for: newspapers; experienco unnecessary. 'No canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, box S50, Lockport, N.


AN active, well educated young woman, about 25. disposed to learn our business, and ambitious to advance in it. Call Monday, 401 Ellastono between 0 and 11. A BRIGIIT, clever lady about 25, for our self-culture course: teacher preferred; permanent position if competent and good pay to right party. Box P'lain Dealer.

WANTED--A lady education and refinement and business ability to take up high class corset proposition, either In the city or state. Box 101-Y, Plain Dealer. WOMAN of mature years, one who 13 reliable and energetic, to All position of responsibility with a wholesale house; references. Box 128-W, Plain Dealer. A GOOD chance -Ladies can work in aparo time; $0 to $18 weekly: stamped envelope brings particulars.

SUPPLY 10th and Philadelphia. Experienced sewers 25 Girls on ladies' METROPOLITAN waists. MFG. 1518 W. 6th-st.

YOUNG lady piano players to introduce and sell our popular music: splendid opportunity. Nightingale Music Pub. 63 W. New York city. LADIES business or for millinery; making your profitablo own hats; for CAN be learned in your spare time.

Call or write, 219 Osborne bldg. WANTED--Girl for down stairs work and cooking in private family; good wages for good girl. 1777 N. E. Telephono Doan 129 L.

YOUNG lady to learn massage, 'electricity and hydro-therapy: excellent opportunity for the right party: reference required. Call 1075 F. 59th-st. NEAT and clean, settled woman; must be able to cook; good home to right party: no washing. Inquire 404 Bangor next to Y.

M. C. A. CAPABLE young girl wishing A. desirable situation to benefit herself.

call on Feb. between 9:30 and 3. 201. Ellastone bidg. INTELLIGENT.

refined, willing girl for KONeral housework; private ronnI and bath; good wages; give references. Box 81-Y. Plain 'Dealer. WANTED -Girls over 16 years of age; pald while. learning.

Apply AMERICAN CIGAR 922 opp. L. 9th-st. YOUNG girl to assist in housework and care of baby. MRS.

B. B. MARAUSON, 1727 E. 116th-pl. Bell phone Doan 2562 L.

A NEAT English speaking girl, willing to go home nights: family of two; references. Box DO-Y. Plain Dealer. STRONG girl or woman for kitchen and ASsist In dining room: also kitchen girl. 10521 WV.

Madison. WANTED--Forelady for shirt factory, Apply at: once, M. MOORE SHIRT FACTORT. Canton. O.

WANTED-A lady to gO In dressmaking and dry cleaning business. S112 Superior. Central 0011 R. WANTED- Woman of refinement and business ability to assist physician. Box 43-Y.

Plain Dealer. EXPERIENCED first and second women cooks, references. BOx 01-V. Plain Dealer. BRIGHT young girl for general office work.

Address in own handwriting, box 56-Y. Plain Dealer. GIRLS--Experienced. to run papering chines. IDEAL PAPER BOX 1223 W.

6th-at. REFINED, steady girl; small family: no washing; good home. Box 31-2, Plain Dealer. GIRL for labeling and general factory work. LIEBENTHAL BROS.

208 Huron road. HOUSE- canvassers, big pronts, clear $3 to a day. 316 New Eng. bldg. YOUNG girl for light housekeeping: must go home 1480 Rockway, Lakewood.

REFINED lady in dental office: $4 to start; describe self. Box 70-X. Plain Dealer. GIRL for general housework. Inquire 1890 F.

03d, north Euclid. Phone Doan 327. WANTED--Young lady' to sell high class article. Box Plain Dealer. WANTED -Cigar rollers; nickel department.

2484 F. 22d-st, W. WANTED--Second Second cook: experienced. 1401 WOMAN to help cook In restaurant. 12008 Euclid-av.

EXPERIENCED lady canvasser. 3021 GIRL, about 15 for care of baby. East 1094 HELP WANTED. FEMALE. WANTED- Letters written at home; whole or spare time: per thousand.

MARYLAND NOVELTY Rocky Ridge. Md. WASH DAY MADE EASY. No labor, no rubbing, boil clothes 15 minutes, rinse and hang out; this compound is ensy prepared at home at a small cost and guaranteed not to Injure the Anest of fabrica; I will sand this receipt to any address for send today, do not put it off for this advertisemnent will only appear in this one issue. A.

ICENHOUR, Murray City, Pa. Night School- Ing, Arithmetic, penmanshin, spellbookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting Ani common school branches; Individual instruction. Rapid advancement; low rates. School all year. Enter now.

Call, phone: write. OHIO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pythian temple. WANTED- -Everybody troubled with rya diseases (granulated eyelids, inflamed or weak eyes, dull eyes, etc.) whom nothing can help to write to TIE EYE-FIX REMEDT Detroit, for A booklet, free of charge, with colored Illustrations of various kinds of eye diseases, also directions. THE VIAVI CO. will train 3 women over 27 for positions of responsibility and place then when trained; only refined, Intelligent women need apply.

Reply by letter only; references. 512 Caxton bldg. ANT girl needing friendly advice write to Salvation Army home, 5905 Cleveland, or call in person. SCHOOL children can make big pronts after school hours and Sat. selling A cleaner.

310 New England bldg. LEARN manicuring, hair dressing, facial treatments; Anest method. Standard bldg, SALESMEN. SALESMEN wanted--We recalve hundreds of calla for salesmen; WO will prepare you by mall in eight weeks to hold 8 position asl a high grade traveling salesman and help you to secure it; no former experience required; we maintain the largest Free Enployment Bureau in the world; we have trained hundreds of men who never had any former experience to be successful traveling salesnien; many of them who formerly earned from $25 to $75 8 month now earn from $100 to $500 per month and expenses; if you want to Increaso your earnings from two to ten times what they now are, write nearest office today for full particulars. Address Dept.

012, National Salesman's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, Minnoapolis, San Francisco, OUR salesmen make $7 to $10 every day they work selling Gem Ventilators; so can you; we guarantee plenty fresh air without A draught; removes all foul air no matter how full of snells and fumes; every office, factory, bedroom, needs one for each window: any window without cutting; everybody BAVS (tern is beat yet; prices way under others; if you are making legs than $10 per day your are missing the chance of your life until you connect with ug; huatlerg wanted unoccupied territory. Gem Ventilator 3 Boston, Masa. Wanted extensive -Calendar fine line advertising experienced, for! calendars, Imported and domestio, over 400 numbers: also leather gooda, novelties, liberal terms, fair treatment, exclusive territory; deal with headquarters direct. no middle-: men: old established house; capital $225,000.1 Address, with reference, atating experience, August Gast Banknote Litho. St.

0410 Franklin-AV. SALESMEN AND AGENTS MAKE $2 day side line, $8 per day regular. selling Just-a-Lick Gummed Stickers to businessmen: sell at sight: duplicate order easy; no money or experience needed. Outfit free. Ad- dress ECONOMY PRINTING 343.

Third-: New York city. SIDE line salesmen to handle high grade advertising novelty; used by banks, manufacturers and merchants Ag souvenirs or: premiums; $20 to $70 weekly: liberal induce-, mnents; open territory; particulars free. C. Ropp Sons. 559 Lakeable Chicago.

SALESMEN wanted to sell an Absolutely new proposition to the general store trade; don't waste your time on old worn out ling: territory will go fast, so get busy and writes at once for full particulars. Henry I. loberts 815-50 Chicago. WANTED--Salesmen: exclusive territory; liberal commission; best lirA in America: possibilities for earnings unlimited. Robertson-J'utnam exclusive calendars.

signs, all kinds advertising novelties. 340 Chicago. WANTED--A fow traveling men 10 sell sido. line pictorial advertising fans; liberal com-. missions: exclusive designs; varily carried: light weight; $30 to $00 week: selling season junt atarting.

U. S. Calendar Station 1, Cincinnati, 0. WANTED--Traveling salesmen to make money with sile line of quick selling advertising fans: $23 to 850 week easily earned; samples light: designs copyrighted and exclu-: sive. The Kemper-Thomas Cincinnati.

O. WANTED- of ability and neat ap-; pearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant side line, convenient to! carry; good commissions; prompt Belinont Mfg. Cincinnati, O. EXPERIENCED notion salesman wanted who is acquaited with the retail dry goods gtores. Apply with references, to MANIIATTAN MERCHANDISE 339 Broadway, New York city.

Salesmen- Best accident. health policy: old line company: $1,000 death, $5 weekly, $100, emergency; $2 yearly: Real wallet free. Ger-1 man Registry 1019 Holland Louis, Mo. WANTED--Hustling traveling salesmen who call on apartment storea, dry goods houses I or shoe houses, to handle money making, easy gelling side line. Address box 06-V, Plain Dealer, SALESMAN wanted by leading Jace embroidery inust have est.

trade among gen. merch. atores; small towna; lib. prop. Standard Lace Works, 276 New York.

SALESMEN can easily make $10 a day sellIng our gold window letters. novelty signs And changeable signs; catalogue free. SULLIVAN 405 W. VAn Chicago, 11. A CLEVELAND manufacturing company wants salesman to Introduce their goods his city and throughout Ohio: gOOd men van make $50 a week.

Box 7-V. Plain Dealer. CIGAR Malesman wanted -In your locality to represent us: experience unnecessary; $110 and expenses; write for particulars. MONARCII CIGAR St. Louis, Mo.

WANTED -Salesmen cards; for our special offer of 5,000 free post vest pocket 8AINples: most profitable sido line ever offered. HI. G. Zimmerman Chicago. SALESMAN wanted to sell to grocers, druggists and confectioners; $100 per inonth and expenses.

California Cider Extract: St. Louis. Mo. FLOUR salesman. 1st-class, with city ac-; quaintance; 1st-class jobbing house man will be considered.

Cent. 8439 W. hetween 3 and 6. WANTED- Cigar traveling salesman in your territory: $100 a month and expenses; expertence not necessary. Northern Cigar Detroit.

Mich. HIGH GRADE specialty salesman; sulary And expenses; only men having successful sales record need apply. Box 04-A, Plain Dealer. SALESMEN- Experienced, all round maD, for department store; one Slavish and Hungarian preferred. 9802 Madison, N.

W. Experienced City Salesman' for groceries and drug trade. 1038 St. Clair. SALESMAN that calls on grocery trade to handle side line.

5107 Scovill. Louis, Mo. CANDY SALESMAN, SCHRAFFT'S CHOCOLATES. First-class Snan; permanent position; good salary. A.

L. CHIRBAR, AGENTS. $100 TO $127 A month for hustling travoling cigar salesmen; experience unnecessary: success assured to workers. NATIONAL CIGAR SALES. Thiedo, 0.

AGENTS for household articles; wonderful sellers; big profts; write for territory and samples. SLAVISH SUPPLY 13 Nit. Clemens. Mich. AGENTS make big money selling my combination door and window lock; sells on sight.

Send 25c for sample. J. C. STENQUEST, 1004 Chicago. 1 1 CYLINDER press feeder- -Permanent position.

P'ENTON PRESS. 2d M. Palmer cor. Bolivar and E. 9th.

DELIVERER and collector. either sex. fant. with Italian or Catholic settlements; $75 mo. no capital req.

Ad. Lakeside Chicago. DIE SINKERS and drop hammerman, X- perienced. Apply at THE CLEVELAND HARDWARE Lake and E. 47th-st.

DRAFTSMAN- -Mechanical draftsman, with tors and motors; state experience and salary experience on electrical a apparatus, generaexpected; only first-class men need apply. Address Chief Draftsman. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MFG. East Pittsburg, P'a DRAFTSMAN-First-class. on detail work on street and Interurban cars.

DANVILLE CAR Danville. I11. DRUGGIST for the best cut rate store out of Cleveland: not necessary to be but. must invest investment secured; doing excellent business now, but must have more Box 25-X, Plain Dealer. FARMER.

working forcinan, wife to: take charge of farmhouse, board help. give with particulars, age, size of family" and reference. Box Plain Dealer. FARM hand, married man: good job to right party; no dairy. J.

C. BARD, Stop 40, Mentor. FOREMAN for machine shop: must be experienced on machine work and assembling on electric automobile work and must also he capable of supervising brazing and tool dressing; shop located centrally in ('leveland; state extent of experience and wages desired. Box 81-X. Plain Dealer.

GARDENER--Married man; no children, 83 gardener and general farm work. experienced. Box 25-W. Plain Dealer. JOB compositor: must be frat-class, also experienced stonemen; 54-hour shop.

TIIE O. S. HUBBELL PRINTING 234 High-av. JOB compositor, good one. WARD SHAW.

102 St. N. IV. LINOTYPE OPERATOR- -One who can take care of machine; steady work; night scale to the right party. Box 54-X, Plain Dealer.


toolmaker. grinders, brass electrician. CLEVELAND BROKERAGE 418 Superior Building. MACHINISTS -First -class mechanics. Box Plain Dealer.

ORGANIST -Fast End church: modern organ; state experience and salary wanted. Box 126-7. Plain Dealer. P'IANIST to Join string quartet: must play classical music. Box 104-X, Plain Dealer.

PLATEN I press Ontario. feeder. WOLF ENVELOPE PRINTER- -Bright young mAN who can opprate gmall Job press and get up forms for stationery. sal. $10 to $12 per week.

Apply at once. box 128-W. Plain Dealer. PRINTER First-class Job compositor; position; state waged wanted and when you can CRESTLINE PUBLISHING Creatline, 0. SALESMEN wanted to handle domestic and varnishes to carriage, automobile, railway.

piano and furniture trades; only men of experience and with good connections need apply; specialists preferred; all applications must be written, stating territory now coverad, previous experience. and salary expected. Address F. G. ANDERSON, 108 New York.

I SALESMAN -Thoroughly capable "party to act AS saleaman for fence. in Cleveland and vicinity: a good position to right party: a Anancial interest will ho required; state experience, age, In answer. MANUFACTURERS, box 15-Y, I'lain Dealer. SALESMAN One who can sell, willing to get out and work and put in full time; for the right man have position open in the real estate business will pay big money, Box TO-V, Plain Dealer. rattling new posteard proposition as side SALESMEN -Ten clean cut men to handle a lino; commission, $3 deposit required.

Congress 43. New York. SALESMAN, experienced in clothing; must be able to trim windows; references: steady position. Address J. G.

SPIRA. Wellston. 0. SALESMEN In each county for new, fast selling specialty; permanent position; salary $2 per day and com. J.

S. Ziegler Chicago. SALESMAN--Bread. one wiliing to invest; man willing to. work.

4307 Warner-rd. SALESMAN to sell lubricating oils, grease and paints. Box 49-W. Plain Dealer. estate.

for East End property. 307 Williamson bldg. Secret Service -Male and female; of all trades. Address, furnishing reference. P.

0). box 109. city. expected. Box 143-V.

Plain Dealer. clerk; state experience and wages SOLICITOR- Experienced, to make a house to house canvass; good wages and steady employment. Rox 104-Z, I'lain Dealer. P'OSITIONS. ADD WRITER, assistant.

for infg. $80 mo. EDITOR and ADD WRITER. young man, experienced in editing house Organ, good salary. ASSISTANT PURCHASING an(g.

machinery line, $80 mo. CLERKS, shipping dept. $50 1110. STENOGRAPHER. mfg.

$65 1110. STENOGRAPHERS, railroad or express ofAce, experienced. $07 mO. SALESMEN. buliding and machinery supply lines.

$100 and exp. INTERSTATE BUSINESS POSITION 318 Citizens bldg. BOOKKEEPER -Experienced in drug buatness preferred; moderate salary to start: bring references. (LEVELAND BROKERAGE 418 Superior or bldg. FARMERS, cooks.

waiters, houseman, porters, driver, teamster. man and wife for farm. WALSH, 621 W. Superior. LA 1 At 3 41.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.