The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

LA i CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER; TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1902. 7 DIED. KUHL--W. J. Funeral from residence cemetery, do 4:15 standard.

19 Collinwood, Tuesday, Aug. lean he Interment at PATE Mrs. Emma, wife of William Pate, No. 3 Gale of heart fallure, suddenly at 9 a. m.

Sunday, aged 62 years. Funeral from the Church of the Blessed 626 Woodland av. Tuesday at 2 p. staudard 19 PRESLEY-George, at his summer dence, Dover, 0., Aug. 17.

dence 110 Clinton st. BuRial" private. 20 Funeral Wednesday, from resiZIRKER-Max. at residence of his mother. Drs.

Otto Zinker, 695 Central Sunday nt 6:30 D. at the age of 32 years, 9 months. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. standard. Interment at Woodland cemetery.

'Dunkirk and Albany (N. papers please copy. 20 CLEVELAND CREMATION CO. Glen. 229; Cuy.

Crest 480. Cremation and use of chapel $30.00. FUNERAL NOTICE. ROYAL ARCANUM--Members of Pearl council, No. 613.

Funeral of our late Brother George Presley, Wednesday. August 20, at 2 P. residence 140 Clinton street. HENRY HOFFMAN, Regent. S.

H. SKINNER. Secretary. 20 AUCTION. Ten cents per line each insertion.

WE will sell at auction on Wednesday, Aug. 20, 9:30 a. 1573 Woodland an ontAt of furniture consisting of iron beds, mattressos, springy, Morris chair, dressers, commode, chitfonier, couch, elegant pictures, rugs, matting, center tables. screens, rockers, elegant oak dining table and quartersawed oak dining chairs, set dishes, new sewing machine, new $28.00 gas range, cot, kitchen table, graniteware, kitchenware, also 2 showcases, counter, writing desk. 2 bicycles, phonograph, graphophone, striking bag, boxing gloves and hundreds of articles' too numerous to mention.

Nice clean goods. Owner leaving. THE R. H. STROUSE -Auctioneers, 866 Rose Bldg.

17-19 TIE R. M. MURRAY C. L. Seymour, auctioneer, will hold the greatest sale of tho year on sort.

2, at The Elmhurst, on Lake Shore boulevard. Contents in three cottages, all clegantly furnished. See later papers for list of goods. 19 THE R. M.

MURRAY C. I. Seymour. auctioneer, 411 Lucid av. Two nice sales this week.

We'also Lave for sale a rice restaurant, doing a large business, and rent only $50 a month. 19 PIANOS AND ORGANS. Ten. cents per line each insertion. FOR SALE Beautiful new upright piano; $1 per week.

Box 50, station B. clty. SQUARE piano in excollent condition, cheap for cash. 115 Princeton. 21 STEINWAY upright plano cheap for cash.

Box 107, station city. PATENTS. Ten cents per Ilne each Insertion. PATENTS PROTECT YOUR IDEAS. No allowance, consultation free: established 1864.

MILO B. STEVENS 231 The Arcade, Cleveland. Main oftice, Washington. Bell phone Main 1338 J. 1 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU.

Twenty cents per line each. Insertion. CONCERNS wanting help can get men for office, store, shop, labor, quickly; no expense. The Young Men's Christian association. Main 1024.

Employment Department. AUTOMOBILES. Ten cents per line each insertion. A gain riage; for AOTOMOBILE-For looks some good, one; this sale works Is White just perfectly; steam the time car- barto ride. Address Robertson, 309 Western Reserve, telephone Main 424.

19-21 EXTERMINATORS. 20-NO-Sure death, bedbugs, roaches, ants, 25c, 80c and 173 Erle or your druggist. Contracts taken and guaranteed. Geo. A.

Boyle, 166 Dodge st. Bell phone. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. MINTZ Detectire Agency. 308 Cuyahoga bid Real Estate Transfers.

CITY. Career 'on Smith Decker to Laura Ulmer, 95 $700 00 Henkel to Commercial Milling 9 lots Cleveland 00 Frances D. Lent to M. 80 feet on Third 750 00 Lizzie D. Voth to Fetzer, 30 feet on White 3,300 00 A.

Gaiser to II. Friedman, 80 feet on East "ison 1 001 W. White to W. Me CrosL. Hoffman to Missionary Society son, 40 on 4,000 00 of the Evaugelical Association of North America, 6 lots In Yeakel, 330 (quitclaim) 1 00 W.

lost to same, so feet ou Last Madison (quitclaim). 1 00 Bridget Quilty to Margaret Fuerst, 30 feet on Rutland 1,600 00 Fannie Liebenauer to A. Liebenauer, interest in 30 feet on Berkley (quitclaim) 1 00 H. B. Burrows to Frances A.

Harvey, 2 feet on Princeton 1 00 Pearl Street Savings Loan Co. to J. W. Bruggerman, 40 fret 011 Willson 7.500 00 M. Radigan 10 S.

Torter, 42 fret on Reno 20 00 C. Leavitt 'to' J. Mueller, 51 feet on Colfax and 155 feet on Ierald 1,350 00 Mary J. sic Arthur to Mary J. WIlkey, 40 feet on Floria 600 00 C.

W. Bartlett to D. A. Hanker, 10 feet on Melvin 650 00 Sabina Schatzinger Katherine Roche. 41 feet on llough 3,500 00 L.

Scith, administrator, 10 Fredericka Quenther, Interest in 40 feet on Harvard 2,000 00 Park Realty J. A. Wigmore, 36 feet on Hough 1,500 00 E. Raus to C. Tibbs, 46 feet on Independence 395 00 Western Reserve Trust 210- ministrator, to, V.

Steyn, 35 feet 01 Hone M. H. Wilson to same, same 1 00 Same to E. Scott, 38 feet on Clark 1 00 Sane to J. Zimmer, 35 feet on Hone (quitelalin) 1 00 T.

G. Clewell to Agnes M. Kussell. GO feet on Ackley 140 00 Frances Lent 'to 40 fect 011 Fullerton 425 00 Eliza Anderson to 8. Lindner, '30 feet ou Scorill 2,600 00 COUNTY.

F. 40 W. feet Sears on to Myrtle, Katherine Wiltich, 250 00 Baldwin Univorsity to W. McDermott, executor. 3 feet on Front.

Beren 1 00 J. G. Whitnight to W. Kiplinger. 35 feet on Frisbic.

,1 00 O. Dercum to S. IT. Morse, 204 feet. out lake shore boulevard, Collinwood 10,000 00 Mathews Gilbert to w.

J. Sanford. 40 feet Ou Cordova, Lakewood 300 00 Same to W. Marks, so feet on Larchmont 450 00 T. Wolkden to Lillie M.

Krosack, 5 Acres in 1 00 HI. Friedman to -A. Galser, part lot 17. Brecksville 4,800 00 Maria Leopold to T. Benjamin.

52 feet on l'earl, South 1,000 00 Frishie Co. to T. H. Speddy, 302 feet on Sheridan, Euclid 10 00 Windemere Realty Co. to Minnie E.

40 feet on Idlewood, waste McDermott. University, Cleveland 3 executor, feet ou to Front, Bald- 1,600 00 Berea 1 00 Frisbie Co. to J. M. McAllister, 35 feet on Oneida, 1 00 Ida R.

Cody to J. B. Wells. 40 feet. on Jonsdale, East Cleveland 2,00 00 Colorado and Return By the "Colorado Special," leaving Chicago 6:30 p.

m. Low excursion rates every day via Chicago NorthWestern and Union Pacific Rys. For information ask any ticket agent, or address A. F. Cleveland, 234 Superior Cleveland.

Twenty words or less, 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. AGENTS--Experienced savings and loan or Industrial agents; big money. D. I.

Merrill, over 204 Superior st. 21 BARBER at 341 Superior a steady job and good first-class wan. 19 BARBER- Wanted, good barber. 1178 l'ayne avenue. 19 BARMAN.

warehousem*n, drivers, collector: other positions. Room 17, Wick block, Public square. 19 BLACKSMITH WANTED--A good, allround blacksmith wanted: must be sober and reliable: reference required. Box 56-L, l'lain Dealer. 21 BOOKKEEPER Assistant bookkeeper, young man, good penman, accurate; state experience and salary expected.

Box 57-L, Plain Dealer. 20 bookkeeper; give experlence and state salary expected. Address box 73-H, Plain Dealer. 20 BOY. 18 to 20 years old, to learn the hardware business; must be strong.

willing to work; also must have 'a good common school education and must furnish recommendations. Box 139-H, Plain Dealer. 22 BOYS for TO morning and Sunday Plain Dealer routes east of Willson av. Call at 243 Melvin or phone Doau 508 J. .20 CARPENTERS--Wanted, Wanted, 50 A No.

1 carpenters and car builders; Germans preferred; work the year around at good. wages; 110 Idleness on account of rain; THINK OF THIS! Shops as light and COOLER than out of doors. Apply to R. Bowers, the G. C.

Kuhlman Car Collinwood, 0.. 20 CLOTIIES PRESSER to work nights; read and write English language. Call between 10 and 11:30 d. Tuesday. Superior Clothes Pressing Plain Demer building.

19 COOK -Wanted, on new ausiliary serentyfoot racht "Weinco until November 1st, active man as steward and cook: wages $12 per week to the right man. Apply, immediately with reference to C. Warren, Sandusky. 0. .19 CHEF--Wanted at once at the Hotel Toplif, Elryia, a chef, good on pastry.

19 DRAUGITSMAN Some experience in boller and blast furnace work; temporary position in Tennessee. longineer, 123 Burt st. 19 DRAFTSMAN, mechanical and structural, only drst class man need answer, posttion 1p Pennsylvania. Box 71, station, city. 20 ENGINEER-Pile driving engineer wanted nt once.

Box 88-H, Plain Dealer. 19 MACHINIST to work in knitting factory; one understanding Land knitting machines preferred. Box 46-H, Plain Dealer. 19 MACHINIST-Stendy work and good prospects for a machinist accustomed to repairing engines and doing odd jobs; must be steady and sober; wages $3 per day. Box 88-11, Plain Dealer.

19 MACHINIST. blacksmiths and bollerinakers experienced for R. R. work out of city; good wages, transportation furnished. Apply room 55, Imperial hotel, 235 Seneca street.

MANAGER-A large publishing, house extending its business the services of a wan upwards of 25 as assistant manager to employ and instruct sollcitors; one with practical experience in selling could soon adapt himself; 8 good opening aimi permanent position to the right party; reference required. Call Tuesday after 10 8. Room 12, 29 Euclid. 19 MOLDERS--Floor and squeezer molders. Born Steel Range 1964 Pearl st.

19 OFFICE WORK -Young man for general office work; must linve good knowledge of bookkeeping and experience in that line; state references and salary expected. Box 25-L, Plain Dealer. 20 OFFICE BOY- -Wanted, office boy. Apply in person at once, the Kirk-Latty Mfg. Malcolm st.

Intersection of Nickel Plate Ry. 20 OFFICE mondson BOY studio, -Apply, 510 with Euclid av. references, 21 EdCompetent operator on Dunbam Cold Press Automatic Nut Machines. The Falls Rivet Machinery 22 Cuyaboga Falls, 0. ORDER.

man over 21 to take orders. Lakeside Mfg. 5th door, Ajax bldg. 19 PHARMACIST--Assistant pharmacist or man. with 2 or 3 yrs.

experience. 2267 Euclid av. 20 PHOTOGRAPH finisher. Endean studio, 122 Euclid. 19 PORTER at The Savarin, 117 Ontario st.

19 STENOGRAPHER -Bright young man of good education to accept position ag aSsistant secretary. Apply Room 407 Superior bldg. 19 STOVE prairing stoves. MAN--One 187 who Ontario st. understauds 19 reTWO good boys with bicycles; steady work.

Electric Messenger Service, 179 Prospect st. 20 WAITER for lunch counter. 434 Superior street. 19 YOUNG MEN over 18 to learn the business in large wholesale establishment: salary small to commence: prospects for advaucement rapid and certaln. Address, with full particulars education, experience and references, box 28-L, Plain Dealer.

10 YOUNG man--Active young man from country preferred; $12 weekly. Room 302. 345 Superior st. 20 YOUNG man to drive bakery wagon: must bring good references. 668 Central av.

21 YOUNG MAN -Intelligent young man. Call Shipherd evenings. 19 HELP WANTED--MALE. SALESMEN. Ten cents per line cach insertion.

SALESMAN -Wanted, city salesman by a wholesale liquor house: must be a hustler and well acqualnted with the retail trade; all answers must state age, nationality, experlence references. Address box 43- Plain Dealer. 19 SOLICITOR -An experienced solicitor. $50 to $60 per month and commission at a start: city; hustler wanted. Box I'lain Dealer.

WANTED- -Young man from 25 to 30 years of age to act as salesman: one acquainted with the city preferred. Call 913 Williamson bldg. 20 WANTED--AGENTS. Ten cents per line each Insertion. AGENTS wanted; one good agent in Cleveland for Boring cash registers: autographie.

registers: duplicating check books and the automatic pass book totalizer. Boring Cash Register 832 S. Main Daytou, (). 19 TO SELL our goods to general stores, clothters. druggists and grocers: dne side lines; big profts: liberal terms.

Model Mtg. Dept. 70, South Bend. Ind. Tu-Th-Su-se3 TO handle art goods on instalment plan; good wages: call 87 Public Square.

room before 9 o'clock in morning, or between and 6 In the afternoon. 19 AGENTS wanted to Introduce our line of household goods; quick gale and big conmission. (. F. Adams, 105 Huron st.

20 WANT sell Stark nursery trees. pays Louisiana, cash weekly sourl. Daasville, New York. AGENTS--Combination pocket book: greatest seller out: sample 25c. 'Taylor Novelty 204 Prospect Cleveland, 0, 21 EDUCATIONAL.

Ten cents per line each insertion. INSTRUCTION in English grammar, literature and ancient lapruages by WILLIAM RICHARDSON, A. l'h. forunerly supervisor of English in tho Clereland schools, late professor of English language and literature. Missouri State Normal school.

1193 Euclid av. (near Willson.) 24 HORSES AND VEHICLES. Ten cents per line each insertion. FOR one-seated, wood-spoke, bike wagon; cheap. Call at Hub Transfer 417 Superior st.

22 NEW gear 33-4 for coal. stone or grade work. Dillon's livery, 13 Home st. 23 STORAGE. Ten cents per line each insertion.

STORE your goods with the Buckeye Loan separate iron rooms; low Insurance. 47 Bolivar st. Phone 156S; C. 378. STORAGE, packing.

Eagle Storage MorIng Eagle. cor. Erie: both phones. 411 EUCLID AV. -R.

M. Murray C. I. Seymour. Storage, packing, shipping.

HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Twenty words or 10. cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. BINDERY GIRL, for folding.

Clereland Bag Factory," cor. Scranton and Auburu. 20 BOOKKEEPER -Lady bookkeeper; state references, experience and salary wanted. Box 38-L, Plain Dealer. 19 COOK -Wanted, good steady cook for restaurant; good wages.

222 Huron st. COOK and dishwasher, at once. 162 Broadway. 19 DINING ROOM GIRLS -Experienced dining room girls for family hotel; others need apply. The Portland.

1428 Willson av. 22 GIRLS wanted. Standard Knitting 268 Erie st. 21 HOUSE and general housework for one washing, to three Ironday's each week: one living near preferred. Apply 345 Marcy are.

21 HOUSEWORK -Wanted. German or Hungarian girl for general housework; one that understands cooking, in family of 3 adults. 42 Euclid place. 20 HOUSEWORK wanted; thoroughly competent German Protestant girl, for general housework; good wages; no washing. 81 Kentucky.

20 -Girl for general housework; family of city reference reEuclid. 21 quired; will pay good wages. Inquire 1616 HOUSEWORK- -Good girl for general housework: good wages; small family. 25 Sagamore st. 19 HOUSEWORK -Girl for housework or in sulligood wages.

Apply 53 Euclid room 304. 21 HOUSEWORK for general housework; washing optional. 16 Princeton st. 20 HOUSEWORK -English speaking girl for general housework. 439 Bolton av.

19 HOUSEWORK- Girl to do general housework. Palm gardens, Bratenahl av. 19 HOUSEWORK--Good girl for general housework. 760 N. Logan aT.

21 HOUSEWORK--Girl for general, housework at 870 Prospect st. 20 -Two experienced collar ironers Tuesday morning. City Laundry Co. 20 KITCHEN GIRLS- Good wages. Apply at The Casino, 325 and 327 Superior street." LADIES-A few American ladies of middle age wanted at moderate pay; experience may be dispensed with, but must be possessed of business tact.

Call Tuesday after 10 Room 12, 29 Euclid. 19 NURSE -Plain sensible lady that would save her expenses by careing for Invalid lady; no cooking; no washing. 200 Kennard. 19 -Experienced saleslady for shoe German speaking person required. The Cleveland Dry Goods Co.

19 SALESLADIES-Experienced shoe salesladies. N. 0. Stone Euclid. 20 SECOND GIRL--Competent second girl; must come well recommended.

1144 Willson av. 21 TAILORESS-Lady going into business desires Arst-class coat tailoress with view to partnership. Box 71-L, Plain Dealer. 19 WOMAN--An ambitious woman of education and A1 address; no business expertence necessary; no canvassing. Reply, givIng references, box 29-L, Plain Dealer.

20 WOMAN over 28, of good address and hustler, for position outside city; expenses and salary; references. Box 34-L, Plain Dealer. 20 ALL the rage with pretty girls, handsome dames and society ladies. Satin-Skin Cream and Satin-Skin Powder are best made. 25c.

Found best by test. STENOGRAPHERS. Twenty words or less, 10 cents. WHEN in need of A stenographer of bookkeeper call uy The Modern School, 1082 The Arcade. We can furnish either experlenced or Inexperienced.

Only those recommended who are competent. Cuy. A 961. Bell Maln 8062 Y. CORRESPONDENT -Wanted lady correspondent, bookkeeper and operator of Remington machine; systematic and accurate worker; good education; at least 4 years' experience.

Box 70-L, Plain Dealer. 19 STENOGRAPHER- -Experienced lady stenographer of business ability, at present employed, desires to change position; undoubted references; salary not less than $60 per month. Address box 94-L, Dealer office. 27 STENOGRAPHER- Wanted. An experienced woman as bookkeeper and stenographer; only ones of abnity need answer; reference and salary expected.

Box 75-14 Plain Dealer. 20 STENOGRAPHER -Wanted lady stenogeducation, and he furnish recommendation; rapher, must have good common school wages 1st year $300.00. Address box 55-L, Plain Dealer. 19 wanted by lady stenographer of some experlence; good penman and understands bookkeepIng; salary reasonable. Box 19-1I, Plain Dealer.

20 STENOGRAPHER, experienced correspondent and office desires DOsition: rapid and accurate; references. Box 105-L, Plain Dealer. 19 STENOGRAPHER-Wanted position as stenographer, can keep books; excellent experience in Insurance office. Address J. suite 19, Ileyse Flats.

19 man 20 yrs. old desires position A9 stenographer; 3 yrs. experience: best references. Box 4-II, Plain Dealer, 19 STENOGRAPHER--Experienced in all branches, desires plece work; charges low. 204 Superior street, room 202.

Phone maln 1760. 20 STENOGRAPHER--Young man stenographer wanted, who cau operate Jewett typewriter. Box 16-L, Plain Dealer. 20 SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE. Twenty words or less, 10 cents.

Business announcements, 10 cents per line. BOOKKEEPER or assistant by man with drat-class qualifications; good peninal; accurate 11 ilgures; references. 16-L, Plain Dealer. 20 BOOK with voucher system; young local man; S. references.

aud D. Box 40-L, Plain Dealer. 19 BOOKKEEPER--Two swall sets of hooks to keep at 'iny office. Box 51-L, l'lalo Dealer. 21 BY young man of 24 years at anything: some experience at timekeeping; not afraid to work.

Box 74-L, Plain 19 HORSEMAN Elderly, competent man wants situation; horse, barn aud lawn man for private family; references. Address box 44-L, I'lain Dealer. 40 JANITOR--Situation As janitor by painter, paper banger and handy witu carpeuter tools. J. M.

Sage, 244 Viaduct. 19 OFFICE -YOung nan, 6. yrs. 0g- porience general office work, wants permanent position with large company; best references. Box 17-L, Plain Dealer.

21 by active man: well acquainted in city, as salesman and collector: good refereuces, bond; bicycle or rig. Box 33-L, Plain Dealer. 21 SALESMAN--By young inan; city or travresponsible house need answer. Box 30-L, Plain Dealer. 19 SECOND WORK--By colored girl to do second work.

and Woman wants day work; good references. 628 Central; M. 2077. 19 Position as night watchinan; can give best of reference. J.

T. No. 7 Ok city. 20 WASHING -German girl wants some wash places and do housecleaning. Mrs.

murle, 162 Dana 19 SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE. IONS Twenty words or less, 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. HOUSEKEEPER--Wanted, position as managing bousekeeper for small family by young widow: best of reference: city preferred. Box 122-L.

Plain Dealer. 17-19 BOOKKEE by young Position as two and bookkeeper one-balf or rears' experience: Arst-class reference. Address A. C. 319 Streator av.

19 HOUSEWORK -Lady would like light housework; no washing. Cal! 103 HArinon st. 19 HOUSEWORK- Girl to do general housework in family of two or three. 21 Stanton st. 19 LADY, 28 years old, would like position as bookkeeper or assistant: willing to begin with small salary: held my former position As mAnager of department in store 8 years.

Box 134-H. Plain Dealer, 23 FOR RENT-ROOMS. Five cents per line each Business announcements, 10 cents per line. CASE 1174-Four connecting unfurnished rooms; private bath; $15. 302-One rocm furnished or furnished; cue person, either sex; conrenicuces.

19-21 CEDAR, 4-P'leasant furnished front room, with bath: suitable for two; gentlemen preferred. 19 CEDAR 118-Four unfurnished rooms, gas, bath; also lower half of house. 21 COLLINS near Square, off EuclidFurnished front room for rent. 19-21 COLLINS 42-Furnished front room with all modern 20 COMMONWEALTII, 168-2 furnished front rooms, without board, gentleman pre-, ferred. 20 DODGE 176-Very nice front room for lady; all conveniences; only $1.25 week.

19 EUCLID, 275-Finely furnished rooms, walking distance; steam heat, hot and G. A. Beck with. 27 cold water, with bath; $2.50 per wk. and 1 up.

EUCLID, 480-Newly furnished rooms; modern conveniences; 10 minutes' walk from square. 19 EUCLID. 413, The Algonquin- -Firstclass family hotel; rates $1 du day and upwards. 20 EUCLID 433, MRS. MOULTON-Furnished rooms; niso light housekeeping rooms.

19 EUCLID. 462-Very desirable rooms; all conveniences. 20 front room or two connecting rooms. furFRANKLIN 601-One nicely furnished risbed or unfurnished: all conveniences; suitable for man and wife or tiro gentleInen: private family; references. 19 HAMILTON 274-4 rooms for rent.

50 HANDY near Euclid -Well furnished room for gentleman in select dat; private family. Box 2-L, Plain Dealer. 20 HIGH 61, cor. Sheriff rooms, 75c per week; large rooms, $1.25 upwards. 20 HOUGH 72 Wanted 2 gentlemen to room and board in private family; al! conveniences and home comforts.

19 MARCY 149-Pleasant furnished front room; sniall family; Wade Park car line. 19 N. PERRY 158 Rooms nicely furnished: steam heat; hot water the year round; Cuy. phone R. 2283; rates $1.60 23 N.

PERRY 152-Rooms newly furnished; steam hot water reasonable. the year 19 around: phone service; rates N. PERRY, 100 Nicely furnished rooms; steam heat; bath; $1.50 and upward. 25 PORTLAND 55--13 rooms; for large or familles 1f related; will Ax to sult tenant: Improvements. Inquire 1123 Case av.

19 PROSPECT 399, suite 1-Newly for fur- One nished rooms; all conveniences; or two gentlemen. 19 SIBLEY 425--Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor; all conveniences. 19 STERLING 515 Nicely furnished rooms: "no children;" second house south from Prospect. 23 SUMMIT 200-Unfurnished suite, newly papered; reasonable rent. 19 FURNISITED room for gentleman house.

in first- Box class down town apartment 33-H, Plain Dealer. 19 TWO or furnished. modern suite; private family. Box 35-L, I'lain Dealer. 19 THE BRIGHT.

318 Prospect unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 19 136 Walnut: North 826 Cuv. M. 156. LUGGAGE LUGGED--Smith Baggage THE CURTISS, suite 4-Nicely furnished 20 room for gentleman.

THE DETROIT, suite 20, furnished roont writh bath. 21 BOARDING. Ten cents per line each Insertion. BURT 132-Wanted, boarders with all conveniences. 19 room; EUCLID, 564-Elegantly furnished room, with first-class board; terms 21 FOR RENT-HOUSES.

Ten cents per line each insertion. 803-Seven rooms, lower part of house; $25 110. 24 CALVERT 24-8 rooms, $25; 30 Calvert 7 rooms, $18. Cuy. C.

1681. 19 CHESTNUT 132-House, 10 rooms, $30; Cedar 1023, $30; Willson Rose place, 114, $14; Quincy 306, rear, $8. 819 bldg. 19 E. PROSPECT.

34-All improvements; 21 $23. Inquire 1416 Williamson FIRST 1154 and 11541-2-Eight-room wood duish; $30 month. Inquire 1015 houses; all modern improvements; hardBroadway. 23 FOREST 235-10-room house; all mod- 21 ern improvements; $30. PENNSYLVANIA 25-7-room house; 19 rent $16.

RAVINE rent a house, 7 rooms on 0. C. RINGLE Ravine $12. Inquire 401-405 Society for Savings. QUINEY AV.

226. Granger st. roomstore lug house, Superior Tuylor Elsa place, vacant 5-r, suites Euclid Oak Doan Park, Van Whitman Buren Sibley $45.00. $30.00: O. C.

Ringle 401-5 Soc. for. bldg. rooms, SCOVILL with bath, laundry and barn lot 593, near Forest 81x200; nicely shaded. Inquire next 25 door, 585 Scorill, W.

J. Watterson. SCOVILL 356-Lower part of house, stairs. 6 rooms; all conveniences. Inquire up 21 SCOVILL 781-Seven rooms, 17-19 lower part; all Improvements.

WADE PARK AV. -For 10-10011 house. conveniences. Apply to Dr. Barger, The 486 Wade Park modern Belgrave, cor.

Wade Park and Marcy 17-19 WELLESLEY 26-Furnished, $30. 19 E. C. Fox. 156 Champlaln st.

WILLSON 1671-Desirable furnace, new attic, modern yard; 7-room house; bath, 19 $23. ful homes front 625 to $40 per month. to FOR RENT--On Mayfield Heights, beauti11 rooms. M. A.

BROWN. M. 528 13; Gardeld phone Main 3002; Cuy. dence. Donn 907 CAREFUL movers.

Eagle Storage Moring Co. North 416. Cuy. C. FOR RENT--Old standby groceries, dour and feed.

1301 Clark av. 20 LOWER part of 19 Sked 4 rooms, near st. 21 Perry FOR RENT- -BUSINESS PLACES. Ten cents per line each insertion. tile purposes, -class passenger STORES and space, up stairs for mercanand freight elevators; new proof building.

cOr. Prospect aud Sherif excelleut location. Apply at. bullding. F.

WV. Roberts. T-Th-Su-31 BUILDING. Remodeling and Atting up of mercantile bulldipga, stores, our speclalty. Geo.

A. Ratherford, 40 Sheriff st. METAL CEILINGS for new or old J. stores: let us estimate st cost for you. ghan Son.

Erie M. 68. WARDROOMS. factory sites. power buildlugs, storerooms.

Louis J. Lee. 22S The Arcade. (Superior ent.) OFFICES, stores, warerooms, power bides. John H.

Blood, 603 Am. Trust bldg. 1226 Williamson. Tel. A.

86. FLOOR space for stores. warehonse. F. S.

Jones, STONE-323 Willson, $15 per month. Cuy. phone 611. 17 19 FOR RENT -OFFICES. Ten cents per line each insertion.

FOR RENT- OFFICE rooms In THE CLARENCE. 122 Euclid second floor rooms for stores. Inquire office of the bullding. au17 FOR RENT-ONces in the. Western Reserve building, Water cor.

Superlor: also stores on Water st. Inquire room 700. FOR room in The Clarence, 122 Euclid second floor rooms for stores. Inquire office of the bullding. sel7 TWO pleasant offices.

also desk room for rent: both phones and stenographer. Apply 1328 Williamson bldg. 21 FOR RENT--Fine light office In block. Public square; low rents. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ten cents per line each Insertion. Ten cents par line each insertion. The Century Realty is owner of the ALIIAMBRA apartment house, at present being erected of Wade Park and Marcy avenues. About twenty of the suites will be ready so for cupancy before Sept. 1.

The greater part of these are already rented. From past experience the stock will pay at least 8 per cent. A limited amount of this stock ds offered to the public at $1.00 per share. This affords an opportunity for a safe and profitable real estate investment of a kind never before offered to the people of Cleveland. TENANTS WIIO BECOME STOCKHOLDERS ARE GUARANTEED THAT 8 PER CENT.

WILL BE APPLIED ON THEIR RENT. Write for prospectus, subscription blanks. and other information to 1 L. W. MACKENZIE, The Belgrave, Wade Park and Marcy FOR RENT- FLATS.

Ten cents per line each Insertion. The Cary. Elegant. Payne new, down west of town, Dodge 3, Stand 6- room flats. ready Sept.

1. Now open for inspection. Janitor Mennie receiving callers and answering questions. This substantial and convenient new structure Alls a real want for a clean, wholesome down town home place for small families of adults at moderate prices. M.

M. Norton, Superior 15 the most desirable and. comfortable, LAKE VIEW FLATS on the lake front, corner of 'Ontario And Summit are well as the most reasonable, flats live In in the city. We have 4 and 5-room suites with bath from $18 to $26 per Bachelorg' suites for $10; also one furnished suite, 4 rooms and bath: elevator runs all the time. The very best service guaranteed: call and see for yourself if you need a comfortable suite for the winter; reference required.

G. M. Barns, Mgr. 22 The Stewart. UP-TO-DATD 5 and 6-room sultes, new, light.

cool, airy, clean, comfortable. quiet, convenient: free telephone: Sixth just off Payne and Willson av. car lines; 000 fare to all parts of city; 10 minutes to the Arcade: janitor glad to show you around. NORTON. Superior bldg.

The Sagamore. The new apartment house at the corner of East Madison av. and Sagamore st. tween Euclid and Hough) is now ready. All suites are six rooms and finished in hard wood: prices from $33 to $42.50 per month.

See Janitor. 30 ONE nice 5-room suite, without furnace heat, third door Mehard block, Willson and Payne $16.00. janitor of The Stewart, Sixth AT. (next door), has boy. M.

M. NORTON. Superior bldg. 19-41-23-24 The Burrows, Handy and Superior. North 385; 1732.

The Ringle. Two four-rom sultes, minutes walk from square, at junction of Payne AY. and Walnut st. Inquire 0. C.

Ringie, 401-405 Society for Savings. The Hannah- for Desirable light house- suites keeping: large reception halls: cool and breexy daring the summer season. 628 Superior 3 blocks east of l'ublic square. Marquette, all Collins modern rooms, conveniences; bath, $28. 20 "THE DUNHAM'-One 81X room suite, fully equipped for housekeeping.

Dunham nre. near Euclid. THE STRATFORD. 870 Huron--New down town sultes, two rooms and bath. AUSTIN.

1620 Wilson of five rooms with erery convenience. sel5 VICTORIA apartment house; Dodge st. See janitor. 13 PROSPECT 303-Sulte of rooms. Fogter-Orlatt.

TUDOR FLATS. Enst 1372. 41 Fourth av. THE ELBERON-Euclid and Hillburn one choice seven-room suite. 24 SUMMER RESIDENCES.

Ten cents per line each insertion. FRISSELL-ON-THE-LAKE-A withont few board. desirable cottages, or Phone Cuy. Shore J. Address Nottingham, stop 128.

Shore line. P. E. FOR RENT-DESIC ROOM. Ten cents per line each insertion.

NO. 558 Rose both phones. Inquire of 0. B. Shafer, forenoons.

22 1 FOR RENT -BARN. Ten cents per line each insertion. SUPERIOR 701-Large barn. Phone North 633 J. 19 5 WANTED-HOUSES.

Ten cents per line each Insertion. TO rooming house, in good neighborhood; state terms. Box 20-L, Plain Dealer. 20 WANTED-ROOMS. Ten cents per line each Insertion.

ABOUT. 4 rooms, with gas; prefer near Willson, between St. Clair and Cedar: describe and give price. Box 138-L, Plain 17-19 FURNISHED rooms for a single gentleman within ten minutes' walk of the P'b. Squr.

Address box 23-14, Plain Dealer. 19 unfurnished rooms, near colleges, by lady, references. Box 30-1, Plain Dealer. 20 WANTED -ROOM AND BOARD. Ten cents per line each insertion.

WANTED breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner in private family by gentleman; East Side. within walking distance of Square. Box Plain Dealer. 19 BOARD and room with private family by neat young lady, employed day time; rate not over $3.00 per week. Box 49-L, Plain Dealer.

19 YOUNG Inan desires room, breakfast and six o'clock dinner; private family; give particulars, price. Box 72-L, I'lain Dealer. 20 WANTED -Board by elderly lady; references given and required. Box 155-L, Plain Dealer. 17-19 REFINED Invalid lady wishes to bonrd in "Christian science private family.

1 Saginaw st. 19 WANTED -Room and board in private family, olle young man. Box 78-I, l'laln Dealer. 19 WANTED--FLATS. FURNISHED house or fat; first-class locality; modern improvements; by adults; references.

Box 73-L, Plain Dealer. 19 PERSONAL. Fifteen cents per line' each insertion. FAT FOLKS--Fire years ago I reduced 87 pounds, 8 inches bust, 12 inches hips and 10 Inches waist by a harmless remedy: oh, 90 easy: see photos aud clothing worn fore reducing: hours, 1 to 5 p. Ill.

Call or address Dry. P'. D. Williams. 209 and 10 Th Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio.

Phone Cuy. C. 1016. 17-19-22 your dresses, waists. wraps, beautifully cleaned by our pew dry cleaning process.

Thebaud 244 Euclid AV. 40 SCALP treatment, manicuring, chiropodist. MisS L. B. Johnson, 602 Permanent bldg.

MISS ALTORD. manicuring, chiropody, scalp massage. Pythian temple, 10 a.m-9 p.m. Superfluous hair, moles palplessly Euclid. removed; electrolysis; $1.

Miss Reese. 80 SCALP treatment, facial massage. MISS MELVILLE. 523 Superior. Phone C.

2310. INSURANCE. J. I. RICE Reliabic Fire Insurance Agents.

Good companies. fair dealing and prompt settlement. Suite 12, Mercantile Bank Bldg. Telephone 1933. SEWING MACHINES.

Ten cents per line each insertion. NEW and second-band. $2 up; machines rented. Shea's, 9 Woodland; Cuy. A.

866. ars. Cuy. 2172; Bell Doan 414. 19-26 WANTED--At once, reliable, energetic man, with from $3,000 to $5,000 cash.

capable of managing local automoblle co. with good prospects, established trade and rapidly growing business; an exceptional good opening for right man; personal Investigation Invited: principals only. Address box 25-II, Plain Dealer. 17-19-21 WANTED--Partner with $3,000 to $5,000 to increase business of an old established furniture company (retail) in Cleveland; a good proposition: will take a young man and learn him the business; prefer inan with some experience. Box 21-L, Plain Dealer.

19 ESTABLISHED manufacturing needs additional capital, doing business with largest houses in America; price big profits: or will retain on hand. one-half Lox interest; many unfilled orders 22-L, Plain Dealer. 20 BARGAINS for today In the following oll stocks: 10 shares "Cleveland Marietta." 20 shares "Sunshine." 10 shares J. F. Leader 312 Garfield Cuy.

M. 1120. ADVERTISING man, now engaged with large manufacturing concern, would like to connect himself with a reliable house in an advertising capacity. Box 7-II, I'lain Dealer. 19 RESTAURANT: swell outfit; expenses $55 daily: receipts $85 daily from Jan.

1st to Aug. 18th; guarantee $500 clear per month; live Ohio city. :19 McCONNELL, 44 EUCLID. FOR SALE and cleaning busine fully equipped; good location; doing good business; owner will sacrifice same if sold soon. C.

Brewster, 217 Superior bidg. CIGARS AND BILLARDS; down town; $1,200. See GEO. T. M.

McCONNELL, 41 EUCLID AV. 19 FOR SALE--Cigar tobacco stand with restaurant and lunch counter connections: this is a money maker. particulars see 1. R. Edwards, Wn.

Edwards Co. 21 WANTED -By well known concern store or space with an enterprising house for a first -class ladies' cloak, suit and fur dept. Address box 19-L, Plain Dealer. 21 WANTED-A young man with $1,000 to take an interest in a real estate deal; good chance to learn business. Box 24-L, I'lain Dealer.

CIGARS; cont. and restaurant, E. End; fine openlug. GEO. T.

M. McCONNELL 44 EUCLID AV. 19 MAN AND WIFE with $500; can clear. $1.200 yearly; clean established E. End business.

McCONNDLL. 19 FOR SALE-Rooming house; 20 rooms, well furnished; centrally located; filled with roomers. Box 37-1, Plain Dealer. 13.. BARBER shop, two chairs; cigars; good stand; East End: reasons for selling, other business.

Box 32-L, Plain Dealer. 20 OFFICE MAN with established manufacturing. GEO. T. M.

McCONNELL, 44 EUCLID AV. 19 RESTAURANT -Building and fixtures for sale: must he removed. Inquire W. J. Jackwan, 434 Superior st.

17-19-21-23 WANTED to buy a paying hardware bustness; would pay ensh. Box 77-L, Plain Dealer. 20 GROCERY AND MARKET -E. End; July sales rent $15; invoice $600. 19 McCONNEL, 44 EUCLID.

TOR store: good locality; will state reason for selling. Address Retail. Grocer care Ross-Sprague Co. 21 FOR SALE--Grocery and confectionery. school supplies; must sell at once.

1817 Broadway. 20 GEO. T. M. MCCONNELL, 41 EUCLID AV.

BEST MILK business in R. End: 19, cans. 19 CONFECTIONERY store for sale; 1851 Superior sell cheap for cash. 21 FOR SALE- Cash grocery, cheap; doing good business. 557 St.

Clair. 21 FOR SALE- SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Ten cents per line each Insertion. FOR SALE-2 computing scales, 1 platform scale, 2 butcher's coolers, meat blocks and racks, 1 pool table, lot cotton hose, 1, 2, cheap: 4,000 foot garden hose, 4 ets. foot.

T. Westropp 299 Pearl st. 23 Hardy Sewing Maohines $15 Built like A watch. Send for circulars. WM.

H. HARDY 50 Euclid, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE One 6 to 8 upright holler and engine In 1rst-class working order; price $125.00. C. O.

BARTLETT SNOW 43-45 CENTER ST. REFRIGERATORS--Gurney cleanable and other makes, at reducal prices for a short time, The 116 Superior st. 17-19-21-22 TYPEWRITERS--We have some good second-band typewriters for anle very cheap. JEWETT TYPEWRITER 22 255 The Arcade. NEW and 2d-hand DYNAMOS and MOTORS: we build and repair them.

Electric Repair Construction 40 Sheriff st. APPLY Satin-Skin Cream. then use SallnSkin Powder. note satin texture, refined, exquisite softness bestowed. 250.

FURNACE; second hand; good heater. 148 C'ommonwealth. 19 TITO Il. P. gasoline engines.

62 Walnut street. 19 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. Ten cents per line each insertion. price for ladies' and gents' cast off clothing. Henrick's, 697 St.

Clair st. 19 LOST AND FOUND. Ten cents per line each insertion. LOST -LADY'S jet chatelaine bag. silver mounted.

between Hastings av. and St. Paul's church. E. Closeland, Sunday Avg.

17. Finder will be rewarded if returned 10 110 Quelid or 46 Hastings E. Clevelaud. 19. LOST--Sunday morning on Painesville car or south side of Square small gold, open faced Swiss watch.

Call up Donu, 14 $7 reward. 19 COST or Shaker boulevard Sunday colored bead chatelaine containing head purse and money. Retaru to 2020 Euchd and receive reward. 19 LOST--Gold open face watch, attached to black silk fob with initials W. R.

S. thereou. Address W. B. 1620 WilliamSoIl.

23 OVERCOAT -Light overcoat: Euclid Lakeview; reward. Return 650 Prospect el. 19 with laundry check. cor. Duelld and Madison; reward.

K. Ryan, 1737 Euclid. 19 SUNDAY I found a money purse on Shaker Heights. John Baldwin, Berea. 0.

19 HIGIIEST cash price for old gold -and J. H. Helman, Jeweier, 144 Euclid av. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Ten cents per line each Insertion.

FOR SALE OR TRADE--An established manufacturing plant; will sell or trade for good Cleveland real estate. Owner wishes to retire from actiro business. CIIAS. E. P'EGLER.

Cor. Pearl and Franklin. 24 KENNELS. Ten cents per line each insertion. Staniforth's dog, cat hospital, boarding kennels, 684 Central; does, cats treated, bonrdled; medicines sold; calls wade anywhere.

Ten cents per each insertion. Mayfield Heights. Beautiful homes for sale on payments; beavy shade and all street Telepbones, Main 3002, M. 13; residence Doan 207 D. M.

BROWN, Owner, 523 Gardeld bldg. BEAUTIFUL country home in WIlloughby, 8-room cottage and good stable; inc shady lot. 110 feet front and 270 feet deep: plenty of good fruit; this property is worth $5.500 and can he bought for only $4,250 during the next 30 days; call and see about this it you something cheap and good. IT. S.

JOINS, No. 414 Cuyaboga 31 Cleveland, 0. $2,000 to $3.000 homes with all modern improvements can be bad oll monthly payments on our OLIVEWOOD In the best section of Lakewood. 'TIE HAMBY REALTY Superior st. 19 CHOICE vacant lot on Euclid avenue, clear of encumbrance, $75 per foot.

WIll pay cash diderence for. productire properts. 0. C. RINGLE 401-5 Society for Sarings.

$3 200.00 WILL buy an elegant house on Cook Lakewood: stone porch: hardwood finish: polished oak doors, furnace. bath and all improvements; this house must be sold and is a great bargain. C. A. Cook, 239 Cook or 246 The Arcade.

BEAUTIFUL 7-room house: most desirable location in Bedford: well and cistern water and cloctric lights in house; electric cars; tine shade: elegant surroundings; special bargain. R. D. Updogratt, 132 Society for Savings; 'phone Cuy. 480.

19 FOR SALE feet on Winchester av. at a sacrifice; also 40 feet on Halsted: small down payment and cheap: 3 lots on Colgate. want an offer. W. D.

Butler, 43 Public square. 19 $4,000.00: eight-room house on Oak Park, In first-class shape: modern, with all 111- provements: lot 00 with forty fruit trees. HAMBY REALTY (0., 345 5 Superior street. 23 HELEN 204-Small house, arranged for two families: a bargala: ensy terms; key at 198 Helen st. Inquire 382 Prospect; Bell.

North 768. Cur. A 208. ELSINOR 115-Seven-room modern house, with all Improvements: monthly payments. HAMBY REALTY 245 Superior st.

43 CHURCHILL 8-room house, oak Anish: every 11 bargain. Box 68-L. Plain Dealer. 19 FOR SALE -Lot with 2 houses. Edwards aT.

Inquire W. I. King. 360 Kennard. 24 RIDGE 69-ITouse and lot, cor.

Dudlev st. 19 FOR SALE--FARMS. Ten cents per line each Insertiop. FOR SALE Place, 15 acres, 30 mlles from city: good bullings: abundant fruit: no I. A.

Dinis, 40 Walnut st. 19 WANTED--REAL ESTATE. Ton cents per line each WANTED TO BUT-House and lot or vacant lot; will trade good dividend payIng stocks. Leader 312 Gardeld bldg. MONEY TO LOAN.

Ten cents per line each insertion. MONEY TO LOAN Large and small amounts; private funds. O. C. Ringle 401-5 Society for Sarings.

MORTGAGE LOANS promptly made on 110- proved Cleveland real estate. The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. P. M. BARNARD.

605 Williamson. REAL estate loans made promptly on sat1sfactory terms. The Ohio Mutual Savings Loan Society for Savings. MORTGAGE loans on real estate at 5 and 6 per satisfactory terms! long time. S.

Ulmer. 627-628 Williamson bldg. I HAVE and 5 per cent. money to lonn. R.

M. BORROWS, 908 Superior st. North 385. C. 1732.

LOANS in gums orer $500, with approved security. J. IT. Smith, 1206 Williamson. 20 LOANS on real estate witnout delay: mortbought.

503 Amer. Trust bldg. MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. Ten cents per line each Insertion. You Need Money? We Lend Money On Furniture, Eto.

Our Plan WIll Please You-Low Rate, Liberal Rebate -Sick Beneft. Charge No Advance. Talk: Conadential. Century Building. Room 504.

197 Superior Street. Over English Woolen Mills CHAS. F. ST. JOHN Manager.

Phones -Bell, M. 2010 J. A. 337. BeforeBorrowing Money ON PIANOS.

Call on. write or phone us. We CAN save TOu money. loan money as low as 1 per withont romoral of goods and to Ault your convenience. FORDST CITY CHATTEL LOAN 322 and 323 Society for Savings Bldg.

Established 1850. Incorporated. Home Seourity Co. 90 NUCLID AVE. (up stairs.) Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches.

Jewelry, etc. Lustness Confidential. THE Economy Balling Loan Blackstone Seneca $50 for 12 months, 12 payments of $5.41 on chattels: other amounts In proportion. THE Collateral Loan loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry, lowest rates: try us. 143 Euclid room 406.

LOANS--On chattels at 1 p. C. Buckeye Loan 47 Bolivar. Tel. 1508: C.

378. MONEY TO LOAN -SALARIES. cents per line each insertion. Do You Need Money? We advance money on tne ensy payment plan to male and female choloyes, holding responsible position. for about ONE-HALE the rates charged elsewhere.

We also buy Accounts. Rents, Annuities, Incomes. Notes and all good coonritien. Business conddential. No preliminary charges.

Office bourg 8 a. m. "John Mulholland. 712-13 Cuyahoga Bldg. Borrow Money Where You Can Have Square Dealing," Get O'1r terms and save disappolutments.

Confidential Credit Co. Itoom 412. Cuyaboga Bldg. Room 412. loaned salaried people, retall merchants, teamsters, boarding houses: no security; casy payments; largest business 43 principal cities.

Tolman, 1214 New England. NOTICE TO BORROWERS. Money advanced on salaries; lowest rates In city: business strictly conddential. OHIO SALARY. LOAN 448 Arcade.

ENTERPRISE SALARY LOAN 1115 New England rates and payments easy: call on 11S; It will pay you. NOTICE. Ten 'cents per line each Insertion. A New York. Is FOR HEIRS.

searching for Mrs. Mary McQuade Quinlan or Ellen McQuade. supposed to rosided in or near Cleveland, to clalin their interest in some property. Any person knowing either party or their heirs will be the means of benetting them by sending the address to Bennett, 145 Hewes Brooklyn. New York.

19 DR. LOUTH removed to 48 Public-sq. (South side of the square.) REAL ESTATE. 1 Ten cents per line each insertion. The Banner Street, Belle Avenue, Lakewood' About 40 elegant houses with all modern Improvements, built on this street within the last -two rears.

Two more just. completed and ready for occupancy. Terms reasonable. Take Detroit st. car to Bello avenue.

1 The Lakewood Realty Co. 246 'The Arcade. $1.00 Per Week $1.00 Choice lots in best sections of city; Euclid aT. and Detroit st. car lines.

$225 to $500 Money furnished to build. THE HAMBY REALTY COMPANY, 19 345 Superior st. FOR SALE Al vacant lots In Go No Further Allotment by me from E. W. Moore on Detroit, Fruitland and and Highland all Improvements in and paid for; title clear and guaranteed; price reduced to bargains.

Call at once W. R. Ryan, Room 201 'The Beckman 23 LOTS on Page and Chapman 40 ft.x 150; East develand: just paved. Lois on Windemere terrace; bead of Knowles 10 ft. x350, Estate of 1 C.

E. Bolton, HARRY GORDON, Agt: Phone Main 3133. 214 Cuyahoga bldg. 30 C. L.

L. R. NEWELL'S Beautiful Lakeland Av ALLOTMENT IN LAKEWOOD. Saburbau homes with all moderu and a perfect SEWER SYSTEM. Take Detrolt st.

car to Lakeland av. INQUIRE OF L. R. NEWELL ON ALLOTMENT. or C.



T. McCONNELL, 14 EUCLID AV. 20 FOR SALE CHEAP -Double house, large lot, between Crawford and Marcy, $3.200. Fine residences, large and small, on following: Enst Prospect. Bolton.

near 1C U- clid. Cedar, near Willson, $6,500: Marcy Studloy. $2.300: Boorsford, $6.000. A. J.

Benes, 268 The Arcade. 20 FOR SALE New. modern 8-room house or nice side street. of Detroit will be sold cheap for cash if sold before Sopt. 1st.

Apply 10 Owner, box 11-lI, Plain 21) FOR SALE or exchange. four-story brick block: can be used for manufacturing purposes or stores and flat; must be sold at once. J. W. SMITH, 1206 Williamson bldg.

19 Hales Ballinger, Architects and engineers, design every. thing but mako a sporialty of factors buildings. 439 The Arcade, 23 FOR ft. Jake front, 20 acres, whole O1 part: grove of large trees: drives to beach; easy torus. Box 27-L, l'laln Dealer.

19-20-23-24 FOR on Hamilton 116 fret front bor 100 feet drop, near group plan. J. I. l'etora, 412 Hannah Canton, 0. 19 IF you want A good investment in down town real estate write at once to J.

11. No. 96 Tough ILY'. 19 BARGAIN-100 ft. on R.

R. and st. infg. dist. 110 Arcade, tel.

1065. LEGAL NOTICES. No. 105 City Hall, until 12 o'clock Sept. 3rd.

1902. for lighting. extinguishing. maintaining and caring for two thousand (2,000) more or less, Incandescent vapor street lamps of fifty (50) candle power: lamps tc be located upon public grounds, streets, lancs, alleys, avenues, wharves and landing places of the city for a period of ouc year from the date of approval of contrad by the )ty. Also for the furnishing.

light. ing, extinguishing and care of such addl tional vapor lights of fifty (50) candle power as tho' city may direct: said lamps to be. come the property ot the city at the end 01 Ono (1) year. P'lans and specifications may be seen and blank proposals can be obtained at the omce of the Chief Engineer, after August 15th, 1902. Each proposal must contain the full' name of the party or parties making the same, and all persons interested therein, and must be accompanied by a certified check for five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, payable to the Director of Public Works on 11 golvent bank In the city, aH surety that if the proposal be accepted a contract will be entered into.

No proposals will ho entertained unless made 011 the blanks furnished by the Chief Englucer and delivered at the No. ofice 105 of City the Hall, Clerk previous to 12 o'clock M. on the of the Board of Control. day The specified. city reserres the right to reject n'Dy or all bids.

CHIAS. P. SALEN, Director of I'ublic Works. Clereland, Aug. 6th, 1902.

6-12-19-26 Legal Notice. Pursunnt to an order of Harold Reming. tou, In bankruptcy in the in inatter Junk- of Olof ruptcy Hoim, in the District Court of the United bankrupt, ponding States for the Nortlern District of gala Ohio, at auction, Eastern at Cleveland, Oblo, nt the south Dirision, I will offer for door of the old Court House of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, ou the 22nd 10 day o'clock of a. August, A. the following 1002.

beginning described land, to wit: Sitat unted in the City of Cioveland, known County of being Carahoga, all of sub-lot No. 11. and the south State of Olio, and 30 vision feet of of a part of original Brooklyn Townsub-lot 10 In C. M. Mix'8 sub-411ship plat lot No.

recorded in Vol. 18, page 20 of Cuy8, now in said city, as shown by County records of Maps and Plats. aboga Appraised at terms of sAle, cash. FRANK HIGLEY, Trustee 1p Baukruptcy. Incandescent Vapor Lighting.

Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Control, 11 29-au5-12-19 Notice of Appointment. The State of of J. Oblo, Oliver Cuyahoga Littlejohn: County, The assignment undersigned has been duly appointed as Assignee in trust, for Little- the of qualified the creditors of Oliver benett persons Indebted to snid 084 john. All will make immediate payment, and signor will present theiraclalins, accordcreditora. law, duly authenticated, to the uning to for allowance.

Dated this 4th day of ROBERT Auguat, S. A. PARKS, D. 1903. Assignee.

5-12-19 Administratrix's Notice, The undersigned has been administratrix duly with appoluted the and annexed on the estate of Eliza llewitt, will of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Oblo, lute deceased. FLORENCE F. HEWITT. 5-12-19 979 Cedar Cleveland, 0. Administratrix's Notice.

The undersigned has administratrix been duly on the appolnted exand tute of qualifiod Ellen Jordan. late of Cleveland, as 6-12-19. (urahoga County, KATHERINE A. JORDAN. Ohio, deceased.

Administrator's Notice. The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as administrator on Cleveland, the Cuya- estate of William Climo, late of boga county, Olio, deceased. EDMUND J. CLIMO. 12-19-26 Executor's Notice.

The undersigned bas been duly appolnted and qualitied as Executor late on of the estate Lakewood of Mr. Hainlet, Gottlieh Cuyaboga county. Ohio, deceased, G. Griese, 5-12-19 FRED G. WALKER.

Exccutrix's Notice. The undersigned has boon duly appointed and qualified as executrix of the last. will and testament of J. J. Clifford, deceased, late of Cuynhoga County, 19-26-802 SIRS.

ELLEN CLIFFORD. Administratrix's Notice. The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as admihistratrix of the 08- tate of Maria F. Torrey, late of Cleveland, Caraboga County, Ohio, deceased. 19-26-se2, JULIA M.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.