👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (2025)


Banner: SheyCroix


👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (1)


 "That last semester of Uni sure was hard. I can't believe we managed to graduate. Cheers!" An example of blissful ignorance caused by the false relief felt after the stressful last semester before graduation.

 You and your friends are happy to get a brief break before having to start adulting, but being so disjointed from reality none of you paid attention to the calendar. Alas, a wonderfully expected festive day is near you. That is, Halloween. 🎃

 After your get-together at that popular maid café, you and your friends decide to walk it all off a bit. That's when you notice the decorations around and the kids dressed up. In your feel-good stupor, you guys decide to go to a conveniently placed nearby store to buy sweets... but of course, all of you end up buying big bags of different candies! And the store just closed on your backs so you can't return a thing. All of you decide to go to the friend's house that's nearest.

 Once at your friend's house, you guys decide to play one of the group's favorite game: T*wer Sta*k: Halloween Edition. One of your friends said that "we might as well use all this candy for it"... and no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (2)

  • The idea of this challenge is to stack as much candy as allowed per received basket, while aiming to fill all of your received baskets.
  • HOW-TO:
  • Each player receives ten (10) baskets (in total).
     — You may see a basket as an empty block to fill with items.
     — You DO NOT NEED to complete all ten (10). You may do as few or as many as you want.
     — Every basket completed will award its own points.
  • Each basket holds five (5) candies, with the restriction that each one must be a different type of candy.
     — This means that for each empty block, you can only have five (5) items AND each one needs to be from a different category.
     — All items (candies) can only be used once across your entire challenge attempt.
  • Each basket needs to be completed in order.
     — You will have to complete all five items from the first basket (block one) before you complete any items for the second basket (block two).
  • The "Special Candy" has items you can use to replace any other candy to help fill your basket.
     — There are two (2) of these in total. You can only use one (1) in baskets one through five (1-5) and one (1) in baskets six through ten (6-10).
     — You do not have to use them in order.
     — Using these special items is not required.
  • There are ten (10) categories, with each one holding five (5) items per. In total, there are 50 items you can complete.
     — Do not complain to us that there's a lot to do. It's up to you how many you do. Not us.
     — Each set of items (basket) will reward you with points.
  • You may turn-in once you have completed all the baskets you wanted to do, but you can only turn-in once.
     — Make sure to turn-in once you are completely sure that you are done.
     — You won't receive a second chance to turn-in nor continue working on your challenge.

👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (3)


  • Sign-Ups for this challenge will start on October 01.
     — Participants may join at any time, but the challenge will end on December 15, 11:59PM (UTC-3).
  • Previously completed series aren't allowed. Neither is re-watching.
     — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
     — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.
  • Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
     — At least ONE of the series in each basket must have:
      • 10 episodes or more (of any duration) or
      • 4 episodes or more (20 minutes or more per episode)
  • Your challenge "Starting Date" is the start of the challenge period (same for everyone).
     — If you join late but have completed anime during this period, you can use them.
     — If you are using previously started series, add a mark to know which ones they are.
     — Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.
  • You cannot use the same series NOR item more than once.
     — You need to finish one basket before you move to the next one.

👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (4)

If you do not have it from previous years, request the Halloween role on our AWCC discord.

After posting your sign up form

, go to the #roles-claiming-area channel and post the following with the link to your post:

**@SheyCroix Trick or Treat! :jack_o_lantern: post: <LINK>**

Any question, please use the event channel on discord or just mention @Jeon or @SheyCroix on this thread.

Suggested by Jeon; Collaborator: SheyCroix

👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (5)

Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge

👻 Trick-or-Treat 2024 Challenge (OPEN UNTIL DEC 15) (2025)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.