The Louisiana Press-Journal from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)

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Vcjxs Nev has been sent to Silt Lake I by action ot the legislature in Its re City Utah tor Are weeks' traintn (cent special session appropriating ad tl ere He writes he likes army lift) ditlcnal state Junds for old age assist very muck and is well and gaining in lance Checks issued Dec 1 were made I'hc Press Journal Louisiana Missouri RIDAY DECEMBER 11 1942 CLARKSVILLE Clarksville Dec The Red Cross fcaing room was well attended Monday afernoon but there is room for many weight Eugene Kelly son of Mr and Mrs Ben Kelly Is at Murphy ield near Palm Bench li in the radio school He says they don't need any fire down there Inin White of Oklahoma City died suddenly Wednesday Det 2nd He leaves a wife Beulah Thorp White I cut tor the full amount due cath recip ient on the basis of his established need The fivc mnictcr State Ssiial Securi ty Commls ion fixed the and pay able" date as Nov 30 the date on which Governor orrest Donnell signed the appropriation bill All those originally eligible for November grants CHRISTMAS SEALS (jj' Jjf more and help Is badly needed to fin ish the quota by Dec 15th Mrs Car roll wishes all parties making hospital supplies at home would bring them In as soon as possible to go out by the 15tll The surgical dressing room will be opened Wednesdays from 1 to Sp and Thursday 1 to 4 These dressings now being made are sent di rect to the battle field and they too are badly needed and sill help to save many cf our lives Think what they are doing for us and give as much of your tlmolas you can to help them Hrere was a large attendance Wednes day afternoon Wm Kary of St Louis was a guest of Robert Irvine from riday till Sun day Mr and Mrs Ralph Norton are the parents of a baby girl bom Tuesday night in the Pike County hospital She weighs eight pounds and has been named Joyce Ann Ralph was working in St Louis and when he heard the news he hopped the first bus and came up' Ho returned to the city Thursday night Mr and Mrs Bill Black of erguson are guests of Mr and Mrs Willard Black Staff Serg Jack Bryant cf ort Kncx Ky came home Sunday for a three furlough His sister Miss Anna Elizabeth who is working in St Louis came up with him Air and Mrs WUlie Beauchamp entertained Mr and Mrs Eddie Bryant and Jack and Miss Ann Elizabeth at dinner Monday and Tuesday evening a party for his friends was given at his home Guests were Mr and Mrs Claiborne Gillum Miss Edeen Bcuyea Jesse and Dorothy Simpson Miss Mona Jean Gorg Bryant Mackey and Ruth Omohundro Wednesday was hog killing day at the Bryant home and Jesse Omohundro Jesse Simpson Mr and Mrs Willie Beauchamp Mr and Mrs Devoid Mit chell and children and Will Witten of Vera were dinner guests Mrs A Smith afid young son were dismissed from the Pike hos pital and returned home recently and a son Edmond and daughter Dorothy was bcm near Clarks ville Cot 18 1889 He is a brother ot Mrs Ben Kelly He left here 35 'years ago and has lived in Oklahoma every 'since To Be ('ailed Tin? Month The following colored selectees will be called for examination in December: William Henry Harrison McCormick Louisiana George Roucky Webb Louisiana Cecil ount Elder Curryville Rudolph Levells Clarksville James Orville Dorsey Clarksville George Perkins Clarksville Opal Glenwood Kennedy Bowling Green Sherman Carter Louisiana Virgil Ray Dale Bowling Green LeRoy McPike Curryville Leonard Crowder Louisiana Charles Lorn Esrom Parsons New Hartford I ArUianiel Bryant rankford Kermit Parsons New Hartford CLARKSVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning sendees at 11 o'clock Sub ject of sermon will be Upward DECIE TURNER JR Ministerial Student OLD ACE CHECKS TO and on the rolls Nov 30 will receive supplemental payments A' 30 percent reducation in grants' had been In effect since July 1911 when it was determined that the reg ular biennial appropriation was insuf ficient to carry through the remaining eighteen months on the full payment basis' In addition recipients whose grants were not reduced because they are invalids and require nursing care a number of those who received the re duced payment on Nov 1 were not on the rolls on Nov 30 and will not re ceive the supplemental payment This Includes 640 persons who died during the month RANKORD Death of 1 rank Joseph Pimpel son of George and Matilda Pimpel was born In rankford eb 0 1863 and passed away in Pike County hospital Louis iana December 4 1942 at the age of 79 years 9 months and 25 days He had been ill for several months Ho united with the rankford Christian Church many years ago In November 1839 he was united in mar riage to Miss Margaret LeMaire Bur roughs To this union one child was born but it died in infancy He is the last of a family ot three sisters and two brothers that have pre ceded him in death He leaves to mourn his passing his aged wife three I Kinsey and erd ields The body was laid to rest in airview cemetery rankford Segt Raymond Allen and wife of Camp Rucker Ala visited his par ents Mr and Mrs Asa Allen of here over the week end Mr and Mrs Cecil Havenscraft and son Cecil Albert Mr and Mrs Virgil Havenscraft of 'Monroe City and Air and Mrs Gerry Keek of Quincy III were guests Sunday cf Mr and Nirs Havenscraft and family of here BLJIALO MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs ry and Airs Russell Hunter were hostesses to an all day meeting of the Buffalo Missionary So ciety held yearly to read the study book Dec 10 Mrs Geo Holland gave the reading assisted by Mrs John Carroll and Mrs Blackmore Ti tle of the book This It told of different countries in South America their customs and their reli gion At the noon hour were were invited into the dining room where a covered dish luncheon was served the table looked beautiful with a bountiful sup ply of every thing good to eat to which we all did justice At one o'clock the president Nirs Elmer Pitzer call 01 1 I TE NEXT I EK Jefferson City Dec Old age assistance checks ranging in amount nephews and one niece and a host of friends uneral services were held from the from 75 cents to $9 representing 30 rankford Christian church Sunday per cent of the full amount due each afternon at 2 o'clock by Rev John xclplent fet will be mailed out1 by the State Social Security Com mission late next week it was an nounced today by Administrator Parke Banta The cheeks are expected to teach the recipients by Dec 21 Golden A quartet composed of Mrs Hutcherson Mrs Von Cash Ed Kurz and Latimer sang Will Take Care of You" Lover of My Rug ged Miss Maxine outes was Approximately 110030 men and wom en 65 years old and over will receive at the piano Casket bearers were John Stambougli Waddell Dave The isiaro Wav igaro Sugar Cure The quirk cay and complete cure for meats rentaining all ingredi ents necessary to produce a mild futrar cure Packed in JO lb cans igaro Sausage Seasoning igaro Condensed Smoke Wooten Son supplemental payments made possible iDeavers Bert Caverly and Charley Mrs Homer LiRue was hostess to the Monday night bridze club Mm I Brown won first prize and Mrs I Melvin Mackey won second prize Mrs George Welts entertainedthe Tuesday bridge club There were three of two were club mem bers and one of guests who were Mrs Melvin Mackey Mrs Homer LaRue Mrs Claiborne Gillum and Mrs Sami Buchanan Mrs Mackey won the I club prize and Mrs Claiborne Gillum the guest prize I Mre Claiborne GiUum accompanied 1 Mrs Bill Black to her home Thursday i to spend the week end and Jimmy Gil lum visited Mr and Mrs Tom Parker Mrs Troy Hendrix and baby were dismissed from the Pike County hos pital Monday and are at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Jurries Mrs Robert Mackey was in St Louis Tuesday Er and Mrs Bartlett were in Quincy Tueday as guests cf Mr and Mrs Carr Bartlett Mrs Kenneth Morrow and baby are home from the Pika County hospital Homer Srerne had his tonsils re moved at Blessing hoqiital Quincy the first cf the week The Clarksville Club met Wednesday evening at the Esquire and had a turkey supper There were 25 'present Er Hamilton president was In charge David Hill was guest speak er He discussed the various war plants I he had visited in Missouri He gave an estimate of the number to be em ployed at MOW at between 400 to 600 and three fourths of the number are already hired Monday Dec 7 gas Bond Day and 88100 worth of bonds were bought by the employes i Mrs Ruth Bibb of Elsberry a sister ol the late Sam Patton died Mon day and the funeral services were held in Elsberry Wednesday afternoon and she was buried in Greenwood cemetery at Clarksville Mr and Mrs Shaw Edwards enter tained friends with an informal party Saturday night Guests were Mr and Mrs Alonzo OShea Mr and Mrs Newt Painter Mr and Mrs Raymond Henley Mr and Mrs Omohundro Mr and Mrs Homer Lewis Steele Mr and Mrs A Johnston and Bill Me Cue Mr and Mrs Claiborne Gillum are the parents of a daughter bom Tues day night at St Elizabeth hospital in Hannibal Mr and Mrs Dodge were Han 1 ibel visit or 'Wednesday' Stone who lias been with the Provisional Air Squadron it Pt Tyn dall la lias been translerred to Sait Lake City Utah for a six weeks' train ing Scrg Charles Pledge who has completed training in gunnery at las ear A Executors SALE of the Clara Oldfield Estate TUESDAY December 15 1942 2 miles south of the Stark Bros Nursery BEGINNING AT 1:00 JI Household Goods arm Ma chinery Tools Grain Hay Cattle Hogs and Work Tools TERMS CASH Clarence Wahl Rule Executors BLACKMORE Auctioneer HALEY Clerk I cd the meeting to order for our regu lar monthly meeting by all of Mrs John Carroll read the names of the misdonarics for the day after which ws had prayer followed by the Lord's prayer end the song irm a ounda Query Corner was conducted by Mrs Elmer Pitzer Our subjects this month the oreign Iran Eyriu and Mesopotamia On the Na tional ield Pioneer Missions Mrs Howard Pitzer gave the secretary's re port Ten members answered roll cal! with a Christinis quotation after which was sung ill uni son After the regular meeting we finished our study book which we all thought was very interesting Meeting was dismissed by prayer Welcome vis itors were Mrs Marshall Culwel! and children Louise and Earl Benton We decided to serve lunch at the Oldfield sale Tuesday Dec 15 Our next meeting will be Jan 7 1943 The hostesses Mrs John Blackwell Mrs Ray Carroll and Mrs Joe Butts REPORTER IRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Music over Amplified Cnirnes at 9:15 a One oundation Is Jesus Christ Her in memory cf Mr Abe Vogel whose gift purchased the "Amplified Army Navy Marines Air Corps etc songs in honor of our boys in the service "Have Thine 'Own Way in honor of all our members and friends who by their gifts and interest have made possible the rcdccoration and im provement in our church and sanc tuary Presiderl Roosevelt 13 i or CT books must LTUIOi SOS UiHAClSllr Oscar Ulrich Curryville Antic son Eolia A Robertson rankford A Eland Gazette A Parsons Gyrene: Philip Schaper Bowling Green Marvin Olcnhaiuen New Hr KAVR YOt'H AUTO INSPECTED NOW Between now and Jan 31st vju'er the new mileage rattening' programs which the government' has set up for the conservation of lubber by the ra tioning of gasoline it Trill L' necessary that passenger car ba inspected by an authorized OA inspector Then beginning eb 1 1942 c'l holders of basic or mlteag? books must bo inspected every four months with inspections at least 69 days apart ah noiuers ci is be inspected every two months with in spections at least 30 clsys apart Beginning Nov 15th all uwnnierciri vehicles must be inspected every 60 ATIRST Mt 666 TABLLT5 5AIVE KOSt DROPS Bible Sunday 5 'T am I WlGrth HIAnh Irt th' VCJMUVA MHW mg Itupxj lei days or each 5000 miles whichever ot set'ing of De 13 as Un'verzal curs sooner Iibli Sunday" writes President In order to serve the 4005 passenger 'n Roiscvelt to the Amerliair Bible cars and the 875 trucks in Piko cmmty Society his annual endcsenwnt with the least inconvenience possible 'this nbsrmre which Is sponsored by to til" owners the Rationing Board has the Bbl and will be ic appointed 16 official inspectors in liie'b ated in tens cf thourands of county as follows: Abel Bros LouM tlircugbmil the country ana Milton Duvall Clarksville Mutt'days of crisis hove brought strain and Jeff Louisiana Claud? Sliaon Bowl languish io American homes but Hay ing Green Hirl Staley Dowllrg Green v0 ferroght oho a quick nr I sense cf the strength which religion alone can give to our people' crisis cf world today is a mewl cri'is' The essential war is 'a war of vrlnnz and the stake for which mankind is contending is the right to' be free Christian conception ot man created in the image ef God that tradition ci human fredom dig nlty which over centuries has gradually chioved democracy as its regular exoreUcn challenged teday by the conception cf man created in tae imege of the beasts of the field Wa are defending hwaamy ilrst ford Hurley Thompson Cboar eiifiy La Liat'a Itei Lentrv Green Homy ItTOsber I rtiiMMia Tiiee? Lasp cfors hae all taken qtipjlatel by the go eni have icred and uen sworn santhorized government inpectorj and are suppl' 'dVritli man uls' tc'l the motorist just wlrit the regulations are in connertioi with tire inzyecUons Sunday' school 9:45 a We invito you to be present for this first part of the day's program Morning worship 10:45 Organ prelude Jimmy Lloyd Duncan organist We Who Loic the Lord" Invocation i choral Patri" Hymn "I Love Thy Kingdom I Prayer cf Thanksgiving Communion meditation cf Christ's ove" John 13:1 I Communion Love ThatVill Not Let Mo Communion ot the Lord's supxr Statement concerning the offering Offertory and offering by Guion Scripture lesson Special music ormal dedication: i Scripture selections responsive read ing Hymn Holy Holy Lord GodAlmighty" I Statement concerning to for Sunday School Boys and Girls" "Scrv ike anJ "Honor Roll" I Prayer of dedication I Doxolcgy "Praise God from'1 Whom I All Blessings low" I Invitation hymn at My Door Is Benediction There i iruneruLus for a elesn wholescme and rdusaiional jet enrer'iinrna toy'r publication Hr 30 earn the toy Sours of America Las pvb hstird llOi'S' LIE Il's die iucaritic roa wdl be glad to give your soil Only a year 1 fend your order tor BOVS' UH No 1 Pork As 7 Vock Or to your new rpap oftice or local aint 1 frknJ's A SOf' olH A TEXAS W0ND3B si's email? and calculated brua! iliza non fighting to make tae future sate fur uicencyafcd brother hcod than any single work the is the repository of the moral pcd religious "cachings of our westernrarlitlmi It is a look rct for a day cr a week but far In the gid mo al crisit ancient Israel th?" ftalch cried cut what jwalu upon the Loid shall renew th'eir they shall mcurt up with I wings as eagles they sbnil run an not it? we ry and they snail walk and not faint' "In that spirit we sli fortify mt isouls for the uncertainties if fu ture that spirit sustaining I''e shall not' falter and we shall rot I fail" EPISCOPAL CRGRCIl Holy ronurtuukrn 8 a Sunfay school R15 Morning nrayirhnd scnnaiu'llOO Grace Sunfay srebol 9: 45 a nu Evuin? yrsysr encl seiinon Eible cJxxs Monday 2 DAVID COOMES A mild diuretic affording symptoma tic relief in cnses of swollen Joints nt1 nalns in the back of both men a 'd women One small bottle is a supply or more Sold by druggists cr bv mail $125 per bottle Hall Co 3679 Olive St St Mo iadv Mr end Mrs Zrch Hail' were in iIn j' Christmas shopping Sitrniay Uncle Charlie Borrowman of Ncba GLNEIIAI this LOUISIANA MO Mr the Trices Reasonable satisfaction Guaranteed hip was brought oinc is feeling fairly well Kendall daughter of II vV Kendall became ire Lifr Hospitalization Plate Glass Iiiibt itv Compensation IfiiiU Save uver 40 per cent on yoaf car insurance PITNEY Insurance PHONE NO 5 PHONE 1021 Blackmore AUCTIONEER Organ response Postlude Christian Endeavor 6:30 in Evening worship sciwic? 7:30 o'clock Day organ prelude processional invoca tion Mrs Shannon Halliday i organist I Duo Christmas i i Miss Marilyn Marsh and Jimmy Lloyd Duncan Scripture oliering hymn Organ Jimmy Lloyd Dunian Mrs Dawson and Rev Daw son Mrs Clai'K Buckner Hymn IWludc Members and friends invited to be present for all rm vices Sunday Dec 20 the Young People's Choir will present a Christmas Can tata' Everyone invited Time 7:30 ni Stlnday evening Dec 27th our' stu dent for the ministry Miss Ellen Jane Davis will deliver tlie message "Peace on Miss Davis It attending Drury College ol the at Spring field Mo and will be home for the Christmas vacation Christmas vc program for the Sun 1 bought the Millard Rosa property Upland has moved to town' to Jive on ac (count of poor health I Mr and Mrs Will Brinkley of Qul' cy ar 1 Arthur Dodd and fai ily were the of Lloyd urh man and family Sunday i Milt Lee passed away nt 5:30 at his home 3 miles west of here Tucs tday of a heart atiaric Aunt Mary Hieton who has been ii the hospital In Pltteili Id with a fractured 6 week anti Miiudlo and Mrs bride of Warren Bi'uy tn St' Louis Sunday Rev Klnes Baptist nilnit tor officiated were Mr iOt'd Mrs Miller brother in 1 rv and rlster of Hie bride Mr Baley I the ton of Mr Baley cf St Joseph The groun wmks at the Curtbs Wrlgbt AircraR factory In St Louis The bride store a blue velvet dress with hat mat 'slippers to match and red rose buds were pinner at her shoulder Mrs Miller wore rose anil brown ord wore pink rosebuds Mr Bales' and his bride will1 live INSURANCE Accieent Annuity Burrlarv Windstorm Real Estate day school DAWSON Pastor X'CITK No hunting or trespassing day or night on our fauns Signed: JOHNSON I JOHNSON JOHNSON NO! ICE No hunting on my place day or night with or without dou 9 29 tf ARCH HUORD no i ici: No hunting or trespassing of any kind on the land owned or operated by me LICE SCO1T 7 10 3mp I Huy War Bonds ami Stiuius rHTtSEVE'tAS't IOnCH 1 NO A A f' I ii'is' ina fix Meets t't and 3 1 oeilay AISIfORS WELCOME 12 19 tf 8 Telephone 675 Nelson Tucker 'j Ashce Household Rub I' bish and Gfiibage Re moved I 210 Cnlpepper St Lcatslana Mol 5 Pt 5831 Cutes St St louts The bride to a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs itzpatrick of KOCKIlOl HAS COMPLETED AN'rTltr'l WW'ON 'theodore I'ritz Matn street rcksmith This week completed a low wheel alter type low wheel Mini wa gon for A VZ Lu'te of Clarksville iWrth the exceptions of the hubs and butts of spokes rf aa old "high w'av isrm ugon ne aniii rne new iagoi complete tlic bed am rumirg'ge The wluteb cf this wagon have truck tire wMch installed iron lims Mr Kritz liras more orders fCr the popular fanVwagons tmU'Le ean fill" He has trouble 11: 1 malt rial Ho Is an excewut workman and the wagon die turns out 4re Al.

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The Louisiana Press-Journal from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.